- ENHANCEMENT: Added a toolbar button to switch quickly between light and dark themes
- FIX: Fix popover width scaling when
attribute is set - FIX: Support older Firefox versions when creating popovers
- FIX: Repeated titles in Wikivoyage ZIMs made from the mobile-html API
- FIX: Dark/light theme is now applied correctly to popovers as soon as the theme is switched
- DEV: Developer directories are no longer shown in the download library
- DEV: Correction of errors in Draft Release script and better feedback in workflow
- ENHANCEMENT: App now prompts user to switch to OPFS on Android and Firefox Desktop
- ENHANCEMENT: App now uses OPFS Persistent Storage on Firefox for greatly increased Storage quota
- ENHANCEMENT: Add option in Configuration to disable accidental reload protection
- ENHANCEMENT: Disabled reload protection if app has persistent access to storage via FSA API
- ENHANCEMENT: Prominent "Download now" button in library if OPFS is enabled
- ENHANCEMENT: Better styling for popovers in dark mode
- INFO: If main Kiwix download server is inaccessible, app now provides a list of mirrors
- FIX: Popovers now take into account the zoom factor on latest browsers with new support for
- FIX: PWA can now update without user having to exit the app (with user gesture or automatically in Electron)
- FIX: If user hasn't dismissed the splashscreen then it is shown again after a refresh
- FIX: When printing, the zoom level of the article is temporarily reset for more predictable results
- FIX: Handle navigation correctly in new DevDoc ZIMs
- REGRESSION: Search now takes into account any article zoom level
- REGRESSION: Fix build of Win7 32bit app with wrong Electron version and block autoupdate
- DEV: Reset options are now in separate module to avoid circular dependencies
- ENHANCEMENT: Prevent accidental app reload if an archive is loaded
- FIX: Failure to display Wikimedia URLs ending in a question mark
- FIX: Failure to display articles from links clicked in popovers
- FIX: Remove title description from popovers in new Wikimedia ZIMs
- FIX: Remove unused scripts from Wikimedia ZIMs scraped with mobile-html API
- BUILD: Switched to new eSigner code-signing certificate
- BUILD: Disabled signing of nightly binaries due to cost
- INFO: Added info in release templates regarding SmartScreen popups on Windows
- INFO: Added info to README regarding the fact that nightly builds are unsigned
- DEV: Update Express server and dependencies
- ENHANCEMENT: Faster and more reliable initiation of image lazy loading in Wikimedia ZIMs
- REGRESSION: Fixed failure to return to Home page or display random pages in dynamic ZIMs
- REGRESSION: Fixed misdirection of article to non-existent container in Zimit ZIMs
- UPDATE: Adjust style processing to handle ZIMs scraped from new mobile html endpoint
- UPDATE: Ensure transformation to desktop style is working with mobile html endpoint
- UPDATE: Title tip info about Origin Private File System
- UPDATE: Wikivoyage release template
- FIX: Incorrect processing of empty link as external
- FIX: Avoid redundant transformation of ZIM style mobile to mobile or desktop to desktop
- FIX: Fatal CORS error with extrernal links & custom protocols cuased by
in new Wikimedia ZIMs - FIX: Remove incompatible webPHandler in Wikimedia ZIMs (we supplo our own)
- FIX: Race conditions which prevented unhiding of article window with slow browsers and some new windows/tabs
- FIX: Detection of correct window or tab when user clicks on an unmanaged ZIM hyperlink
- FIX: Critical error on startup of Electron app if Express port is already in use
- FIX: Incorrect close popover icon colour
- FIX: Stutter effect when invoking popover
- FIX: UWP positioning of popovers
- FIX: Restore erroneously deleted WikiMed file
- FIX: Erroneous divOffsetHeight calculation in Electron apps
- FIX: Horizontal line cutting into infoboxes with locally cached Wikipedia styles
- FIX: Horizontal line cutting into some images with locally cached Wikipedia styles
- FIX: Handling of custom protocols and URI schemata in ServiceWorker mode
- FIX: Ensure popover is always at top of z-index
- FIX: Issues selecting and remembering the UI language in multi-lingual TED ZIMs
- UPDATE: Title tip info about Origin Private File System
- WORKAROUND: Patch rogue HTML entities appearing in dirEntry titles
- FEATURE: Add Wikipedia/Wikivoyage previews when hovering over, tabbing into or long-pressing a ZIM link
- ENHANCEMENT: Support building separate Windows 7 32bit Electron packages
- ENHANCEMENT: Standard NWJS packages (not XP) are now 64bit
- INFO: Windows 7/8/8.1 Electron apps no longer autoupdate, because they will update to a version not supported on Win 7+
- UPDATE: Reworked Wikivoyage custom landing page
- FIX: Popovers now support all dark themes
- FIX: Bug which would reload the current ZIM archive if user accidentally initiated drag-drop
- FIX: No source verification for archives included in package
- FIX: Bug with placement of popovers which didn't take into account the font zoom factor
- FIX: Critical error detecting window.electronAPI on some platforms
- FIX: In the Electron app, do not show GitHub updates if PWA update is needed
- FIX: Bug with synchronization of tri-state checkboxes when unselecting dark themes
- DEV: Avoid incorrect and redundant uploads to Kiwix download server
- DEV: Fix build scripts
- DEV: Update publishing templates
- DEPENDENCIES: Bump Electron to 29.3.1 for 64bit builds
- DEPENDENCIES: Bump ejs to 3.1.10
- FEATURE: Add security dialogue on opening a ZIM for the first time in ServiceWorker mode
- UPDATE: Rename JQuery mode to Restricted mode
- DOCUMENTATION: Add information about ZIM security to About
- DOCUMENTATION: Add information about Persistent Permissions to About
- FIX: Cached last page sometimes overwrites new ZIM landing page when switching from Restricted mode
- FIX: Display of open/close marker with h5 and h6 headings in Wikimedia ZIMs
- FIX: Inability to print HTML books in Gutenberg ZIMs
- FIX: Bug which forced all images to manual display in some non-Wikimedia ZIMs in Restricted mode
- FIX: Inability to read stylesheets correctly when accessing some Zimit archives in Restricted mode
- FIX: Go straight to article view on launch if persistent permissions are granted
- FIX: Removed redundant workaround patching the style of thumbinner image containers in MDWiki ZIMs
- FIX: Catch uncaught file verification exception
- FIX: Remove legacy "Scanning for archives" block
- REGRESSION: Fix inability to reload packaged archive in WikiMed and Wikivoyage apps
- WORKAROUND: Fix for HTML URLs with percent-encoded querystring separators in zimit2
- DEPENDENCIES: Bump Vite to v4.5.3
- UPDATE: On Android, full-text search now on by default (but may be too slow to load without OPFS)
- FIX: Broken "unclicking" of config and about buttons and return-to-article link
- FIX: Reduce flash of incorrect style with Zimit-style ZIMs displayed with darkReader
- FIX: Ensure legacy archive warning and other content warnings remain displayed until dismissed
- FIX: (partial) Untransformed relative Zimit2 URLs for browsers that do not support Wombat
- FIX: Issue with Create-DraftRelease script
- FIX: Issue preventing app from detecting new updates on GitHub in some circumstances
- INFO: Mention ARM architecture in in-app user info
- REGRESSION: Fix YouTube video playback with legacy Zimit reading system (SW mode)
- REGRESSION: Incompatibility with IE11 and Edge Mobile that prevented running on WM10
- WORKAROUND: Remove erroneously scraped ovid iframes in MDWiki ZIMs
- DEV: Updates to buid script
- DEV: Deprecate 32bit deb packages for packaged apps
- DEV: Remove jQuery from app.js
- DEPENDENCIES: Bump Electron Builder to v24.13.3
- DEPENDENCIES: Bump Electron Updater to v6.2.1
- FEATURE: Preliminary support for Zimit v2.0 archive types
- FEATURE: Enable use of DarkReader with zimit2 archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Support most Zimit (1/2) archives in jQuery mode if they have largely static content
- ENHANCEMENT: Dark mode tri-state switch now turns on before turning to auto (should be less confusing)
- WORKAROUND: Provide alternative link handling for browsers that do not support wombat.js
- KNOWN ISSUE: DarkReader interferes with CIA World Factbook home page (workaround: switch to light mode)
- KNOWN ISSUE: Video is not currently supported in UWP app with zimit2 archives (due to incompaitibility with wombat.js)
- KNOWN ISSUE: Turning DarkReader on or off may not take effect until the NEXT article is loaded
- BUILD: Support Windows on ARM and Linux on ARM for the Electron app
- FIX: Use of standard dark and invert styles with any archive (but usually DarkReader is best for Zimit)
- FIX: Blank iframe article after opening article in new window or tab
- FIX: Finding path of packaged archive with new Electron app architecture
- FIX: Opening article in new window or tab for non-Zimit archives
- FIX: (partial) Zimit articles only open in new tab even if new window was requested
- FIX: Detection of apps installed from the Microsoft Store
- FIX: Failure of UWP app to reload picked folder automatically on app launch
- FIX: Loading of PDFs and external links in zimit2 archives
- FIX: Add preview link for all archives that can be displayed in library.kiwix.org
- FIX: Failure to re-enable DarkReader after printing
- FIX: (partial) Switching themes no longer attempt to jump back to the article immediately
- REGRESSION: Failure to open new windows in UWP app (desktop)
- DEV: Add a way to detect zimit2 archive types
- DEV: Fix incrementation of Microsoft Store apps at build time
- DEV: Warn instead of throwing if the ZIM
is greater than 2 - DEV: Laumch wingetcreate correctly from PowerShell
- DEPENDENCIES: Electron-builder updated to v24.9.1
- DEPENDENCIES: ViteJS updated to v4.5.2
- UPDATE: Removed sample archive from app package - please download the archive of your choice in-app
- FEATURE: High-fidelity support for Zimit-based archives based on the Replay Web Archive reader
- FEATURE: Experimental dark-theme support for Zimit-based archives using the Replay system and DarkReader
- FEATURE: Legacy methods for reading Zimit ZIMs provided as fallback
- FEATURE: Greatly improved Zimit-archive reading in JQuery mode (static content only)
- FEATURE: The Electron app can now act as a local server for other browsers
- FEATURE: Printing articles from Zimit-based archives supported in PWA (not available in Firefox)
- ENHANCEMENT: Added ability to set the localhost server port in the UI of the Electron app
- ENHANCEMENT: Option to download viewed assets when searching by URL (e.g. C/.*interesting_asset.js)
- INFO: Provide info to user about how to change behaviour of opening external links in tab or window
- FIX: Critical bug that prevented scrolling of search results
- FIX: Critical bug causing a boot loop when the app is in JQuery mode and SW cannot be registered
- FIX: Critical reload loop and video replay in legacy Zimit reading
- FIX: Critical failure to load PDFs in Nautilus ZIMs and Android
- FIX: Pinch-to-zoom now works in the Electron app
- FIX: Remove WordPress link tracker code in some Zimit ZIMs preventing access to ZIM contents
- FIX: Incorrect sizing of article area in UWP app
- FIX: Remove unhandled port in some Zimit redirects, allowing resource to be located in archive
- FIX: Failure to resize Configuration in rare circumstances
- FIX: Accidental disabling of assetsCache when user loads a non-Zimit-based archive
- DEV: Various updates to demos and readme
- DEV: Fix quote detection in rollup build chain
- DEV: Changed favicon from white to black with white border
- DEV: New, more robust, way to wake up and initialize the Service Worker when needed
- DEV: Developer options now provided to use libzim for reading archive contents
- DEV: Updated, standard method for bundling JQuery
- DEPENDENCIES: RollupJS updated to v3.5.0
- DEPENDENCIES: Updated WebpHero to v0.0.2
- DEPENDENCIES: Updated DarkReader to v4.9.73
- DEPENDENCIES: Javascript-libzim updated to v0.6
- FEATURE: Support multiple instances of the PWA or browser tabs/windows with different ZIMs loaded in each
- FEATURE: File handling (opening ZIM from system file explorer) will open each ZIM in its own separate instance
- ENHANCEMENT: On non-scrollable pages, remove navbars with Ctrl/Cmd + UpArrow/DownArrow, long swipe or mousewheel
- ENHANCEMENT: Auto-dismiss (fade out) Zimit and active content warnings on scroll
- ENHANCEMENT: Add indicative colourization to archive list when using OPFS
- ENHANCEMENT: Show a spinner when adding and direct-downloading files to OPFS
- ENHANCEMENT: After failure to import or download to OPFS, delete file stub(s)
- INFO: Inform user that OPFS files are preserved on app reset
- INFO: More informative message about import/download error in Safari
- INFO: Added new demo of OPFS features to Repository documentation
- FIX: Tested and fixed support for new dynamic UI in ZIMs produced by Kolibri scraper
- FIX: When using locally cached CSS, the details/summary tags are restored where missing from ZIM
- FIX: Display of open-close markers for headers is now as expected in mobile css (suppressed in desktop css)
- FIX: Dropdowns for languages and subjects in some download library directories
- FIX: Ensure archive list is displayed on open in browsers supporting the webkitdirectory property
- FIX: Empty archive list when OPFS is deactivated
- FIX: Make sure spinner doesn't block the UI
- FIX: Ensure some HTML and entities do not appear in constructed article titles
- FIX: Don't show spinner on click in cases of anchor or javascript links
- FIX: Cancel OPFS delete if export selected and vice versa
- FIX: Better handling of empty directory entries or empty content
- FIX: Better handling of missing ZIM assets
- FIX: Exception displaying plain text when a dirEntry does not have any HTML content
- FIX: Add some sanity checks to prevent runaway searches
- DEV: App no longer forces the Service Worker to stay alive: instead, SW resumes when needed
- DEV: Name of repository changed to kiwix-js-pwa, permalinks changed
- DEV: Provide facility for adding ZIM metadata to the ZIMArchive object
- FEATURE: Rework file system access and support Origin Private File System (OPFS)
- ENHANCEMENT: Autoload and display of all archives in OPFS on app launch, no permission prompts!
- ENHANCEMENT: Last selected archive (and optionally article) auto-loaded on app launch if in OPFS
- ENHANCEMENT: Import existing archives from anywhere on device into the OPFS easily with file picker
- ENHANCEMENT: New file management facility for deleting, and (in some contexts) exporting OPFS archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Option to download archives directly into the OPFS, without downloading first to user-visible FS
- ENHANCEMENT: Option to download archives direclty into any folder pickable with the File System Access API
- ENHANCEMENT: Full-text search enabled by default on Android for archives in OPFS
- ENHANCEMENT: Pick multiple archives at once and switch easily between them, even on legacy systems
- ENHANCEMENT: New Operations Panel to show download progress in PWA and Electron apps
- ENHANCEMENT: Avoid double loading of WebP Polyfill when present in ZIM
- FIX: Exception preventing display of legacy archive content in jQuery mode
- FIX: Failure to display ZIM Archive Index when typing space in some circumstances
- FIX: Avoid duplication of title in wider range of ZIMs
- FIX: Partially fixed broken "unclick" of Configure button on touchscreen devices
- REGRESSION: Fixed failure to refresh full-screen state when clicking in-app in SW mode
- REGRESSION: Fixed rogue error message when using File Handling API
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- UPDATE: Electron version bumped to 22.3.25
- FEATURE: Full-text search enabled by default on iOS 15+
- REGRESSION: Fixed loss of ability to pick ZIM archives in latest Chromium on Android
- REGRESSION: Fixed loss of ability to access custom ZIMs from download library
- REGRESSION: Work around missing titles in all WikiMedia scrapes since 2023-07
- FIX: Avoid hyperlinking math fallback images to high-res Wikimedia versions
- FIX: Conflict between manual image display and hyperlinking images to high-res Wikimedia versions
- FIX: More broken Linux icons
- DEV: Appx package is now uploaded to Kiwix releases
- DEV: Added clear documentation to the Create-DraftRelease.ps1 script
- DEV: Remove more unnecessary JQuery from the app
- DEV: Disable appCache by default if developing with the Vite server
- FEATURE: Ability to pick a folder of ZIM archives in nearly all apps and frameworks supporting the Webkitdirectory API
- FEATURE: New Electron-based appx version of Kiwix JS now served from the Microsoft Store and from GitHub Releases
- FEATURE: Electron app can now handle ZIM files, including the
part of a split ZIM fileset - FEATURE: Improved file and folder picking experience for Firefox and older browsers lacking the File System Access API
- ENHANCEMENT: Fast re-opening of previously picked archives or directories in these browsers (number of clicks minimized)
- ENHANCEMENT: Dragged and dropped files, including split files, can now be re-opened automatically in Electron and NWJS apps
- ENHANCEMENT: Microsoft Store app now supports full-text search for users with 64bit Windows
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide more gradual screen width transition with max page width auto setting
- ENHANCEMENT: Restored the ability not to display images in ServiceWorker Mode in non-Zimit ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Restored lazy-loading of images on most landing pages (improves Android experience with image-heavy landing pages)
- ENHANCEMENT: The Kiwix PWA can now be added as a Side Panel app in Edge (NB folder picking does not work in this configuration)
- ENHANCEMENT: Top toolbar now resized correctly with Window Controls Overlay in installed PWA on macOS and Windows
- ENHANCEMENT: When using Window Controls Overlay, app now has a draggable area (left of Kiwix icon)
- UPDATE: Sample archive changed to
- UPDATE: Troubleshooting instructions for installing on Debian on the Releases page
- BUILD: Allow producing signed or unsigned versions of appx, and compile to appxbundle
- BUILD: Option to build artefacts only for testing
- FIX: Broken Kiwix icon for Linux app packages
- FIX: Fidelity of layout for translation tables in cached Wiktionary mobile and desktop styles
- FIX: Broken file handling in legacy UWP app
- FIX: Miscellaneous small bugfixes and typos
- DEV: A lot of normalization of coding style using ESLint
- FEATURE: PWA app is now smaller and loads faster due to minification with modern build process
- ENHANCEMENT: New modular system and bundler ensures smaller and more stable memory management
- ENHANCEMENT: Add a Promise queue to prevent overlapping alert dialogue boxes
- ENHANCEMENT: Major enhancement to the fidelity of rendering Zimit-based ZIM archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Ability to open new browsable windows and tabs in Zimit ZIMs
- UPDATE: Renamed breakout link feature to "Download or open current article"
- UPDATE: Reduce image fade-in transition time
- UPDATE: Add a limit to the number of dialogue boxes that can be queued up
- UPDATE: Make one-time hidden content warning less intrusive
- DEV: Removed RequireJS and migrated app to ES6 native modules
- DEV: Provide clearer colouring when appCache is disabled for development
- DEV: Use rollup.js and Babel to build compatible versions of the app for all supported browsers
- DEV: Provide minified and unminified versions of the bundled app
- DEV: Added ability to publish a distribution of the app to GitHub Pages for development
- DEV: Add a basic Vite.js server configuration
- DEV: Re-enable use of wingetcreate with v2.6.0 when publishing to winget repository
- WORKAROUND: Prevent hackish Zimit script from causing reload loop in new tabs or windows
- FIX: Make upgrade notification persistent in Electron app
- FIX: Several UI issues with toolbars and downloads
- FIX: Bug which prevented UWP / Edge Legacy app from reading articles with certain options deselected
- FIX: Missing commit ID in Windows nightly builds
- FIX: Downloading of PDFs in Nautilus-based ZIMs and elsewhere
- FIX: Add secondary URL corrector to increase fidelity of Zimit rendering
- FIX: Add a better algorithm for Kiwix asset detection
- FIX: Make all Zimit links relative
- FIX: Add workarounds for sandboxed iframe: load all https: and pdf content in a new window or tab
- FIX: More robust click and download handling for Zimit ZIMs
- FIX: Add BOM to production bundle when building UWP app (store requirement)
- FIX: Better support for handling external links in iOS
- FIX: Bug that showed irrelevant dialogue box when opening Zimit archives on iOS
- FIX: Bug that loaded a blank screen when asking user whether to open external links
- DEPENDENCY: Update jQuery to 3.7.0, while removing its use in a number of places
- REGRESSION: Fix regression with (former) breakout link feature
- REGRESSION: Restore dialogue box animations that were removed with removal of jQuery
- REGRESSION: Restore Table of Contents functionality disabled with removal of jQuery
- REGRESSION: Restore ability to close several in-page alerts after removal of jQuery
- REGRESSION: Restore automatic updating of appCache
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide fuzzy search for case-insensitive links in Zimit archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Include broader pseudo-case-insensitive search in title search
- SECURITY: Add iframe referrer policy 'no-referrer'
- SECURITY: Strengthen Content Security Policy via response headers and meta http-equiv
- UPDATE: Sample archive changed to
- UPDATE: Streamline the splashscreen display and make it dynamic
- UPDATE: Add more complete language support to the Download Library languages dropdown
- FIX: Stack Exchange ZIM detection
- FIX: Display of external icons in Stack Exchange articles
- FIX: Dark mode style tweaks for Wiktionary
- FIX: Missing full-text search cancellation which caused race condition in search
- FEATURE: Support Full Screen (all browsers) and rotation lock (primarily intended for mobile)
- FEATURE: Significant speed-up of access to Wikimedia archives with option to ignore unneeded JS files
- SECURITY: Added sandbox attribute to iframe to block top-level navigation and attempts by scripts to "phone home"
- UPDATE: Sample archive changed to
- UPDATE: Mobile styles for Wiktionary archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide indication of archive download progress in Electron app
- ENHANCEMENT: Avoid opening blank window when downloading archive in Electron/NWJS
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide troubleshooting option to disable drag-and-drop
- ENHANCEMENT: Use screen width more efficiently in SW mode (with Remove max page width option)
- FIX: Return to article links were missing in ServiceWorker mode
- FIX: Removed orientation key that prevented proper setting of orientation in some contexts
- FIX: Improved detection of Wikimedia ZIMs for seleciton of printing stylesheet
- FIX: Fix for rogue JS in Wiktionary archives (if default option to use locally cached styles is on)
- ENHANCEMENT: Tidier Configuration layout with collapsible options
- ENHANCEMENT: Streamline access to legacy file picker when File System Access API unavailable
- ENHANCEMENT: The PWA now works on iOS devices (iPhone/iPad) in Safari and can be added to home screen
- ENHANCEMENT: App now intelligently sets the initial window opening mode (tab or window)
- UPDATE: Neater display of file picking instructions, hiding them when no longer needed
- UPDATE: Sample archive changed to
- FIX: Several issues affecting printing (Zimit archives in Chromium, failure to detect selected options in Safari, etc.)
- FIX: Logic for checking GitHub update server
- FIX: Legacy file picker is now able to pick ZIM archives on iOS devices
- FIX: Block a wider range of analytics in Zimit archives
- FIX: Processing of data-srcset blocks in Zimit archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Check for update to PWA and notify user shortly after startup of the app
- ENHANCEMENT: New "auto" setting for display of hidden navboxes and tables in Wikimedia ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Detect historical ZIM types and add advice on using jQuery mode to read them
- ENHANCEMENT: Refresh and Reset buttons provided near the top of Configuration in case of app freeze
- DEV: Added developer option to force use of libzim W/ASM decoding of full-text index
- UPDATE: Sample archive changed to
- FIX: Libzim loading error in Electron app with large ZIM archives due to race condition
- FIX: Prevent race condition between reactivation of Service Worker and loading of NODEFS
- FIX: Add BOM to new JS files to conform to Microsoft Store requirements
- FIX: Exception caused by site.js script included in Wikimedia archives
- FIX: Failure to load last-visited article in Electron app
- FIX: Electron file and folder picking methods
- FIX: In UWP app, request to launch PWA is now shown after upgrade splash screen
- FIX: Allow URL-based search to complete before launching full-text search
- FIX: Critical bug preventing display of legacy file picker
- BUILD: Build 64bit and 32bit packages separately to avoid race condition in electron-builder
- BUILD: All Electron apps other than 32bit Linux are now built with latest Electron
- ENHANCEMENT: Experimental use of libzim WASM port to read Full-Text index (PWA and Electron only)
- ENHANCEMENT: Information added to API panel to show status of Full Text index
- ENHANCEMENT: Run full-text and title search in parallel for faster return of results
- ENHANCEMENT: Building Electron app on GitHub actions now downloads the latest packaged archive before cloud-building
- UPDATE: Sample archive changed to
- CLEANUP: Removal of several JQuery functions, replaced with native DOM methods
- CLEANUP: Remove some unused functions
- FIX: Critical startup bug which prevented opening of some packaged archives
- FIX: Bug which prevented reload of last visited page on re-launch of app
- FIX: When dark mode is set to auto, do not use darkReader for Wikimedia ZIMs
- UPDATE: Sample archive changed to
- ENHANCEMENT: Experimental option to use DarkReader plugin (SW mode only)
- ENHANCEMENT: Added support for Open Document download types (.odt)
- ENHANCEMENT: UWP app size reduced from 13MB to 5.4MB!
- FIX: A number of glitches with standard and inverted dark themes
- FIX: Crash in UWP app when switching between modes if there are too many archives in a loaded directory
- FIX: Deal with Zimit links correctly when link handling is disabled
- FIX: Test both the encoded and decoded path for Zimit hyperlinks, due to inconsistencies in format
- FIX: Infinite loop when hyperlinks are not being captured by window opener
- FIX: Recognize more file types as assets, to avoid accidentally loading them as articles
- FIX: Failure to display active content warning in some instances
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- ENHANCEMENT: Enable ServiceWorker mode as the default (and deprecate JQuery mode)
- ENHANCEMENT: Display media download alert only when the medium is fetched from the ZIM
- FIX: Regression preventing UWP app from remaining in ServiceWorker mode
- FIX: Failure to confirm with user before launching SW mode in UWP app
- ENHANCEMENT: Better suggestions for mirrors when Library server does not provide mirror info
- ENHANCEMENT: A self-contained portable Windows executable is now available for Electron
- UPDATE: Streamline polling of spinner and messaging
- FIX: Selection of languages in Library
- FIX: Display of some irregularly formatted filenames in Library
- FIX: Ensure spinner never shows for more than 3 seconds
- FIX: Display of landing pages of YouTube-based archives (e.g. TED Talks)
- FIX: Ensure dynamic element is scrolled into view when clicked in collection archives
- FIX: Regression preventing load of some relative assets in Zimit archives
- FEATURE: Enable playback of most offline embedded YouTube video in Zimit ZIMs (SW mode)
- ENHANCEMENT: YouTube video links can be played offline if video available (JQuery and SW modes)
- ENHANCEMENT: Clearer signposting of Archive Index vs URL Index
- ENHANCEMENT: Show an alert to user if main page is not an article
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- WORKAROUND: Assets with erroneous MIME types were misrecognized as articles (blocking reload of some articles)
- FIX: Downloading of non-mirrored content in the Library
- FIX: Recognize XHTML documents and applications in Zimit ZIMs and treat as HTML
- FIX: Wikivoyage package and install icons
- FIX: Bug preventing loading of Nautilus-based ZIM assets
- FIX: Detect more ZIMs for active content warning
- FIX: Provide instructions for showing URL Index in active content warning
- FIX: Download of files with very long filenames
- FIX: Bug causing incomplete loading of images on image-heavy landing pages
- FIX: Display of blue placeholders for manual image extraction in SW mode
- ENHANCEMENT: Basic Zimit file reading in IE11
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- UPDATE: Provide more complete documentation on GitHub
- FIX: Correct location of relative links on Zimit landing pages
- FIX: Add more asset types to Type 1 C-namespace Zimit support
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- UPDATE: Packages are now signed with new Kiwix coding certificate
- UPDATE: BitTorrent files are now displayed before magnet links in the download library
- FIX: Support reading of Zimit archives using new Type 1 C-namespace ZIM format
- FIX: Searching for namespaces with Type 1 Zimit ZIMs
- FIX: Hyperlink transformations for Type 1 Zimit ZIMs
- FIX: Package and install icons for WikiMed and Wikivoyage
- FIX: Bug which caused app to hang when encountering URLs larger than 2KB in length
- ENHANCEMENT: System back button in UWP app no longer exits the app
- ENHANCEMENT: Hyperlink the currently loaded archive so that user can re-open it easily with a click
- ENHANCEMENT: Make archive links combo box scrollable
- ENHANCEMENT: Make buttons more visible in dark mode
- FIX: Do not redirect to landing page if requested article is not found
- FIX: Prevent app entering an anomalous state if launch of Service Worker mode fails
- FIX: File handling API (works with latest Chrome, and with Edge Beta)
- FIX: Distinguish between Electron and NWJS when reporting app type to UI
- FIX: Dark style for new Stackexchange ZIMs
- FEATURE: Optionally check for app updates and inform user of availability
- ENHANCEMENT: Radical improvement in CSS rendering in Zimit ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Option to warn before opening external links
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide magnet torrent links in Archive Library
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide link to preview of live ZIM archive on library.kiwix.org
- ENHANCEMENT: Reduce delay between image loads when lazy-loading images (Wikimedia ZIMs)
- ENHANCEMENT: Speed up regex processing of Zimit transforms
- ENHANCEMENT: Intelligently auto-switch image manipulation setting if supported by ZIM type
- ENHANCEMENT: Intelligently turn off dark theme if ZIM does not support it
- ENHANCEMENT: Improve MathML detection
- UPDATE: KaTeX library updated to 0.16
- FIX: Skipping forwards and backwards in videos inside Chromium frameworks
- FIX: Derive redirect information from Zimit Headers if the response is mising from the archive
- FIX: Searching for assets in url index now properly shows the url instead of title
- FIX: System alert dialogue box now handles keyboard events
- FIX: Add some failsafe code to hide spinner if it runs too long (does not handle app crashes)
- FIX: More robust insertion of Contet Security Policy into article
- FIX: Failure to interpret MathML in some circumstances
- FIX: Process correctly the
property in image sets for Zimit ZIMs - FIX: Disable lazy image loading in Zimit ZIMs
- FIX: Add some failsafe code to hide spinner if it runs too long (does not handle app crashes)
- FIX: Dark theme for new Stackexchange ZIMs
- FIX: Interoperability between JQuery and Service Worker modes with Zimit archives
- FIX: Max page width manipulation in IE11
- FEATURE: Search for any asset in any ZIM by prefixing namespace
- ENHANCEMENT: Filter out undesired files more effectively (Zimit ZIMs)
- ENHANCEMENT: Process URLs in JavaScript files (Zimit ZIMs)
- ENHANCEMENT: Ensure user clears the cache when switching to SW mode while a Zimit ZIM is loaded
- ENHANCEMENT: Prevent expensive RegExp processing for irrelevant ZIM types
- ENHANCEMENT: Driect download certain recognized content types for Zimit archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Made PWA manifest compatible with Chromium installability criteria
- UPDATE: Refresh Kiwix icons
- UPDATE: Remove landing page override for mdwiki at request of maintainer
- UPDATE: Hyperlinking of images to high-res versions is now off by default
- FIX: Bug that caused repeating images when hyperlinking images to online high-res versions
- FIX: Erroneous link handling for Zimit files
- FIX: Add any missing file extension to downloadable files and construct MIME types if missing
- FIX: Exception when reloading the last selected archive on certain platforms
- FIX: Remove lazy image loading system if detected
- FIX: Errors with parsing and display of archive links in download library
- FIX: Adjustment to max page width restrictions is now applied on resize
- FIX: Remove more analytics spy scripts from Zimit ZIMs
- FIX: Incorrect meta tag encoding for some Zimit archives
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- FEATURE: Experimental support for reading Zimit ZIM archives
- FIX: Support for reading background and bullet images in Zimit CSS in Service Worker mode
- FIX: Style of thumbinner Wikipedia images adjusted so that images are back in their original position
- FIX: MDwiki thumbinner images now have an MDwiki-specific override to prevent text bleeding to left of image
- FIX: Links to PDF data are now recognized by MIME type and downloaded as if they were files
- FIX: Support image links that have querystrings in Zimit archives
- FIX: Support percent-encoded ZIM URLs in Zimit archives
- FIX: Transition away from testing file extensions for caching strategy
- REGRESSION: Fix display of book thumbnails in Gutenberg ZIMs
- BUILD: Nightly builds of main app are now uploaded to a new server (with sftp instead of ssh)
- BUILD: Deploy PWA image on a k8s cluster
- BUILD: PWA images are now uploaded to ghcr.io instead of Docker Hub
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- FEATURE: Option to hyperlink images in Wikimedia ZIMs to the online File for the image
- ENHANCEMENT: Electron app now uses File System Access API except for initial loading of packaged archive
- DEV: Provided instructions on how to split a ZIM archive using WSL
- DEV: The NWJS app is now built via CI (including nightly)
- FIX: App now (optionally) remembers the last viewed article for split ZIM archives
- FIX: Electron and UWP apps now auto-load split ZIM archives
- FIX: Failure to recognize landing page when retrieved from history or cache
- UPDATE: New sample archive:
- FEATURE: Electron apps now auto-update (Windows exe and Linux AppImage versions only)
- ENHANCEMENT: App now recognizes
ZIMs as WikiMed variants, and shows custom landing page - REGRESSION: The NWJS has reverted to using JQuery mode by default while investigating an app crash with some articles in SW mode
- DEV: Automatic building of Electron app now enabled via GitHub Actions
- FIX: Improvement to independent browsing of windows in UWP app in SW mode
- FIX: Patch some CSS errors in
ZIMs - FIX: Stabilize page loading when assets are missing (in SW mode)
- FIX: Styling of image-based landing pages
- ENHANCEMENT: Service Worker mode is now the default in contexts or frameworks that natively support it with good performance
- ENHANCEMENT: Option to reset app to defaults in Expert settings
- ENHANCEMENT: Better feedback to user during slow ZIM archive loading
- ENHANCEMENT: Included favicons at various resolutions
- ENHANCEMENT: App now uses Bootstrap asynchronous dialogue boxes for modal alert and confirm
- DEV: Developer option to bypass appCache
- DEV: Window location information now shown in API panel
- FIX: Bug that would sometimes cause a blank screen in Service Worker mode on slow devices
- FIX: Set headers properly when caching Fetch responses in JQuery mode
- FIX: Loading of articles that have question marks or hashes in the title
- FIX: Incorrect attempt to register Service Worker in XP version of NWJS app causing fatal crash on startup
- FIX: Random button now warns user if archive is not loaded
- FIX: Race condition loading deocmpressors which caused failure in some rare contexts with the file:// protocol
- FIX: Bug preventing proper loading of landing page in Khan Academy and TED Talks ZIMs
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- ENHANCEMENT: Assets cache and app cache are now separated, so assets persist after update
- ENHANCEMENT: New persistent caching of ZIM assets that are not provided in file system singinficantly improves performance
- ENHANCEMENT: Automatically choose best available caching technology: Cache API, IndexedDB, Local Storage or memory
- ENHANCEMENT: New Cache API info panel in Configuration, and option to stop using and empty the cache
- FIX: Regression whereby blue image placeholders were not shown in jQuery mode when user turns off image display
- FIX: Bug whereby upgrade alert was triggered by caches from other apps on the same domain
- FIX: Stylesheet errors with sistersite boxes
- FIX: Regression with Electron file handling causing previously picked archive to be forgotten
- FIX: Fatal Electron error on startup if packaged archive cannot be found
- FIX: NWJS file handling with legacy file picker (for XP and Vista builds)
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- UPDATE: App can now use the latest Electron release and APIs
- ENHANCEMENT: Electron version can now read contents of a picked archive directory
- ENHANCEMENT: Scrollbars are now styled (with darker colours) in dark mode (in Chromium frameworks)
- ENHANCEMENT: More app files are precached in the PWA for better offline experience
- ENHANCEMENT: Hardware back and forward buttons on mouse now work with UWP app (natively supported in other contexts)
- FIX: Prevent most app crashes when switching to SW mode in UWP app
- FIX: More intelligent relocation of hatnote and noexcerpt blocks
- FIX: UI bug when using the UWP app with a secondary display (via Config option)
- META: Release of UWP/PWA and Electron/NWJS versions of the app are now unified
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- EXPERIMENTAL: Added option to display hidden block elements, prinicipally for Wikimedia ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: With display hidden elements opetion, force display of zero-width images also
- ENHANCEMENT: Allow more time between clicks to register a double-right-click
- FIX REGRESSION: Prevent incorrect parsing of map markers when image manipulation is on in SW mode
- FIX REGRESSION: Closing all sections (by deselecting "Open all sections") now works again in jQuery mode
- BACKEND: Use a safer way of determining the ZIM name and type
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- ENHANCEMENT: The app should now show dynamic content on landing pages in YouTube-based ZIMs (SW mode)
- ENHANCEMENT: Option for map pins to open OpenStreetMap instead of Windows Maps App (mostly for Wikivoyage)
- ENHANCEMENT: Select map type automatically: Maps App for Windows, OSM for Linux or other
- ENHANCEMENT: Use smaller pins for Wikipedia pages vs Wikivoyage pages
- DEPRECATED: Disabled indpenedent resizing of content in iframe with touch: too slow, and worked only in Chromium
- FIX: Video playback controls are now shown in Khan Acadeny ZIMs (and others based on YouTube)
- FIX: Bug relocating hatnotes which moved extraneous text blocks
- FIX: Image rendering bug with substitute landing pages
- FIX: Fatal error loading the PWA in some circumstances
- FIX: Data URIs with WebP images can now be rendered in old browsers
- FIX: Style issues and rendering of map pins in German Wikimedia ZIMs
- FIX: Error with offline Cache that prevented PWA from working fully offline
- FIX: Prevented the NWJS app for Windows XP from attempting to switch to SW mode (which doesn't work)
- ENNHNCEMENT: Added more diagnostic APIs to the API panel in Configuration
- ENHANCEMENT: Added refresh button for picked folder in Configuration (UWP or File System Access API)
- ENHANCEMENT: Added some extra directories of useful ZIM archives to Donwload library
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide option to allow image manipulation (saving to disk or opening in new tab)
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide contextual warnings for features that do not work well with dynamic content
- ENHANCEMENT: Added help section in About concerning link handling, dynamic content, new windows, etc.
- ENHANCEMENT: Verbose tooltips provided for several options in Configuration
- ENHANCEMENT: Usage instructions more clearly highlighted on first run
- UPDATE: Sample ZIM changed to
in order to reduce app size - UPDATE: New option to change right click to double right click for opening new window or tab
- FIX: Issue preventing correct parsing of ZIM archive path in some contexts in SW mode
- FIX: Some app crashes when switching the UWP app to SW mode
- FIX: Printing in SW mode (load all images correctly before printing)
- FIX: Restoring DOM after printing in SW mode
- FIX: Issues with toolbars getting stuck on after searching for text in article
- FIX: Better replication of infobox mobile and desktop styles
- FIX: Typo in code causing some pages to load assets incorrectly in jQuery mode
- FIX: Updated style locations for custom WikiMed landing page (fixes display issue)
- FEATURE: New dropdown in Download Library allows filtering the list of archives by subject (for some ZIM types)
- ENHANCEMENT: Sorting the Download Library list by clicking on the Size / Last modified / Name headers
- ENHANCEMENT: The app can now take advantage of native Promises (faster than Q)
- ENHANCEMENT: Decompressors now loaded as fast binary WASM modules if the brower supports WebAssembly
- UPDATE: Sample ZIM updated to
- EXPERIMENTAL: Intalled PWA can now be opened offline when double-clicking ZIM archive (depends on File Handling API)
- FIX: More displaced hatnotes corrected
- FIX: Style injection code that would (rarely) cause an exception on some ZIM types
- FEATURE: Search with wildcards
or regex syntax(?:my_regular_expression)
- FEATURE: (Experimental) PWA is paritcipating in File Handling API origin trial
- ENHANCEMENT: Significant speed-up by using native Promise API, or modern polyfill where needed
- ENHANCEMENT: Added full usage/syntax notes for title search and Alphabetical Title Index
headings in Table of Contents - ENHANCEMENT: Report number of titles scanned for long title searches
- UPDATE: Sample ZIM updated to
- FIX: Display of ZIM Archive Index
- FIX: Bug which failed to detect images correctly in a new tab
- FIX: Touch-zoom of contents of iframe no longer blanks part of the display
- FIX: Broken zoom of contents of iframe (with UI buttons) in Internet Explorer
- FIX: Bug setting up backlinks which caused some pages not to load
- FIX: Unhandled exception when cite ref was not found
- ENHANCEMENT: Improve zooming and re-flowing the article contents in browsers that support the
style property - ENHANCEMENT: Add a Content Security Policy preventing contents of a page from connecting to online resources
- FIX: Crash in UWP app after updating a ZIM archive
- FIX: Improve handover from local code to PWA code to prevent rogue error message
- FIX: Improve page composition timing for non-MS browsers
- FIX: Critical bug where article is not unhidden in time on slow systems in jQuery mode
- FIX: Issues with dark mode in Gutenberg ZIMs using SW mode
- FIX: Missing images from book lists in Gutenberg ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Pre-calculate position and size of article namespace in legacy ZIMs (speeds up binary search)
- ENHANCEMENT: New option to move navigation buttons to the top toolbar
- UPDATE: Sample ZIM updated to
- UPDATE: System dark/light mode now used for "auto" setting in modern browsers (as well as UWP)
- UPDATE: KaTeX to v0.13.11
- FIX: Double-clicking on archive failed to launch it in UWP app running in SW mode
- FIX: Hover and active colours on buttons
- FIX: Hide jump in page position during article load in Service Worker mode
- FIX: Adjusted timing of hiding and showing the article during page composition
- FIX: Intermittent failure to compose page in UWP app on mobile
- FIX: Reposition multiple displaced hatnotes
- FIX: Click on document reloads article when open new window feature is off
- FIX: Bug which prevented auto launch of packaged file on first install
- FIX: Issue preventing the article window from receiving focus for keyboard input
- FEATURE: Open a new browsable tab or window with right-click, long-press, ctrl-click, middle-click
- UPDATE: Sample archive updated to
- UPDATE: Release Linux AppImage packages for Electron-based build
- ENHANCEMENT: Alt-left or Ctrl-left (and same for right key) can now be used for navigation
- FIX: Prevent flash between page loads by adapting empty screen to the selected theme color
- FIX: Crash on upgrade of ZIM archive in some contexts
- FIX: Subtitle dislplay on videos
- FIX: Download of media and subtitles
- FIX: Display of list-based home pages
- FIX: Failure to apply dark theme to articles with no CSS
- FIX: Bug affecting middle-click when opening a new window or tab
- FIX: Bug which hid the file selectors when the app could not get a handle on a file or directory
- FIX: Bug preventing touch navigation
- ENHANCEMENT: PWA now adapts if it was launched from a basic packaged app
- UPDATE: Location of cached styles tweaked to reflect latest location in ZIM archives
- UPDATE: Cached main pages for WikiMed and Wikivoyage updated and used by vanilla app
- FIX: Properly define width of infoboxes in Wikimedia Destop style
- UPDATE: Packaged archive updated to
- ENHANCEMENT: Support v1 article index in no-namespace ZIM archives
- ENHANECMENT: Detect and correct erroneous hard-coded sytling of navboxes in recent ZIMs
- FIX: Correct width of infoboxes in Wikipedia Desktop style
- FIX: Failure to recognize mouse click on title index entry
- FIX: Issue preventing proper relocation of infobox when transforming to desktop style
- UPDATE: Better messaging around 'failure' to load SW mode (not a real failure)
- FIX: Calculation of appRoot directory
- ENHANCEMENT: Use a list of customized start pages even if the app is generic
- FIX: Map markers not showing in Service Worker mode
- FIX: Implement internal app:// links for app-based assets
- FIX: Race condition in handover to PWA code
- FIX: Faulty permalinks
- UPDATE: Minor update to improve handover between local and PWA code
- ENHANCEMENT: If app is running as a PWA, its identity is changed to Kiwix JS PWA
- FIX: Display of masonry tiles in JQuery mode with latest ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Enable Service Worker mode in UWP app
- ENHANCEMENT: New domain pwa.kiwix.org for the PWA/UWP app
- UPDATE: Preliminary support for ZIM archives with no namespace
- UPDATE: Revised Privacy Policy to reflect PWA usage
- UPDATE: Included ZIM updated to
- UPDATE: More consistent install prompt display in Configuration (for PWA)
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide more robust upgrade process for PWAs, including notification banner
- FIX: Disable HTTP cache when pre-caching upgraded app files
- FIX: Switching to jQuery mode in the PWA app no longer prevents the app working offline
- FIX: Display of masonry-style landing pages in SW mode
- FIX: Inconsistent use of Settings Store during app initialization
- FIX: Delete accidentally created Indexed Databases with wrong filename on startup (where possible)
- FIX: Provide explicit Content Security Policy headers to reduce or eliminate CORS errors in SW mode
- FIX: Broken manual display of images in SW mode
- FIX: Broken "Open all headings" option in SW mode
- FIX: Printing in SW mode
- FIX: Bugs with reload of last visited article
- META: Create-DraftRelease PowerShell script supports automatic creation of GitHub releases for more versions of the app
- UPDATE: Included ZIM updated to
- UPDATE: Support new location of mobile and desktop styles in Wikimedia ZIMs
- UPDATE: Upgrade Settings store to use localStorage over cookies where available
- ENHANCEMENT: Enable use of Native File System with NWJS
- FIX: Styling of index-based landing pages
- FIX: Bugs with file picking in Native FS
- UPDATE: Included ZIM updated to
- UPDATE: WebP support (via polyfill) for older browsers including Windows Mobile
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved block cache and faster conversion of file slice to blob
- REGRESSION: Manual extraction of images reverted to one-by-one to prevent errors with WebP batch decoding
- FIX: Critical error on some new Wikipedia articles containing equations
- FIX: Prevent erroneous display of Active Content Warning with ZSTD archives
- FIX: Reduce some cross-origin errors
- UPDATE: Included ZIM updated to
- UPDATE: App now supports newest archives encoded with ZSTD compression
- ENHANCEMENT: Decompression speed gains with ZSTD
- ENHANCEMENT: Allow use of keyboard to select archive from archive list
- ENHANCEMENT: Option to display articles with all sections open or closed
- FIX: Prevent archive list from jumping to wrong archive on click
- FIX: Critical error on load if packaged archive name has changed
- FIX: Download links are no longer erroneously cached by the Service Worker
- DEPRECATED: Scrolling information for new users
- UPDATE: Included ZIM updated to
- UPDATE: Some new Kiwix icons
- FIX: Prevent extraneous titles appearing in search
- FIX: Broken drag-and-drop
- FIX: Bug with construction of backlinks preventing load of some Wikipedia articles
- FIX: Calculate path of breakout icon correctly in SW mode
- ENHANCEMENT: Use Native File System API in PWA version
- ENHANCEMENT: Fix printing in the Electron app
- ENHANCEMENT: Support launching Electron app from shortcut
- ENHANCEMENT: Better error reporting in console log
- FIX: Bug preventing all Kiwix apps accessing latest ZIMs (incorrect method of reading MIME type list)
- ENHANCEMENT: Included ZIM changed to wikipedia_en_100_maxi_2020-06.zim
- FIX: Several bugfixes to allow better running of Electron app in SW mode
- ENHANCEMENT: Major upgrade to the title-search algorithm: search is now near-case-insensitive
- UPDATE: Included sample ZIM updated to wikipedia_en_ray_charles_maxi_2020-05.zim
- ENHANCEMENT: Make app compatible with Electron / NWJS as a packaged app
- ENHANCEMENT: Better user experience for PWA version
- ENHANCEMENT: Attempt to make app a little more usable on Android browsers
- FIX: Incorrect layout when transforming WikiMed articles to desktop style
- FIX: Failure to load landing page when backing into it from history.back
- FIX: Incorrect hiding of toolbars after using in-page search
- UPDATE: Update Q Promise support to v1.5.1
- ENHANCEMENT: Intuitive toolbar hiding/showing on scroll down/up
- ENHANCEMENT: Added block cache to speed up search considerably
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide option to set number of results to find when searching
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide app install experience for PWA
- FIX: Search results can now be scrolled by touch on Windows 10 tablets
- FIX: Corrected height of search results window so content is not hidden under footer
- FIX: Prevent ugly jumping of iframe on new article load
- FIX: Allow use of special characters in article search
- FIX: Remove broken links to deprecated portable versions of archives
- UPDATE: Added missing stylesheets for cache
- UPDATE: Added some more initial files to load for PWA
- FIX: Broken display of Kiwix download library
- FIX: Broken display of MathML when there are no images in the document
- FIX: Search bar always remains on-screen if selected (in non-mobile contexts)
- FIX: All images above the fold are now loaded (async timing of image scanning was premature)
- FIX: Math typeset by KaTeX is rendered better when there are mbox statements (fbox is used instead)
- FIX: Display-style maths SVGs are now correctly inverted in dark mode
- FIX: Standard dark-mode SVGs in infoboxes and elsewhere are now displayed correctly without inversion
- FIX: Truncated display of search box
- UPDATE: Updated KaTeX library to v0.11.1
- ENHANCEMENT: Include more files in PWA payload to allow better offline functionality in PWA scenarios
- ENHANCEMENT: Appxbundle is now signed with Kiwix certificate for a better sideloading experience
- KNOWN ISSUE: In mobile contexts, top bar always gets hidden by Bootstrap on scroll
- UPDATE: Improved support for stylesheets in latest Wikipedia ZIMs
- UPDATE: Updated the Privacy Policy
- ENHANCEMENT: The base app (not UWP) can now be installed as a PWA (visit https://kiwix.github.io/kiwix-js-windows/www/index.html to try)
- ENHANCEMENT: Assets are now cached in Service Worker mode
- ENHANCEMENT: Support MathML in latest Wikimedia ZIMs
- FIX: Fixed broken drag-and-drop
- FIX: Enable page extraction in Service Worker mode
- FIX: Rare condition where a missing ZIM causes the app to crash on load
- FIX: Fixed broken display of active content warning
- ENHANCEMENT: Provide an alert if a packaged or picked file cannot be found
- ENHANCEMENT: App can now be compiled with Electron or NWJS to support Win XP/7/8.1 (see releases)
- ENHANCEMENT: CORS errors are now detected and a message provided to the user to help resolve
- ENHANCEMENT: Fallback to localStorage if cookies are not supported (e.g. running Chromium from file:///)
- FIX: Bug with equations containing apostrophes
- FIX: ZIMs running in quirks mode are now patched to run in standards mode
- FIX: Better algorithm for adding missing notes backlinks
- FIX: Better process for hiding navbar (though Bootstrap still ignores on mobile)
- FIX: All blocks are now opened for details-summary tags
- FIX: Bugs with the timing of display blanking between page loads
- FIX: Missing target attribute for hyperlinks to some external files
- FIX: Race condition preventing jQuery
statements from running - FIX: Enable dark theme and style transformations in Service Worker mode
- FIX: Enable printing in Service Worker mode
- FIX: Critical page reload loop when switching styles in print dialogue
- FIX: Update printing filters to support deatils-summary ZIMs
- FIX: Rare condition where a missing ZIM causes the app to crash on load
- FIX: Article is now re-loaded on change of content injection mode
- FIX: Scripts no longer run in Quirks mode (for clients supporting Service Worker)
- UPDATE: August 2019 update of Ray Charles ZIM
- FIX: Remembered last page is now properly blanked on new archive load
- FIX: The article content div is now hidden until the HTML for the requested article is injected
- FIX: Number of stylesheets retrieved from ZIM was not being counted properly, causing some pages to load twice
- FIX: New MediaWiki ZIMs with details-summary tags are now supported
- FIX: Low-level ZIM reader now conforms to libzim logic in deriving title from url
- FIX: Low-level ZIM reader now reads the MIME type list from the ZIM
- FIX: A system alert utility is now provided, to avoid using synchronous alert()
- FIX: Bug causing localStorage to fill up has been fixed
- FIX: A workaround has been added for improperly coded hyperlinks in subdirectories in WikiMedia ZIM files
- FIX: Various tweaks to cached and trasnformed styles
- FIX: Many more equations now rendered correctly due to change of engine
- FIX: Service Worker mode now works in browser context (not app context)
- FIX: MathTex now rendered in Service Worker mode
- UPDATE: Removed dependency on base tag, simplifying handling of hyperlinks
- ENHANCEMENT: Links in clickable image maps (e.g. in Wikivoyage) are now supported
- ENHANCEMENT: App code supports developer setting a custom start page for a packaged ZIM
- ENHANCEMENT: A ZIM archive can be loaded through drag-and-drop of the file into the app
- ENHANCEMENT: A ZIM archive can be loaded by double-clicking the file in Explorer
- ENHANCEMENT: Article search results can now be selected with physical keyboard (down, up, enter keys)
- ENHANCEMENT: Better lazy image loading, and enable lazy loading for Service Worker mode
- ENHANCEMENT: Subtle fade-in effect for lazy-loaded images
- ENHANCEMENT: Allow breakout link to work in Service Worker mode
- ENHANCEMENT: Change MathTex rendering engine from MathJax to KaTeX (much faster)
- FIX: Remembered last page is now properly blanked on new archive load
- FIX: Number of stylesheets retrieved from ZIM was not being counted properly, causing some pages to load twice
- FIX: The article content div is now hidden until the HTML for the requested article is injected
- FIX: Fixed regression preventing use of download library
- FIX: Fixed problems searching for dirEntries with empty titles in new ZIMs
- FIX: Correctly handle anchor links with a single #
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved styling of checkboxes in light and dark modes
- ENHANCEMENT: Article can now be sent to device's browser for reading, side-by-side viewing, printing
- ENHANCEMENT: A breakout icon can optionally be shown on each page to enable sending page to browser (see Settings)
- ENHANCEMENT: A new "auto" setting for dark mode and dark theme follows the system default for UWP apps
- ENHANCEMENT: Checkbox and radio buttons are now styled and coloured for better visibility (also larger)
- ENHANCEMENT: Packaged apps now default to showing the most appropriate ZIM archive types from Library
- ENHANCEMENT: Streamlined the process for adding other languages of packaged app ZIM files
- ENHANCEMENT: Language and date selectors in Library are now responsive to each other
- ENHANCEMENT: Download link more clearly signalled
- UPDATE: Deal with re-organized stylesheets in mwoffliner ZIMs
- FIX: Fixed regression caused by removal of timeout for find in article function
- FIX: App detects a language that is predominantly ASCII and uses left-side word searching in that case (Chinese open-type search should be unaffected)
- FIX: Prevent crash if changing language selector on "wrong" screen
- FIX: Prevent timeout-related crashes on slower
- FIX: Prevent unusable app state after clicking non-Roman alphabet button in Archive Index
- FIX: Removed timeout preventing fast typing for find in article function (Ctrl-F / Alt-F)
- FIX: Allow searching in article for languages that do not use spaces (such as Chinese)
- ENHANCEMENT: Support for playing media (video/audio) in the ZIM if the device has the required codec
- ENHANCEMENT: Support for "downloading" media (e.g. videos+subtitles) from the ZIM
- ENHANCEMENT: Media are launched via appropriate app selection menu after download (mobile)
- ENHANCEMENT: Preliminary support for TED and dirtybiology ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Preliminary support for Project Gutenberg ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Support for "downloading" epub ebooks from Gutenberg ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Epubs are launched in Edge's built-in epub reader, or via app selection menu
- ENHANCEMENT: Typing a space in search box now displays an Archive Index
- ENHANCEMENT: Option to support non-Roman alphabets for Archive Index
- ENHANCEMENT: If active content is detected in the ZIM, information is given about accessing the Index instead
- FIX: Add startup bootloop crash prevention
- FIX: Exceptions produced by unsupported JS in ZIM articles are now caught
- FIX: Prevent app crash with malformed anchor references
- FIX: Rogue ampersands in MathJax output are now correctly escaped
- FIX: Correct logic in binary search so it doesn't stall if assets in A namespace have no title
- FIX: Missing footnote reference numbers in desktop ZIMs transformed to mobile style
- FIX: Assets with unescaped characters in URL should now be retrieved correctly
- FIX: Individual extraction of images when images are disabled in Configuration
- UPDATE: Ray Charles ZIM to October 2018 version
- ENHANCEMENT: Add a modern CSS spinner and rework status messages
- ENHANCEMENT: Neater presentation of article search results
- FIX: Crash when previously picked archive has been moved or deleted
- FIX: Support changed format of anchor references in latest English Wikipedia
- FIX: Correctly apply mobile styles when one of the defaults is missing
- FIX: Incorrect utf8 characters in mobile styles
- ENHANCEMENT: Optimization of decompression process
- WORKAROUND: Prevent periodic hang in Service Worker mode
- FIX: Crash in RegExp engine caused by malformed backreferences in some articles
- UPDATE: Mobile styles
- ENHANCEMENT: New compile of decoding engine provides significant performance improvement
- ENHANCEMENT: Better memory management to prevent app crashes
- ENHANCEMENT: Reduced dependency on jQuery for further performance gains
- ENHANCEMENT: Tweaks to dark theme
- ENHANCEMENT: Improvements to show-hide sections toggle function with footnote/endnote references
- FIX: Headers that open or close sections are no longer accidentally selected on tap or click
- FIX: Descriptive text for UI controls is now non-selectable for cleaner app experience
- FIX: Whitespace at the end of the page is now preserved when hiding reference section
- FIX: Tapping headers now only opens and closes sections on narrow screens as intended by WikiMedia
- ENHANCEMENT: Headings in article can be toggled open or closed with tap or click
- ENHANCEMENT: Current page is cached in localStorage for very fast restart and reloading
- ENHANCEMENT: Automatically switch to desktop style for better printing result
- FIX: Bug which prevented switching the printing device (caused app crash)
- FIX: Bug in download links preventing display of language codes that are substrings of other language codes
- ENHANCEMENT: Experimental support for printing articles
- ENHANCEMENT: Print zoom capability
- ENHANCEMENT: Prevent printing of location pins
- ENHANCEMENT: Set maximum page width to 100% before printing
- ENHANCEMENT: Better presentation of About and Changelog information
- WORKAROUND: MW-Offliner bug which places extraneous tags in some HTML id attributes
- FIX: Article now reloads correctly when switching styles
- FIX: Unhandled exception after using in-article word search
- FIX: Browser history now remembered for first page load
- ENHANCEMENT: Filter ZIM archives by date in download links
- ENHANCEMENT: Option to remove maximum page width restriction for Wikipedia articles
- ENHANCEMENT: Setting or clearing dark themes no longer require page reload
- ENHANCEMENT: Wider range of infoboxes, and "homonymie" hatnotes supported
- ENHANCEMENT: Better algorithm for moving first paragraph when there are stacked infoboxes
- FIX: Added more padding for content hidden under the bottom bar
- FIX: New mode of injecting HTML into iframe fixes baseUrl issues
- ENHANCEMENT: Some code redundancy removed
- ENHANCEMENT: Faster typesetting of TeX equations
- ENHANCEMENT: Experimental support for equations in mathoverflow and related stackechange ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Dark theme support for stackexchange ZIMs
- ENHANCEMENT: Uncluttered the UI for file selection
- FIX: Reduced memory usage for decompressing multiple SVG images/equations to prevent crash on devices with 1GB RAM
- FIX: Display bug causing Settings tab to remain selected after article load
- FIX: Corrected dark-style backgrounds in some infoboxes on WikiMed
- FIX: Loads landing page when an article is not found (instead of throwing a silent error)
- WORKAROUND for misplaced hatnotes in mobile-style ZIMs
- WORKAROUND for hidden IPA pronunciation information on some articles
- ENHANCEMENT: 'Unclicking' a tab (Settings or About) now returns the user to the article
- ENHANCEMENT: Activating dark theme for UI now activates article dark theme by default
- ENHANCEMENT: Improved handling and display of file selectors
- ENHANCEMENT: Clearer navigation signposting from About tab
- ENHANCEMENT: Dedicated icon for WikiMed archives
- UPDATE: January 2018 update of Wikivoyage ZIM archive to wikivoyage_en_all_novid_2018-01.zim
- ENHANCEMENT: The Wikivoyage app now hides the file selectors by default in the Config menu to avoid confusion and to encourage use of Kiwix JS for anything not related to Wikivoyage
- FIX: Added icon indicating that a link is to an external web site
- ENHANCEMENT: Inject footnote backlinks if the ZIM doesn't have any
- ENHANCEMENT: Support ZIMs that have subdirectories (Stackexchange family ZIMs)
- FIX: Bugs in mobile to desktop style transformation
- FIX: Issue with infoboxes and images not stacking correctly on mobile displays
- FIX: Support new-style infoboxes in German Wikivoyage
- FIX: Last-visited page was not being remembered when user picked the file as a single archive
- FIX: Bug which prevented the dark mode by simple inversion from functioning
- FIX: Issue with toolbar icons being misaligned on small screens
- FIX: Prevent bottom toolbar from wrapping across two lines on small screens
- ENHANCEMENT: Enabled autoloading of last-read page on app start (and privacy option to turn this off)
- ENHANCEMENT: Geo-location co-ordinates in English and German Wikivoyage are represented with a location marker that links to the Maps app (opens map to show the precise location)
- ENHANCEMENT: Telephone numbers marked with tel: links will attempt to open a relevant app for dialling (e.g., Skype or the People app) when selected
- FIX: Links in Stackexchange ZIMs are now recognized and can be used to open the content
- WORKAROUND: Some Wikivoyage entries have HTML showing in the header, and this is now (temporarily) suppressed (the HTML is interpreted) until the ZIMs are fixed
- ENHANCEMENT: The toolbar icon now switches to a Wikivoyage logo if a Wikivoyage ZIM is loaded
- WORKAROUND: Mis-aligned toolbar icons on smaller screens
- FIX: Rogue HTML showing in some pages from recent ZIM archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Better experience when scanning local storage for archives
- ENHANCEMENT: Auto-loading of ZIM archives on device storage
- ENHANCEMENT: In-page search / highlighting with Ctrl-F / Alt-F or tap on search button
- ENHANCEMENT: Uses UWP APIs for sotrage: Future Access List so that users do not need to pick their ZIM file every time
- ENHANCEMENT: Dark-themed User Interface
- ENHANCEMENT: Experimental Wikipedia Dark Theme
- ENHANCEMENT: Font scaling for articles and for the UI
- ENHANCEMENT: Cleaner, minimalistic UI (eliminated hamburger menu due to poor navigability)
- FIX: Display of SVG files is handled by careful queuing of images to send to the decompressor (fixes hang in articles with many equations)
- ENHANCEMENT: If the TeX string of an equation is available, it will be typeset using MathJax (huge speed improvement)
- ENHANCEMENT: Transform the layout of Wikipedia articles from desktop to mobile style and vice versa (experimental)
- ENHANCEMENT: Disable the display of images, and extract them one-by-one as needed (for slow devices)
- ENHANCEMENT: Only send images in current viewport to the decompressor, and prefetch configurable (by developer) number of images from above and below the viewport