All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Dockerfile and instructions to run Todorail's containers.
- Official repository move to Github. F*ck M$!
- Change official repository to Gitlab #movingToGitlab. Fuck M$!
- Some W3C Validator recomendations.
- Bootstrap 4.0.0 stable (from 4.0.0.alpha5)
- Readme
- About information
- TravisCI, codeclimate integration with M$ Github.
- Notifications position
- Flags to languages
- Version in about.
- Tasks can change type.
- Improved forms.
- Change forms views depending on the type of task.
- ... with animations ;)
- Little chages in views.
- Temporary forms bug when end date is after than start date.
- Grammar fixes (en, es)
- Travis CI integration
- Locales config (english, spanish availables)
- Views and test: locales compatibility.
- json views
- MVC code fixes
- Some routes that produced a loop
- Introduce ;)
- Validates uniqueness for slug (url).
- W3C validations for views.
- High priority is no longer the default when creating a task.
- Deleted task 'Detail' column.
- Link to task details in task list view.
- Task details => link to his task list.
- Some code fixes
- Development time zone in Buenos Aires :)
- Slugged Unit Test
- The modification date in the task list is updated when deleting a task
- A cookie is deleted only when the data in the database is also deleted
- A cookie is saved only when the data in the database is persisted
- Expired is a valid status for TemporaryTask
Work release!
- Responsive forms, navbar, infopages.
- pg gem (Postgresql) for production
- Deployed in Heroku
- Error pages for mobile devices.
- Shows dates
- Grammar corrections
- Unit Test for Controllers
- Path images
- Some bug fixes
- Initial release!
- Task Lists
- Type of tasks:
- Simple Task
- Long Task
- Temporary Task
- Task Lists will store in cookies
- Seeds
- Latest five task list shows in homepage (read from cookies)
- Menu: All my Tasks -> All task list from cookies.
- View based in Bootstrap 4
- MIT License
- Unit Test
- A task doesn't change type.