Simple application to manage realtime metric streams.
Managed as a monorepo with the following deployable micro services
- Ingest service to feed the stream of metric records
- Metric aggregator that aggregates incoming metric records in realtime based on metric type
- Metrics APIs to read the aggregated metric values
The easiest way to get going is using docker with the provided docker-compose file.
Run the below npm script command from repo root to build and create the docker images for all the services
npm run distDocker
And then start the containers for both metrics and dependent services
docker-compose up
Once the containers are running the ingest and API services are available on ports 8000
and 7000
curl http://localhost:8000/health/ping
> pong (metrics-ingest service)
curl http://localhost:7000/health/ping
> pong (metrics-api service)
Ingest data
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/ingest/metrics \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"level": "application",
"name": "server.get.timer",
"type": "TIMER",
"value": 1
Read metrics via API service
curl http://localhost:7000/data/metrics/application.server.get.timer
Following metric types are supported
- Meter: Measures the count and mean rate
- Counter: Tracks the changes (increments and decrements) to the value
- Timer: Timing values and their stats vaklues like min, max and mean
Following are the supported store types and store type can be configured via the STORE config
- Redis: Leveraged as a basic key-value store
- In-memory: For testing and scope limited to aggregator service
Kafka: Kafka streams KTable as the store. (To be implemented)
Since this is part of my weekend quest to learn Typescript, extensive frameworks have been intentionally avoided. And following is the wishlist for future work
- Unit tests (jest)
- Websocket for metrics-api (
- Kafka KTable as the store (kafka-streams)
- Custom Envelope SerDes
- Monorepo management (lerna)
- AWS deployment
- Dependency Injection (InversifyJS)