react-anpicker is a free and light component in react for date picker mostly based on Intl and predefined function for converting dates
- type script
- rtl/ltr
- other calendars
react-anpicker requires react "^18.2.0", react-dome "^18.2.0" to run.
run this command:
npm i react-anpicker
add css to your project
import "react-anpicker/dist/styles.css";
import { AnPicker } from 'react-anpicker';
const [date, setDate] = useState(null);
const handleChange = (date: Date | null, localDate: string | null) => { }
<AnPicker value={date} onChange={handleChange} />
- showTodayBottom: boolean- today button be visible or not
- value::string in this format year/month/day ("number/number/number")
- onChange: (string, gregorianDate?: [number, number, number]) => void- a function that fires after change with valid date and gives you value
- showTodayBottom: boolean- today button be visible or not
- inputControl: ReactElemt- for passing an custom input from other libraries
- showSidebar: boolean: show sidebar beside picker section
- popupTargetId: by defaylt date picker appears as a last child of body, in case like using it in a modal, you can specify wrapper for it.
- locale: :
title:string-calander title in sidebar
name: string-locale from Intl like "en-US" or "fa-IR" ,...
startOfWeek: number-if your week not starts with monday, you can specifing it(sunday=-1,tusday=1);
rtl: boolean;
todayButtonText: string,
daysOfEachMonth: (year: number, month: number) => number-a functio that return number of days in each month
numberConverter: (number: string) => number- get number in other languages in convert them to eng number;
convertToDate: (localYear: number, localMonth: number, localDay: number) => [number, number, number]- a function that takes local date and retrun eq in gregorian date;
an object that needs to be set if you use another locale, default is been configed for "fa-Ir"
for this calander use locale like below:
rtl: false,
convertToDate: (y, m, d) => [y, m, d],
daysOfEachMonth: (y, m) => {
switch (m) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 10:
case 12:
return 31;
case 2:
let isKabise = false;
if (y % 400 === 0) isKabise = true;
else if (y % 100 === 0) isKabise = false;
else if (y % 4 === 0) isKabise = true;
return isKabise ? 29 : 28;
return 30;
name: "en-US",
numberConverter: (n) => parseInt(n),