Tianyu Liu kingcrimsontianyu@gmail.com 2015-2021
Quarter Life (QL), based on Unreal Engine, is a first-person adventure game and my personal side project. It is intended to combine fun gameplay elements with advanced movement mechanics. Advanced movement specifically refers to Quake-style movement where players apply strafe jumping, bunny hopping and other advanced movement techniques to gain exceptionally high speed, which provides a unique feeling of conquering and transcending space. Apart from Quake, my inspiration comes from Half Life, Portal, Bioshock, Dishonored, Prey, Witcher, Shadow Warrior, Unreal Tournament, Doom, Control.
This game is developed in primarily C++ and a bit of Unreal Blueprint visual scripts. Blueprint classes related to game mechanics are almost all subclassed from C++.
Regarding this repository:
- This repository is subject to GNU General Public License version 3 license (GPLv3).
- Additionally, monetizing any content of this repository on Unreal Engine Marketplace, in the original or derivative form, is expressly prohibited.
- Some asset data, for example sound cues, are extracted and modified from other video games or Unreal Engine samples. To strictly comply with EULA, these derivative asset data are never included in this repository.
- Blueprints are not included in this repository, but available on request (kingcrimsontianyu@gmail.com), with all derivative asset data removed.
This game is developed and tested on Unreal Engine version: 4.26.0.
- Strafe jumping (Vanilla Quake 3, Quake Champions)
- Unholy trinity (Quake Champions)
- Lightning gun
- Rail gun
- Rocket launcher
- Gravity gun (Half life 2)
- Portal gun (Portal 2)
- Recycler grenade launcher (Prey + Quake Champions)
- Nailgun (Quake Champions)
- Unholy trinity (Quake Champions)
- Ghost walk 鬼影 (Quake Champions)
- Piercing sight 透視 (Quake Champions)
- Mimic Matter (Prey)
- Za Warudo (the world) 世界 (manga/anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
- Time travel (Dishonored 2, Titanfall 2)
- Quad damage (Quake Champions)
- Pentagram of Protection (Quake Champions)
- Floating health bar and armor bar
- Floating damage numbers
- Bunny hopping (Quake 3 CPMA, Quake Champions)
- Crouch sliding (Quake Champions)
- Big Fucking Gun (BFG) (Doom)
- Healing rain 愈雨 (Shadow Warrior)
- Dire orb 瞬殺 (Quake Champions)
- Acid spit 毒蝕 (Quake Champions)
- Flame strike 冥火 (Quake Champions)
- Dual wield 雙剎 (Quake Champions)
- Barrier shield 天盾 (Quake Champions)
- Magical traffic light (Control)
Quest system