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1027 lines (822 loc) · 36.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1027 lines (822 loc) · 36.8 KB


  • Features

    • The length of the data is allowed to vary, but the width is fixed at two columns.
    • Output spacing and the position of the header row are specified as constants.
  • Code, Example Data and Output

    Code : ReadCSV.f95
        ! Constants
        INTEGER, PARAMETER         :: MaxRows = 1000, MaxCols = 10  ! Maximum number of rows and columns
        INTEGER, PARAMETER         :: MaxColumnLength = 16          ! Maximum length of each column
        INTEGER, PARAMETER         :: HeaderRow = 1                 ! Row number containing column headers
        ! Variables
        CHARACTER(MaxColumnLength) :: DataArray(MaxRows, 2)         ! Array to store data
        CHARACTER(80)              :: FileName                      ! File name
        INTEGER                    :: NumRows, i, FileUnit          ! Number of rows and file unit
        CHARACTER(80)              :: Line                          ! Line read from the file
        ! Get the file name
        FileName = 'GirlGroups.csv'
        ! Open the data file
        OPEN(UNIT=FileUnit, FILE=FileName, STATUS='OLD', ACTION='READ')
        ! Initialize the number of rows
        NumRows = 0
        ! Read the data from the file
            READ(FileUnit, '(A)', END=999) Line
            NumRows = NumRows + 1
            ! Split the line into columns
            CALL SplitLine(Line, DataArray(NumRows, 1), DataArray(NumRows, 2))
        END DO
    999 CONTINUE
        ! Close the data file
        ! Print the data array
        DO i = 1, NumRows
            WRITE(*, '(A, A)') DataArray(i, 1), DataArray(i, 2)
            ! Print the line separator
            IF (i == HeaderRow) THEN
                WRITE(*, '(A)') REPEAT('-', MaxColumnLength*2)
            END IF
        END DO
        ! Subroutine to split a line into two columns
        SUBROUTINE SplitLine(Line, Column1, Column2)
        ! Subroutine to split a line into two columns
        SUBROUTINE SplitLine(Line, Column1, Column2)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            CHARACTER(80), INTENT(IN)  :: Line                  ! Input line
            CHARACTER(MaxColumnLength) :: Column1, Column2      ! Output columns
            CHARACTER(80)              :: TempLine              ! Temporary line storage
            INTEGER                    :: Start, End            ! Start and end positions
            TempLine = TRIM(Line)
            Start = 1
            ! Read the first column until a comma is encountered
            DO WHILE (Start <= LEN(TempLine) .AND. TempLine(Start:Start) /= ',')
                Start = Start + 1
            END DO
            End = MIN(Start+MaxColumnLength-1, LEN(TempLine))
            Column1 = TempLine(1:Start-1)
            ! Read the second column from the comma to the end of the line
            Start = Start + 1
            Column2 = TempLine(Start:LEN(TempLine))
        END SUBROUTINE SplitLine
    Example Data : GirlGroups.csv
    Group           Member          
    aespa           Karina          
    aespa           Winter          
    aespa           Giselle         
    aespa           Ningning        
    BLACKPINK       Jisoo           
    BLACKPINK       Jennie          
    BLACKPINK       Rosé           
    BLACKPINK       Lisa  
  • Refactoring : Divide into 7 subroutines

    • SetTableFormats() PrintProgramInfo() PrintDepreciationMethodDetails() GetUserInput() CalculateDefaultDepreciationRate() PrintDepreciationTableHeader() PrintDepreciationTableRow()
  • Code and Output

    Code : DepreciationCalculator2.1.f95 (Only mainly updated parts)
    MODULE GlobalFormats
        ! Declare global variables for formatting
        CHARACTER(LEN=19) :: TableColumnNameFormat
        CHARACTER(LEN=25) :: TableRowContentFormat
        CHARACTER(LEN=22) :: TableTitleFormatWithRate
        CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: TableTitleFormatWithoutRate
    END MODULE GlobalFormats
    PROGRAM DepreciationCalculator2
        USE GlobalFormats
        DOUBLE PRECISION :: InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate
        INTEGER :: Year
        ! Set column and row formatting
        CALL SetTableFormats(TableColumnNameFormat, TableRowContentFormat, &
                             TableTitleFormatWithRate, TableTitleFormatWithoutRate)
        ! Display program information
        CALL PrintProgramInfo()
        ! Notification of specific details
        CALL PrintDepreciationMethodDetails()
        ! Get user input
        CALL GetUserInput(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate)
        ! Set default value of the depreciation rate for DB method
        CALL CalculateDefaultDepreciationRate(DepreciationRate, UsefulLife)
        ! Call the custom functions to calculate depreciation
        SUBROUTINE SetTableFormats(TableColumnNameFormat, TableRowContentFormat, &
                                   TableTitleFormatWithRate, TableTitleFormatWithoutRate)
        SUBROUTINE PrintProgramInfo()
        SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationMethodDetails()
        SUBROUTINE GetUserInput(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDefaultDepreciationRate(DepreciationRate, UsefulLife)
        SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationTableHeader(MethodName, DepreciationRate)
        SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationTableRow(Year, DepreciationExpense, &
                                             AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateStraightLine(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, &
                                             UsefulLife, DepreciationRate)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDoubleDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateSYD(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
    END PROGRAM DepreciationCalculator2
        SUBROUTINE SetTableFormats(TableColumnNameFormat, TableRowContentFormat, &
                                   TableTitleFormatWithRate, TableTitleFormatWithoutRate)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            CHARACTER(*), INTENT(OUT) :: TableColumnNameFormat, TableRowContentFormat, &
                                         TableTitleFormatWithRate, TableTitleFormatWithoutRate
            ! Set column and row formatting
            TableColumnNameFormat = "(A6, A16, A16, A16)"
            TableRowContentFormat = "(I6, F16.2, F16.2, F16.2)"
            TableTitleFormatWithRate = "(A, A, A, A, F5.2, A/)"
            TableTitleFormatWithoutRate = "(A, A, A/)"
        END SUBROUTINE SetTableFormats
        SUBROUTINE PrintProgramInfo()
            IMPLICIT NONE
            ! Display program information
            WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO')  "Depreciation Calculator Ver.2.1"
            WRITE(*, '(A/)') " (2024.04.29)"
        END SUBROUTINE PrintProgramInfo
        SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationMethodDetails()
            ! Print the notification about declining balance method and salvage value
            WRITE(*, '(A)')  "※ In declining balance method and double declining balance depreciation, "
            WRITE(*, '(A/)') "  the salvage value is not recognized in the calculation of the depreciation base."
        END SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationMethodDetails
        SUBROUTINE GetUserInput(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT) :: InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate
            ! Get user input
            WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "  Enter the initial cost of the asset           : "
            READ *, InitialCost
            WRITE(*, '(A)')               "  Enter the salvage value of the asset"
            WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "    (or the memorandum value)                   : "
            READ *, SalvageValue
            WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "  Enter the useful life of the asset (in years) : "
            READ *, UsefulLife
            WRITE(*, '(A)')               "  Enter the depreciation rate(%)"
            WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "    (Default: 2 / useful life, ≒ DDB)           : "
            READ *, DepreciationRate
            WRITE(*, '(A)') ""
        END SUBROUTINE GetUserInput
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDefaultDepreciationRate(DepreciationRate, UsefulLife)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(INOUT) :: DepreciationRate
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: UsefulLife
            IF (DepreciationRate == 0.0) THEN
                DepreciationRate = (2 / UsefulLife) * 100
            END IF
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateDefaultDepreciationRate
        SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationTableHeader(MethodName, DepreciationRate)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: MethodName
            DOUBLE PRECISION, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: DepreciationRate
            ! Print the header for the specified depreciation method
            IF (PRESENT(DepreciationRate)) THEN
                WRITE(*, TableTitleFormatWithRate) "<", MethodName, ">", &
                                                   " (Rate: ", DepreciationRate, "%)"
                WRITE(*, TableTitleFormatWithoutRate) "<", MethodName, ">"
            END IF
            WRITE(*, TableColumnNameFormat) "Year", "Depreciation", "Accumulated", "Book"
            WRITE(*, TableColumnNameFormat) "", "Expense", "Depreciation", "Value"
        END SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationTableHeader
        SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationTableRow(Year, DepreciationExpense, &
                                             AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Year
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
            ! Print the row content for each year
            WRITE(*, TableRowContentFormat) Year, DepreciationExpense, &
                                            AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
        END SUBROUTINE PrintDepreciationTableRow
        SUBROUTINE CalculateStraightLine(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
            ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
            CALL PrintDepreciationTableHeader("Straight-Line Method")
            DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
                CALL PrintDepreciationTableRow(Year, DepreciationExpense, &
                                               AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue)
            END DO
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateStraightLine
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, &
                                             UsefulLife, DepreciationRate)
            ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
            CALL PrintDepreciationTableHeader("Declining Balance Method", DepreciationRate)
            DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
                CALL PrintDepreciationTableRow(Year, DepreciationExpense, &
                                               AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue)
            END DO
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateDecliningBalance
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDoubleDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
            ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
            CALL PrintDepreciationTableHeader("Double Declining Balance Method", DepreciationRate)
            DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
                CALL PrintDepreciationTableRow(Year, DepreciationExpense, &
                                               AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue)
            END DO
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateDoubleDecliningBalance
        SUBROUTINE CalculateSYD(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
            ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
            CALL PrintDepreciationTableHeader("Sum-of-the-Years' Digits Method")
            DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
                CALL PrintDepreciationTableRow(Year, DepreciationExpense, &
                                               AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue)
            END DO
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateSYD
    Depreciation Calculator Ver.2.1 (2024.04.29)
    ※ In declining balance method and double declining balance depreciation, 
      the salvage value is not recognized in the calculation of the depreciation base.
      Enter the initial cost of the asset           : 11000
      Enter the salvage value of the asset
        (or the memorandum value)                   : 1000
      Enter the useful life of the asset (in years) : 5
      Enter the depreciation rate(%)
        (Default: 2 / useful life, ≒ DDB)           : 50
    <Straight-Line Method>
     Year    Depreciation     Accumulated            Book
                  Expense    Depreciation           Value
        1         2000.00         2000.00         9000.00
        2         2000.00         4000.00         7000.00
        3         2000.00         6000.00         5000.00
        4         2000.00         8000.00         3000.00
        5         2000.00        10000.00         1000.00
  • Add various methods of depreciation

    • Declining Balance Method
    • Double Declining Balance Method
    • Sum-of-the-Years' Digits Method
  • Future Improvements

    • Calculation of depreciation adjustment related with tax accounting
    • Consideration of memorandum value
  • Code and Output

    Code : DepreciationCalculator2.f95
    MODULE GlobalFormats
        ! Declare global variables for formatting
        CHARACTER(LEN=19) :: ColumnNameFormat
        CHARACTER(LEN=25) :: RowContentFormat
    END MODULE GlobalFormats
    PROGRAM DepreciationCalculator2
        USE GlobalFormats
        DOUBLE PRECISION :: InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife
        DOUBLE PRECISION :: DepreciationRate
        INTEGER :: Year
        ! Set column and row formatting
        ColumnNameFormat = "(A6, A16, A16, A16)"
        RowContentFormat = "(I6, F16.2, F16.2, F16.2)"
        ! Display program information
        WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO')  "Depreciation Calculator Ver.2"
        WRITE(*, '(A/)') " (2024.04.22)"
        ! Get user input
        WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "  Enter the initial cost of the asset           : "; READ *, InitialCost
        WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "  Enter the salvage value of the asset          : "; READ *, SalvageValue
        WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "  Enter the useful life of the asset (in years) : "; READ *, UsefulLife
        WRITE(*, '(A)') "  Enter the depreciation rate(%)"
        WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "    (Default: 2 / useful life, ≒ DDB)           : "; READ *, DepreciationRate
        ! Notification of specific details
        WRITE(*, '(/A)') "※ In declining balance method and double declining balance depreciation, "
        WRITE(*, '(A)')  "  the salvage value is not recognized in the calculation of the depreciation base."
        WRITE(*, '(/)')
        ! Set default value of the depreciation rate for DB method
        IF (DepreciationRate == 0.0) THEN
            DepreciationRate = (2 / UsefulLife) * 100
        END IF
        ! Call the custom functions to calculate depreciation
        CALL CalculateStraightLine(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
        CALL CalculateDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate)
        CALL CalculateDoubleDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
        CALL CalculateSYD(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateStraightLine(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDoubleDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
        SUBROUTINE CalculateSYD(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
    END PROGRAM DepreciationCalculator2
        SUBROUTINE CalculateStraightLine(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife
            DOUBLE PRECISION :: DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
            ! Initialize accumulatedDepreciation and bookValue
            AccumulatedDepreciation = 0.0
            BookValue = InitialCost
            ! Print header
            WRITE(*, '(A, /)') "<Straight-Line Method>"
            WRITE(*, ColumnNameFormat) "Year", "Depreciation", "Accumulated", "Book"
            WRITE(*, ColumnNameFormat) "", "Expense", "Depreciation", "Value"
            ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
            DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
                DepreciationExpense = (InitialCost - SalvageValue) / UsefulLife
                AccumulatedDepreciation = AccumulatedDepreciation + DepreciationExpense
                BookValue = BookValue - DepreciationExpense
                WRITE(*, RowContentFormat) Year, DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
            END DO
            WRITE(*, '(A)') ""
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateStraightLine
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife, DepreciationRate
            DOUBLE PRECISION :: DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
            ! Initialize accumulatedDepreciation and bookValue
            AccumulatedDepreciation = 0.0
            BookValue = InitialCost
            ! Print header
            WRITE(*, '(A, F5.2, A/)') "<Declining Balance Method> (Rate: ", DepreciationRate, "%)"
            WRITE(*, ColumnNameFormat) "Year", "Depreciation", "Accumulated", "Book"
            WRITE(*, ColumnNameFormat) "", "Expense", "Depreciation", "Value"
            ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
            DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
                IF (BookValue * (1 - DepreciationRate / 100) >= SalvageValue) THEN
                    DepreciationExpense = BookValue * DepreciationRate / 100
                    AccumulatedDepreciation = AccumulatedDepreciation + DepreciationExpense
                    BookValue = BookValue - DepreciationExpense
                    BookValue = SalvageValue
                    DepreciationExpense = (InitialCost - SalvageValue) - AccumulatedDepreciation
                    AccumulatedDepreciation = InitialCost - SalvageValue
                END IF
                WRITE(*, RowContentFormat) Year, DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
                IF (BookValue <= SalvageValue) THEN
                END IF
            END DO
            WRITE(*, '(A)') ""
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateDecliningBalance
        SUBROUTINE CalculateDoubleDecliningBalance(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife
            DOUBLE PRECISION :: DepreciationRate, DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
            ! Initialize accumulatedDepreciation and bookValue
            AccumulatedDepreciation = 0.0
            BookValue = InitialCost
            DepreciationRate = (2 / UsefulLife) * 100
            ! Print header
            WRITE(*, '(A, F5.2, A/)') "<Double Declining Balance Method> (Rate: ", DepreciationRate, "%)"
            WRITE(*, ColumnNameFormat) "Year", "Depreciation", "Accumulated", "Book"
            WRITE(*, ColumnNameFormat) "", "Expense", "Depreciation", "Value"
            ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
            DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
                IF (BookValue * (1 - DepreciationRate / 100) >= SalvageValue) THEN
                    DepreciationExpense = BookValue * DepreciationRate / 100
                    AccumulatedDepreciation = AccumulatedDepreciation + DepreciationExpense
                    BookValue = BookValue - DepreciationExpense
                    BookValue = SalvageValue
                    DepreciationExpense = (InitialCost - SalvageValue) - AccumulatedDepreciation
                    AccumulatedDepreciation = InitialCost - SalvageValue
                END IF
                WRITE(*, RowContentFormat) Year, DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
                IF (BookValue <= SalvageValue) THEN
                END IF
            END DO
            WRITE(*, '(A)') ""
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateDoubleDecliningBalance
        SUBROUTINE CalculateSYD(InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife)
            IMPLICIT NONE
            DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife
            DOUBLE PRECISION :: DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
            INTEGER :: SumOfYears
            ! Calculate the sum of the years' digits
            SumOfYears = UsefulLife * (UsefulLife + 1) / 2
            ! Initialize accumulatedDepreciation and bookValue
            AccumulatedDepreciation = 0.0
            BookValue = InitialCost
            ! Print header
            WRITE(*, '(A, /)') "<Sum-of-the-Years' Digits Method>"
            WRITE(*, ColumnNameFormat) "Year", "Depreciation", "Accumulated", "Book"
            WRITE(*, ColumnNameFormat) "", "Expense", "Depreciation", "Value"
            ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
            DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
                DepreciationExpense = (InitialCost - SalvageValue) * (UsefulLife - Year + 1) / SumOfYears
                AccumulatedDepreciation = AccumulatedDepreciation + DepreciationExpense
                BookValue = BookValue - DepreciationExpense
                WRITE(*, RowContentFormat) Year, DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
            END DO
            WRITE(*, '(A)') ""
        END SUBROUTINE CalculateSYD
    Depreciation Calculator Ver.2 (2024.04.22)
      Enter the initial cost of the asset           : 11000
      Enter the salvage value of the asset          : 1000
      Enter the useful life of the asset (in years) : 5
      Enter the depreciation rate(%)
        (Default: 2 / useful life, ≒ DDB)           : 50In declining balance method and double declining balance depreciation, 
      the salvage value is not recognized in the calculation of the depreciation base.
    <Straight-Line Method>
     Year    Depreciation     Accumulated            Book
                  Expense    Depreciation           Value
        1         2000.00         2000.00         9000.00
        2         2000.00         4000.00         7000.00
        3         2000.00         6000.00         5000.00
        4         2000.00         8000.00         3000.00
        5         2000.00        10000.00         1000.00
    <Declining Balance Method> (Rate: 50.00%)
     Year    Depreciation     Accumulated            Book
                  Expense    Depreciation           Value
        1         5500.00         5500.00         5500.00
        2         2750.00         8250.00         2750.00
        3         1375.00         9625.00         1375.00
        4          375.00        10000.00         1000.00
    <Double Declining Balance Method> (Rate: 40.00%)
     Year    Depreciation     Accumulated            Book
                  Expense    Depreciation           Value
        1         4400.00         4400.00         6600.00
        2         2640.00         7040.00         3960.00
        3         1584.00         8624.00         2376.00
        4          950.40         9574.40         1425.60
        5          425.60        10000.00         1000.00
    <Sum-of-the-Years' Digits Method>
     Year    Depreciation     Accumulated            Book
                  Expense    Depreciation           Value
        1         3333.33         3333.33         7666.67
        2         2666.67         6000.00         5000.00
        3         2000.00         8000.00         3000.00
        4         1333.33         9333.33         1666.67
        5          666.67        10000.00         1000.00
  • Calculate depreciation only using the straight-line method

  • Future Improvements

    • Add various methods of depreciation
      : Declining Balance Method, Accelerated Depreciation Method, Sum-of-the-Years’ Digits Method, etc. → Done
  • Code and Output

    Code : DepreciationCalculator.f95
    PROGRAM DepreciationCalculator
      (All of the below code is located here)
    END PROGRAM DepreciationCalculator
        DOUBLE PRECISION :: InitialCost, SalvageValue, UsefulLife
        DOUBLE PRECISION :: DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
        INTEGER :: Year
        ! Get user input
        WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "Enter the initial cost of the asset           : "; READ *, InitialCost
        WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "Enter the salvage value of the asset          : "; READ *, SalvageValue
        WRITE(*, '(A)', ADVANCE='NO') "Enter the useful life of the asset (in years) : "; READ *, UsefulLife
        WRITE(*, '(A)') ""
        ! Initialize accumulatedDepreciation and bookValue
        AccumulatedDepreciation = 0.0
        BookValue = InitialCost
        ! Print header
        WRITE(*, '(A6, A22, A26, A20)') "Year", "Depreciation Expense", "Accumulated Depreciation", "Book Value"
        ! Calculate and print depreciation for each year
        DO Year = 1, INT(UsefulLife)
            DepreciationExpense = (InitialCost - SalvageValue) / UsefulLife
            AccumulatedDepreciation = AccumulatedDepreciation + DepreciationExpense
            BookValue = BookValue - DepreciationExpense
            WRITE(*, '(I6, F22.2, F26.2, F20.2)') Year, DepreciationExpense, AccumulatedDepreciation, BookValue
        END DO
    Enter the initial cost of the asset           : 11000
    Enter the salvage value of the asset          : 1000
    Enter the useful life of the asset (in years) : 5
     Year  Depreciation Expense  Accumulated Depreciation          Book Value
        1               2000.00                   2000.00             9000.00
        2               2000.00                   4000.00             7000.00
        3               2000.00                   6000.00             5000.00
        4               2000.00                   8000.00             3000.00
        5               2000.00                  10000.00             1000.00
  • Improvements

    • Add 2 items : Total withdrawal amount, Maturity balance
    • Improve the calculation method for Pmt < 0 by using a loop.
    • Add a test mode.
      • Failed to apply conditional compilation.
    • Adhere to the standard Fortran conventions (use uppercase keywords).
    • Separate frequently used formats into separate strings.
  • Code and Output

    Code : CompoundInterestCalc.f95
    PROGRAM CompoundInterestCalculator_2
      (All of the below code is located here)
    END PROGRAM CompoundInterestCalculator_2
      LOGICAL :: IsTest
      REAL :: Principal, Rate, Pmt, &
              Deposit, Interest, CurrentValue, &
              TotalInterest, TotalWithdrawl, TotalAmount, MaturityBalance
      INTEGER :: Periods, i
      CHARACTER(LEN=30), PARAMETER :: Format1 = "(A,I6,A,F12.2,A,F12.2,A,F12.2)"
      CHARACTER(LEN= 9), PARAMETER :: Format2 = "(A,F12.2)"
      ! Set if test mode
      IsTest = .TRUE.
    !   IsTest = .TRUE.
    ! #ELSE
    !   IsTest = .FALSE.
    ! #ENDIF
      ! Get values from user
      WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO') 'Enter the principal amount                 : '; READ*, Principal
      WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO') 'Enter the interest rate(%)                 : '; READ*, Rate
      WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO') 'Enter the number of periods                : '; READ*, Periods
      WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE='NO') 'Enter the Periodic Payment (Withdrawl < 0) : '; READ*, Pmt
      ! Initialize variables
      Deposit = Principal
      CurrentValue = Principal
      Interest = 0.0
      TotalInterest = 0.0
      TotalWithdrawl = 0.0
      ! Calculate
      ! Pmt : The initial deposit is assumed.
      IF ((Pmt >= 0) .AND. .NOT. (IsTest)) THEN
        Deposit = Principal + Pmt * Periods
        CurrentValue = Principal * (1 + Rate/100) ** Periods + &
                      Pmt * ( ( (1 + Rate/100) ** Periods - 1) / (Rate/100) )
        TotalInterest = CurrentValue - Deposit
        IF (IsTest) THEN
          WRITE(*, "(A)") ""
          WRITE(*, "(A)") "<Test>"
        END IF
        DO i = 1, Periods
          Interest = (CurrentValue + Pmt) * (Rate/100)
          CurrentValue = CurrentValue + Pmt + Interest
          TotalInterest = TotalInterest + Interest
          IF (Pmt >= 0) THEN
            Deposit = Deposit + Pmt
            TotalWithdrawl = TotalWithdrawl - Pmt
          END IF
          IF (IsTest) THEN
            ! WRITE(*, "(I6)") " i: ", i                            ! " i: " requires "(A)"!
            WRITE(*, Format1) &
              " i: ", i, ", Deposit: ", Deposit, ", Interest: ", Interest, ", CurrentValue : ", CurrentValue
          END IF
        END DO
      END IF
      TotalAmount = Deposit + TotalInterest
      MaturityBalance = TotalAmount - TotalWithdrawl
      ! Display the calculated results
      WRITE(*, "(A)") ""
      WRITE(*, Format2) "The deposit amount          : ", Deposit
      WRITE(*, Format2) "The interest amount         : ", TotalInterest
      WRITE(*, Format2) "The total amount            : ", TotalAmount
      WRITE(*, Format2) "The early withdrawal amount : ", TotalWithdrawl
      WRITE(*, Format2) "The maturity balance        : ", MaturityBalance
    Enter the principal amount                 : 12000
    Enter the interest rate(%)                 : 6
    Enter the number of periods                : 12
    Enter the Periodic Payment (Withdrawl < 0) : 0
    The deposit amount          :     12000.00
    The interest amount         :     12146.36
    The total amount            :     24146.36
    The early withdrawal amount :         0.00
    The maturity balance        :     24146.36
    Enter the principal amount                 : 0
    Enter the interest rate(%)                 : 6
    Enter the number of periods                : 12
    Enter the Periodic Payment (Withdrawl < 0) : 1000
    The deposit amount          :     12000.00
    The interest amount         :      5882.14
    The total amount            :     17882.14
    The early withdrawal amount :         0.00
    The maturity balance        :     17882.14
    Enter the principal amount                 : 12720
    Enter the interest rate(%)                 : 6
    Enter the number of periods                : 12
    Enter the Periodic Payment (Withdrawl < 0) : -720
    i:      1, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:      2, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:      3, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:      4, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:      5, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:      6, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:      7, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:      8, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:      9, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:     10, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:     11, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    i:     12, Deposit:     12720.00, Interest:       720.00, CurrentValue :     12720.00
    The deposit amount          :     12720.00
    The interest amount         :      8640.00
    The total amount            :     21360.00
    The early withdrawal amount :      8640.00
    The maturity balance        :     12720.00
  • My initial Fortran code to overcome coding yips(?)

  • Environment : Fortran 95 supported on Replit

  • Compilation and Run

    • Compilation
      gfortran -o main CompoundInterestCalc.f95
    • Run
  • Code and Output

    Code : CompoundInterestCalc.f95
    program compound_interest_calculator
      implicit none
      real :: principal, rate, time, pmt, deposit, future_value
      ! Get principal amount from user
      write(*, "(A)", advance='no') 'Enter the principal amount  : '
      read*, principal
      ! Get interest rate from user
      write(*, "(A)", advance='no') 'Enter the interest rate(%)  : '
      read*, rate
      ! Get number of periods from user
      write(*, "(A)", advance='no') 'Enter the number of periods : '
      read*, time
      ! Get periodic payment from user
      write(*, "(A)", advance='no') 'Enter the Periodic Payment  : '
      read*, pmt
      ! Calculate deposit and future value
      deposit = principal + pmt * time
      future_value = principal * (1 + rate/100) ** time + pmt * ( ( (1 + rate/100) ** time - 1) / (rate/100) )
      ! Display the calculated results
      write(*, "(A)") " "
      write(*, "(A,F12.2)") "The deposit amount  : ", deposit
      write(*, "(A,F12.2)") "The interest amount : ", future_value - deposit
      write(*, "(A,F12.2)") "The total amount    : ", future_value
    end program compound_interest_calculator
    Enter the principal amount  : 10000
    Enter the interest rate(%)  : 6
    Enter the number of periods : 12
    Enter the Periodic Payment  : 0
    The deposit amount  :     10000.00
    The interest amount :     10121.95
    The total amount    :     20121.95
    Enter the principal amount  : 0   
    Enter the interest rate(%)  : 5
    Enter the number of periods : 12
    Enter the Periodic Payment  : 1000
    The deposit amount  :     12000.00
    The interest amount :      3917.11
    The total amount    :     15917.11
    Enter the principal amount  : 10000
    Enter the interest rate(%)  : 3
    Enter the number of periods : 12
    Enter the Periodic Payment  : -300
    The deposit amount  :      6400.00
    The interest amount :      3600.00
    The total amount    :     10000.00