pip install -r requirements.txt
Put the data in the folder data
in the settr
Data is not released and will be provided upon request.
See launch_train.sh
for examples.
./launch_eval.sh <Experiment Name>
# Open a bash shell
salloc -p <partition> --gres gpu:1 --mem 12g -t 3:00:00
# Run an interactive job
srun -p <partition> --gres gpu:1 --mem 12g -t 3:00:00
# Run another job within the same node
srun --jobid <job_id>
# Check job status and up time
squeue -u $USER
# Show node status
# Show node info
scontrol show nodes <node_hostname>
# Show partition info
scontrol show partition <partition_name>
# Find the IP <ip> of the node
cat /etc/hosts
# Listen to all ports
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888 --ip=
# On the local computer
ssh cs260 -NL 8888:<ip>:8888