1.1.0-beta.1 (2024-11-17)
Bug Fixes
- adjust app icons to remove alpha for compatibility with apple store (8d3c75d)
- Apply number shortener to amount in transaction list items (8bc5b8c)
- correctly copying public key from transaction screen even when contact name is showing (3886753)
- correctly showing appropriate network icon after the balance (5100cae)
- dispose the private key textfield when leaving the screen for additional security (a81327b)
- fixed bug where sometimes transactions are being fetched twice and showing duplicates. Refactored. (b01f415)
- Fixed bug where the FAB would stay open after navigating to a subscreen and back. (ef514c8)
- Multi line text fields now show 7 lines. Up from 3. (81edb9c)
- Now correctly importing Base64 privateKeys (7317204)
- reduced spacing around icon in the appIcon to make it more visible and bring into alignment with the kibisis extension icon (11f93b9)
- Remove the back button from the Select Account Screen. (3cbe574)
- Add language picker to the welcome screen. (572bf3b)
- Added Vietnamese and Turkish languages (a0b2ed0)
- Can now open transactions for more details (8ce76ca)
- Can now opt out of arc200s that are being tracked locally. (a8799a2)
- Can now toggle between languages. English and Thai implemented (9ed1a3a)
- Now formatting long displays of voi with comma separation for clarity (d3b16c9)
- Now highlighting new transactions since last time updated (6493031)
- track arc200 assets locally and poll balance for indexed arc200s (26dd8c8)