A small visualization of the weekly markets in different cities. Available at: http://wo-ist-markt.de
The individual market data for supported cities is displayed when the city name is given in the address bar of the browser.
Example: http://wo-ist-markt.de/#karlsruhe.
By default or on error Karlsruhe is rendered.
- You are very welcome to get involved in the project. Therefore, we prepared a contribution guide which explains how to add market data and how to start coding on the project.
Tests can be run using npm:
$ npm install # Just once after you've cloned the repo
$ npm test # Whenever you want to run the tests
When new code is pushed to master Travis CI runs a test suite against it. If those test pass fabric is used to deploy the new version to the server running under https://wo-ist-markt.de.
The command that Travis CI executes is fab deploy -i markt_deploy_id_rsa -H deploy@kiesinger.okfn.de:2207
where markt_deploy_id_rsa
is an ssh key to log into the server. It is commited to this repository in
a encrypted format that Travis CI decrypts in the before_install
You can run the deployment locally if your ssh key is added to the deploy
user on the server. Since
Travis CI does it automatically there should be no need to do this though.
The command to deploy manually is: fab deploy -H deploy@kiesinger.okfn.de:2207