Welcome to the Shell and Web Infrastructure Learning Repository! This repository contains a collection of exercises, projects, and resources designed to enhance understanding of shell scripting, web infrastructure, and related technologies.
This repository serves as a comprehensive guide for mastering shell basics, permissions, I/O redirection, and web infrastructure concepts. Each section is a practical exploration of the topic, with exercises and examples to solidify your understanding.
The following topics are included in this repository:
- 0x00. Shell Basics
- 0x01. Shell Permissions
- 0x02. Shell I/O Redirections and Filters
- 0x03. Shell Init Files, Variables, and Expansions
- 0x04. Loops, Conditions, and Parsing
- 0x05. Processes and Signals
- 0x06. Regular Expressions
- 0x07. Networking Basics
- 0x08. Networking Basics 2
- 0x09. Web Infrastructure Design
- 0x0A. Configuration Management
- 0x0B. SSH
- 0x0C. Web Server
- 0x0D. Web Stack Debugging 0
- 0x0E. Web Stack Debugging 1
- 0x0F. Load Balancer
- 0x10. HTTPS/SSL
- 0x11. What Happens When You Type google.com in Your Browser and Press Enter
- 0x12. Web Stack Debugging 2
- 0x13. Firewall
- 0x14. MySQL
- 0x15. API
- 0x16. API Advanced
- 0x17. Web Stack Debugging 3
- 0x18. Webstack Monitoring
- 0x19. Postmortem
- 0x1A. Application Server
- 0x1B. Web Stack Debugging 4
- Attack is the Best Defense
- Command Line for the Win
To get started, clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/khalid1sey/alx-system_engineering-devops
cd repository
cd 0x00-shell_basics
# Run the scripts or read the documentation
Each directory within this repository contains exercises and information related to the respective topic. You can navigate to any directory to explore the content and run the provided scripts or commands. bash
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements, feel free to create a pull request or open an issue. License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Inspired by ALX resources and tutorials.
Special thanks to all contributors and mentors who supported the development of this repository.