This is an assigment for Microverse HTML and CSS course. The goal is to clone Apple's Page with static functionability.
About | Installing | Built with | Author
This page is one of ours required projects on micreverse and the porpouse of it, is to learn properly how to use gradient. That was a good project to work with, because it was full of details (like the input behavior on focus and hover effect on navlinks).
- HTML and CSS - HTML5 and CSS3
- Stickler - A CSS Linter
- W3 HTML Validator - A Markup Validation Service
- Clone or download this repository;
- Unpack (if downloaded);
- Execute index.html on your favorite browser;
👤 Kevin Alves
- Github: @kevinfrontend
- Twitter: @kevinfrontend
- Linkedin: @kevinfrontend
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is free to use as learning purposes. For any external content (e.g. logo, images, ...), please contact the proper author and check their license of use.
Drink water 💧;
Play sports 🏊;
Keep youself healthy 😄;
Read books 📖;
Give your loved ones a tight hug 👐;
Tell her/him you love her/him 💌;
Wish you a Happy coding and a Happy life ❤️
Template made by Kevin Alves