First mini-project for Algorithm Strategies (IF2211) course from School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology
A Solver for 24 puzzle card game made in C++. Showing all possible solution from 4 cards which if combined will return 24. This program applied brute-force algorithm to search the puzzle's solution.
- C++14
- G++ (GNU Compiler) - version 6.3.0
- ctime
- chrono
- fstream
- iostream
- sstream
- vector
- Clone this repository (first-time use only)
git clone
- Run the program
- User can input 4 cards manually or generate 4 random cards
- Showing all posible solution for the inputted cards
- User can save all solutions for their cards (it will be automatically save into .txt file inside the /test/ folder)
├── bin ------------------------------------------ Folder containing executable binary files
├── docs ----------------------------------------- Folder containing documents for this project
├── src ------------------------------------------ Folder containing source code files
│ ├── clearScreen.hpp
│ ├── file.hpp
│ ├── input.hpp
│ ├── main.cpp
│ ├── menu.hpp
│ ├── operator.hpp
│ ├── permute.hpp
├── test ----------------------------------------- Folder containing saved outputs (solutions)
├── run.bat -------------------------------------- Executable batch file (main program)
Created by Kenny Benaya Nathan (13521023)