A Lending platform with admin access to database of 100s of lenders that manages lending cash.
This project is a User Management System built with React, TypeScript, Next.js, and SCSS. It serves as a platform for managing user data, including personal information, employment details, and social media accounts. The system includes features like user authentication, user filtering, and a pop-up menu for user actions.
- Login: A component for handling user authentication.
- Home: The main layout component for the application.
- UserData: A component displaying user data with pagination and filtering.
- UserSummary: A component showing a summary of user statistics.
- Pagination: A reusable pagination component.
- ContextProvider: A context provider for managing global state. -Users/[Page]
- Header Component
- SideNav Component
- Organization Filter
- Pop-Up -Login Testing
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repository.git
Install dependencies: npm install
Start the development server: npm run dev
Login Component The Login component handles user authentication. It includes form inputs for email and password, with validation and error handling.
Home Component The Home component provides the main layout for the application, including top and side navigation and a main content area.
UserData Component The UserData component displays a table of user data with pagination and filtering capabilities.
UserSummary Component The UserSummary component shows a summary of user statistics with tabs for different categories.
Pagination Component The Pagination component provides a reusable pagination feature for displaying a large set of data.
ContextProvider Component The ContextProvider component creates a context for managing global state, including user authentication and click state.
User Details Page Component The page component displays detailed information about each user, including general details, education and employment information, socials, and guarantor details.
Organization Filter The Organization Filter component identified by the organization header on the userlist table allows users to filter users based on organization, username, email, date, phone number, and status.
Header Component The Header component provides essential features for navigation and user interaction like a search functionality and a responsive Menu Toggle allowing users to open or close the navigation sidebar. The Project Review can be found by clicking on the Docs
SideNav Component The SideNav component provides an organized sidebar for navigating through various sections and includes the The log out functionality allowing users log out
Pop-Up The Pop-Up component identified by the 3 dots on each user list provides a menu for actions like viewing user details, blacklisting, and activating users.
Login Testing This ensures that different components are functioning as expected. The test suite covers scenarios like rendering components, handling form submissions, and ensuring that the login process works correctly.
License This project is licensed under MIT.