My personal site, a Hugo blog.
To learn how I built & deploy this site and how you can do so too read this article series: Blog It Out!
This Hugo site is deployed as a container to a Kubernetes cluster - because of course it is, what better use of a scalable platform than a static HTML site...
Being a very light container with no dependencies it'll deploy to pretty much any Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster.
The few considerations to take are around Ingress and TLS - my target K8s cluster on DigitalOcean via their managed service uses ingress-nginx and cert-manager via DNS01.
In OpenShift this is all usually handled by the Route.
- Via DigitalOcean K8s Service
- Deploy Ingress via
kubectl apply -f deploy/supporting/ingress-nginx/daemonset.yaml
- Deploy Cert-Manager via Helm:
## Add the Jetstack Helm Repo
helm repo add jetstack
## Update the helm repos
helm repo update
## Install cert-manager via Helm
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.5.4 --set installCRDs=true
## Deploy the ClusterIssuers
kubectl apply -f deploy/supporting/cert-manager/
This is pretty easy really...
kubectl create namespace kenmoini-com
Since this container image is hosted on the GitHub Container Registry, you need a GHCR Image Pull Secret created and applied to the Namespace where the Deployment will be applied:
# Create the ImagePullSecret, pull the GitHub Personal Access token from ~./ghPAT
kubectl create secret docker-registry ghcr-pull-secret --docker-username=kenmoini --docker-password=$(cat ~/.ghPAT) --dry-run=client -o yaml > ghcr.reg.yaml
# Actually apply the ImagePullSecret
kubectl apply -f ghcr.reg.yaml -n kenmoini-com
This DigitalOcean Personal Access Token is used for the DNS-01 ACME Solvers in cert-manager to automatically set verification TXT records.
## Create a Secret with the DigitalOcean Personal Access token
kubectl create secret generic do-dns-pat -n cert-manager --from-literal=access-token=$(cat ~/.doPAT) --dry-run=client -o yaml > dopat-secret.yaml
## Apply the secret to the cert-manager namespace
kubectl apply -f dopat-secret.yaml -n cert-manager
With the needed Secrets, Ingress, and TLS set up we can deploy the actual site:
kubectl apply -f deploy/k8s/ -n kenmoini-com
This Hugo site uses Plausible Analytics as an alternative to Google Analytics - this is also deployed to Kubernetes in a different namespace at a different ingress - deployment instructions are here:
The supporting part of the site that loads the JavaScript is located at site/layouts/partials/analytics/plausible-analytics.html
via site/layouts/partials/head/head.html
Read more about Plausible Analytics here: