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High performance general structural optimization in the Asap.jl environment.


In package mode, add AsapOptim via:

pkg> add AsapOptim


The files used to make these examples are in examples/

Let's consider the following truss structure:

We can make and analyze this using Asap.jl via:

using Asap
# initial section
A = 0.01 # [m²]
E = 200E6 # [KN/m²]
fy = 350e3 # [kN/m²]
section = TrussSection(A, E)

L = 10. # total span of truss [m]
nx = 12 # number of bays in span
dy = 1.0 # truss depth [m]
load = 75. # downward force applied at free bottom chord nodes [kN]

# Generate truss
dx = L / nx # bay length [m]
dmax = L / 360 #displacement limit [m]

# bottom nodes
bottom_nodes = [TrussNode([x, 0., 0.], :free, :bottom) for x in range(0, L, nx+1)]

# make supports
fixnode!(first(bottom_nodes), :pinned)
first(bottom_nodes).id = :pin

fixnode!(last(bottom_nodes), :xfree)
last(bottom_nodes).id = :roller

# top nodes
top_nodes = [TrussNode([dx/2 + dx * (i-1), dy, 0.], :free, :top) for i = 1:nx]

# bottom chord elements
bottom_elements = [TrussElement(bottom_nodes[i], bottom_nodes[i+1], section, :bottom) for i = 1:nx]

#top chord elements
top_elements = [TrussElement(top_nodes[i], top_nodes[i+1], section, :top) for i = 1:nx-1]

# web elements
web_elements = [
    [TrussElement(nb, nt, section, :web) for (nb, nt) in zip(bottom_nodes[1:end-1], top_nodes)];
    [TrussElement(nt, nb, section, :web) for (nt, nb) in zip(top_nodes, bottom_nodes[2:end])]

# collect
nodes = [bottom_nodes; top_nodes]
elements = [bottom_elements; top_elements; web_elements]
loads = [NodeForce(node, [0, -load, 0]) for node in nodes[:bottom]]

# assemble
model = TrussModel(nodes, elements, loads)

Unconstrained optimization

Let's find the minimum compliance geometry of our truss (minimum strain energy).

Design variables

Our design variables are SpatialVariables for each top node: one in the x-axis and one in the y-axis. Defined via:

# bounds
xmin, xmax = (-1, 1) .* dx ./ 2 .* .9
ymin, ymax = -.9dy, dy

vars = [
    [SpatialVariable(node, 0., xmin, xmax, :X) for node in model.nodes[:top]];
    [SpatialVariable(node, 0., ymin, ymax, :Y) for node in model.nodes[:top]]
  • SpatialVariables for a Cartesian axis can be defined by: SpatialVariable(node, initial_value, lowerbound, upperbound, :AXIS), where :AXIS can be :X, :Y, :Z.
  • You can specify the directional vector of a SpatialVariable via: SpatialVariable(node, vector, initial_value, lowerbound, upperbound), where vector is a 3d vector that specifies the "rail" that the variable can travel on.
  • SpatialVariables are additive. I.e., they do not specify the absolute position of a node, but rather an offset from the initial position.


We then generate a TrussOptParams object that contains all necessary information to perform analysis using our variables (such as node-element topology, fixed values, etc).

params = TrussOptParams(model, vars)
x0 = copy(params.values) #this is the starting point for optimization

Objective function

Define your objective function as a typical Julia function. Generally, the arguments should include x, which is the vector of design variables, equal in size to params.values, as well as a p::TrussOptParams object that enables the use of convenient solver functions. Like so:

function obj(x, p)
    res = solve_truss(x, p)

    dot(res.U, p.P)

solve_truss(x::Vector{Float64}, p::TrussOptParams) updates the structure with the given values in x, and returns a TrussResults object:

struct TrussResults
    X::Vector{Float64} #X position of nodes
    Y::Vector{Float64} #Y position of nodes
    Z::Vector{Float64} #Z position of nodes
    A::Vector{Float64} #Areas of all elements
    L::Vector{Float64} #Lengths of all elements
    K::Vector{Matrix{Float64}} #elemental stiffness matrices in global coordinate system
    R::Vector{Matrix{Float64}} #elemental transformation matrices
    U::Vector{Float64} #global displacement vector

which contains up-to-date values of all relevant fields that might be useful in defining your objective function.

In this case, structural compliance is simply the dot product between the displacement vector res.U and the static vector of external loads, which is stored in our params as p.P.

Let's make a function closure for our 2-argument objective function to work well with our optimization package of choice, Nonconvex.jl:

OBJ = x -> obj(x, params)

Optimization using Nonconvex.jl and NonconvexNLopt.jl

Let's solve our optimization problem!

using Nonconvex, NonconvexNLopt

# make optimization model
optmodel = Nonconvex.Model(OBJ)

# add variable bounds
addvar!(optmodel,, params.ub)

# define algorithm and options
alg = NLoptAlg(:LD_LBFGS)
opts = NLoptOptions(
    maxeval = 500,
    maxtime = 60

# solve
res = optimize(
    options = opts

We can create a new Asap.TrussModel from our results using the updatemodel function:

# make new model from solution
model2 = updatemodel(params, res.minimizer)


Constrained optimization

Let's try a different problem: Along with our spatial design variables, we also consider the cross-section areas of our elements to find a minimum volume truss that meets our stress and displacement constraints. Without the constraints, the solutions is trivial: make the truss as shallow as possible, and set the areas to 0.

With our constraints, the problem is more interesting: reducing the depth of the truss reduces element lengths and thus our volume, at the cost of increasing internal force values that increase the required cross-section area. What's the best tradeoff here?

Design variables

Simply add out area variables:

vars = TrussVariable[
    [SpatialVariable(node, 0., xmin, xmax, :X) for node in model.nodes[:top]];
    [SpatialVariable(node, 0., ymin, ymax, :Y) for node in model.nodes[:top]];
    [AreaVariable(element, element.section.A, .01element.section.A, 5element.section.A) for element in model.elements]

We've restricted the element area to between 1% and 500% of the starting area.


Define our optimization parameters as before

params = TrussOptParams(model, vars)
x0 = copy(params.values) #this is the starting point for optimization

Objective and Constraint functions

# objective function
function obj(x, p)
    geo = GeometricProperties(x, p)

    dot(geo.L, geo.A)

#make closure
OBJ = x -> obj(x, params)

# constraint function
function cstr(x, p, dmax, smax)
    res = solve_truss(x, p)
    vertical_displacements = res.U[2:3:end]
    stresses = AsapOptim.axial_force(res, p) ./ res.A

    return [
        (abs.(vertical_displacements) .- dmax);
        abs.(stresses) .- smax

#make closure
CSTR = x -> cstr(x, params, dmax, fy)

For our objective, we make a GeometricProperties object, that simply extracts the current nodal positions and element lengths/areas without performing structural analysis:

struct GeometricProperties

For our constraint, we use axial_force(res::TrussResults, p::TrussOptParams) to get the axial forces of all elements to get our stress values. This constraint function is meant to work with Nonconvex.jl in which we return a single vector of constraint values g such that $g \leq 0$ means we are in a feasible region. Depending on the optimization package you use, the format of this might be different.


Optimizing as before, but this time using the MMA algorithm for constrained optimization:

optmodel = Nonconvex.Model(OBJ)
addvar!(optmodel,, params.ub)
add_ineq_constraint!(optmodel, CSTR)

alg = NLoptAlg(:LD_MMA)
opts = NLoptOptions(
    maxeval = 500,
    maxtime = 60

res = optimize(
    options = opts

# make new model from solution
model2 = updatemodel(params, res.minimizer)



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