If you just want to use KAMO, please jump to KAMO documentation.
CCTBX-provided bootstrap.py can prepare CCTBX+DIALS environment with the dependencies (For details see Installation for Developers - DIALS). Here we use this script and install yamtbx into the built environment.
to any location you like (e.g. /usr/local/yamtbx
mkdir -p $PREFIX
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cctbx/cctbx_project/master/libtbx/auto_build/bootstrap.py
python bootstrap.py --builder=dials
git clone https://github.com/keitaroyam/yamtbx.git yamtbx-github
cd modules/
ln -s ../yamtbx-github/yamtbx .
cd ..
./build/bin/libtbx.configure --enable_openmp_if_possible=True yamtbx
#source setpaths.sh
make # To build C++ codes in yamtbx, you may need to fix SConscript etc.. instruction will be given later (sorry).
and you will find yamtbx.* or kamo* commands in $PREFIX/build/bin/. This brings other commands including phenix.* and dials.* and you may not want these (you may rather want to use those commands in PHENIX or DIALS environment). Just remove unwanted command scripts from $PREFIX/build/bin/. The alternative way is to make bin2 directory and make links to yamtbx.* and kamo* there, and set PATH to bin2/.