Web app for calculating how many shares of each asset in a portfolio (e.g. stocks, ETFs, etc) should be purchased based on user-defined contribution amount and allocation.
Design inspired by Questrade.
Financial data by Finage and twelvedata
- Bug: remainder % not updating when asset is removed
- Bug: remainder % taking on negative value if slider is moved fast or clicked at value greater than remainder
- Finish AssetCard layout for small screens
- Add rolling ticker tape widget across top
- Create loading indicator to be displayed while asset price is being fetched
- Ticker tape showing "Access Denied!" -> issue likely on provider's end (Finage)
- App sometimes fails to load when cold starting and requires a refresh
- Selecting the same asset more than once brings up the "Encountered two children with the same key" warning and can cause issues when deleting them (thus Further Idea #3 below)
- Ticker Tape 3rd party widget causing SameSite cookie attribute page error in dev environment
- Show "No assets found" if the search yields no results
- Save contribution, asset selection and allocation (in cookies?) to facilitate repeated use
- Filter already selected assets from search options
- Implement up & down arrow key navigation through search options
- Explore useMemo hook for functions used in components that render frequently
- Explore useReducer hook for SearchBar component
- Vite
react-select AsyncSelect componentuseContext hook- useRef hook
- stale closures in useEffect() (video about stale closures)
- A React component that detects clicks outside of it's DOM subtree (https://stackoverflow.com/a/42234988)
- JavaScript fetch API and async-await syntax
- Using third-party API's and widgets
- Deploying on Netlify
- CSS Grid (here's a great video by Kevin Powell)
- Focus, tabindex attribute & accessibility
- onBlur runs before onClick; solution = onMouseDown w/ event.preventDefault()
- Protecting secrets using serverless functions / proxy server and build environment variables
- https://httpstat.us - an "API" that generates all the different HTTP statuses and responses
- https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis - a list of free API's
- https://danielstern.ca/range.css/#/ - a CSS generator for range inputs
- dotenv
- react
- react-dom
- react-icons
- netlify-cli
- node-fetch
- sass
- vite