Terjira is an interactive and easy to use command line interface (or Application) for Jira. You do not need to remember the resource key or id. Terjira suggests it with an interactive prompt.
Your Jira must support Rest API 2.0 and Agile Rest API 1.0
Install it yourself as:
$ gem install terjira
If you have permission problem,
$ sudo gem install terjira
# or
$ gem install terjira --user-install
# You need to export your gem path
or check OSX 10.11 issue #12
jira login # Login your Jira
# [--ssl-config] with ssl configuration
# [--proxy-config] with proxy configuration
jira logout # Logout your Jira
jira project help [COMMAND] # Describe one specific subcommand
jira project ( ls | list ) # List of all projects
jira project [PROJECT_KEY] # Show detail of the project
jira board help [COMMAND] # Describe one specific subcommand
jira board ( ls | list) # List of all boards
jira board backlog # Backlog from the board
jira sprint help [COMMAND] # Describe one specific subcommand
jira sprint ( ls | list ) # List of all sprint from the board
jira sprint [SPRINT_ID] # Show the sprint
jira sprint active # Show active sprints and issues
# To show issues on the sprint(include no assignee)
# pass `--assignee ALL` or `-a ALL`.
jira issue help [COMMAND] # Describe one specific subcommand
jira issue ( ls | list ) # List of issues
# default assignee option is current loggined user
# To show issues of all users(include no assignee)
# pass `--assignee ALL` or `-a ALL`.
jira issue jql "[QUERY]" # Search issues with JQL
# ex)
# jira issue jql "project = 'TEST' AND summary ~ 'authentication'"
jira issue search "[SUMMARY]" # Search for an issues by summary
jira issue [ISSUE_KEY] # Show detail of the issue
jira issue assign [ISSUE_KEY] ([ASSIGNEE]) # Assign the issue to user
jira issue comment [ISSUE_KEY] # Write comment on the issue
jira issue delete [ISSUE_KEY] # Delete the issue
jira issue edit [ISSUE_KEY] # Edit the issue
jira issue new # Create an issue
jira issue open [ISSUE_KEY] # Open browser
jira issue take [ISSUE_KEY] # Assign the issue to self
jira issue trans [ISSUE_KEY] ([STATUS]) # Do transition
Contributions are welcome!
- Add JQL command for find issues
- Search issues by keyword
- Manage worklog and estimate of issues
- Manage component and version of issues
- Track history of transitions
- More friendly help
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rspec spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/keepcosmos/terjira. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.