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Spark GemFire AEQ sample

This project demonstrates how to use Spark to ingest into Pivotal GemFire via the REST API. The process is as follows:

  1. Read two CSV files from disk using Spark's textFile
  2. Iterate over the records with a Spark foreachPartition operation
    • Instantiate Order and OrderLineItem objects from the records
    • Store the object into the respective GemFire region
  3. GemFire asynchronously appends (trickle merges) OrderLineItems into the corresponding Order objects, based on the order_id field
  4. A Spring Boot GemFire client receives realtime updates to Order objects and displays them in a UI

(note: the GemFire Java API was also successfully tested but abandoned due to added complexity)

Data Source

Please see this repo for the retail_demo sample data.

Build Spark ingestion

$ (cd spark-ingestion && sbt assembly)

Build Java components (domain model, GemFire server-side functions, webapp)

$ mvn package

Start GemFire cluster

$ (cd gemfire-server/scripts && ./startCluster.gfsh)

Start webapp UI

$ java -jar spring-websocket-reactive-app/target/spring-websocket-reactive-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 

Submit Spark ingestion application

$ $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class "io.pivotal.sample.PushToGemFireApp"  --master local[*] spark-ingestion/target/scala-2.11/spark-gemfire-ingestion-assembly-1.0.jar file:///Users/kdunn/gdrive/SampleData/retail_demo/orders/10k_orders.tsv.gz file:///Users/kdunn/gdrive/SampleData/retail_demo/order_lineitems/10k_order_lineitems.tsv.gz


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