This project is a weather forecast application developed using JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and managed through npm.
For more details on this project, please visit The Odin Project - Project: Weather App.
Develop the application with the following specifications:
- Weather API:
Utilize the Weather API. The recommended provider as of May 2024 is WeatherAPI.
- Search by Location:
Enable the app to be searchable by specific locations.
- Temperature Converter:
Include a toggle to switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
- Background Styling:
Style the background with a variety of colors or images based on the weather data retrieved from the API.
- API Data Fetching:
Implement a function to fetch data from the API based on the user's requested location.
- Raw Data Organization:
Transform the fetched data into JSON format. Then return it as an object containing only the data used in the app.
- Location Search Box:
Add a form that captures location information and fetches data upon submission.
- Optional Loader:
Optionally, include a loader to indicate when data fetching is in progress.
- JavaScript
- Webpack
- ESLint
- Prettier
- date-fns
- Weather Forecast API by WeatherAPI
- SVG Icons by Pictogrammers
- google-webfonts-helper by Mario Ranftl
- Design Inspiration by Dribbble
- Designing Tool by Figma
- JavaScript Key Code Finder by Toptal
- Search and Data Sorting by ChatGPT-4 & MULTITASKER GPT-4 (Turbo)
- Static HTTP Server for Production Version Testing by http-server
JavaScript Related:
- onkeydown Event by W3Schools
- KeyboardEvent key Property by W3Schools
- How TO - Trigger Button Click on Enter by W3Schools()
- Date.prototype.getDay() by MDN Web Docs
- JavaScript forEach() – JS Array For Each Loop Example by freeCodeCamp
- How to add a loading animation while Fetch data from API? Vanilla js by StackOverflow
- How to use Promise.prototype.finally () in async/await syntax? by StackOverflow
- Finally in Promises & Try/Catch by Anna Rankin
CSS Related:
- CSS Gradients W3Schools
- Ordering flex items by MDN Web Docs
- Background attachment: fixed; issues on mobile on Reddit
- RAM (Repeat, Auto, Minmax) by
HTML Related:
Git Related: