The app migrates Keboola project's metadata (Component - Extractors, Writers, Apps, Transformations, Variables, Shared codes and others configurations as well as Storage object definitions) from source to a destination project. This app doesn't migrate the data, only the configurations.
To execute the app it's recommended to fetch the repository to local machine and run it in virtual environment. Clone it, navigate to the cloned folder and execute the following.
- Create a virtual environment named 'venv'
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- Upgrade pip (optional but recommended)
pip3 install --upgrade pip
- Install the required packages from requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app
streamlit run app/
Migrates all components including all Extractors, Writers, Apps, Flows, Variables, Shared codes, Transformations. It allows user to select specific components that should be migrated or skipped.
Migrates all storage buckets and tables (only definitions). It doesn't migrate data, only creates empty tables in the destination project. It supports Native Types if needed.