This project is just RPC client for Odoo. It aims to ease access to openerp data via shell and used mostly for data debuging purposes. This project provides interface similar to Odoo internal code to perform operations on OpenERP / Odoo objects hiding XML-RPC or JSON-RPC behind.
- Are You still using pgAdmin for quering Odoo database?
- Try this package (especialy with IPython Notebook), and You will forget about pgAdmin!
- Use odoo-rpc-client under that hood, to get all its power
- Python 3.3+ support
- You can call any public method on any OpenERP / Odoo object including: read, search, write, unlink and others
- Have a lot of speed optimizations (caching, read only requested fields, read data for all records in current set (cache), by one RPC call, etc)
- Desinged to take as more benefits of IPython autocomplete as posible
- Works nice in Jupyter Notebook providing HTML representation for a most of objects.
- Ability to export HTML table recordlist representation to CSV file
- Ability to save connections to different databases in session.
(By default password is not saved, and will be asked, but if You need to save it, just do this:
session.option('store_passwords', True);
) - Provides browse_record like interface, allowing to browse related models too. Supports browse method. Also adds method search_records to simplify search-and-read operations.
- Extension support. You can easily modify most of components of this app/lib creating Your own extensions and plugins. It is realy simple. See for examples in openerp_proxy/ext/ directory.
- Plugin Support. Plugins are same as extensions, but aimed to implement additional logic. For example look at openerp_proxy/plugins and openerp_proxy/
- Support of JSON-RPC for version 8+ of Odoo
- Support of using named parametrs in RPC method calls (server version 6.1 and higher).
- Sugar extension which simplifys code a lot.
- Experimental integration with AnyField
- Missed feature? ask in Project Issues
from openerp_proxy import Client
client = Client('localhost', 'my_db', 'user', 'password')
# get current user
# simple rpc calls
client.execute('res.partner', 'read', [])
# Model browsing
SaleOrder = client['sale.order']
s_orders = SaleOrder.search_records([])
for order in s_orders:
for line in order.order_line:
print("\t%s" %
print("-" * 5)
Tested with Odoo 10.0, 11.0
But should support all odoo versions that odoo_rpc_client supports
This project is present on PyPI so it could be installed via PIP:
pip install openerp_proxy
this will make available python package openerp_proxy and shell command openerp_proxy
See Usage for more details
If You want to install development version of OpenERP Proxy you can do it via:
pip install -e git+
or (faster way):
pip install
Also it is recommened to install at Jupyter (formely IPython notebook) to get all benefits of Jupyter integration, provided by this project. To install it just type:
pip install jupyter
After instalation run in shell:
And You will get the openerp_proxy shell. If IPython is installed then IPython shell will be used, else usual python shell will be used. There is session variable present in locals. It is instance of Session class and represents current session and usualy is starting point of any shell work. See documentation for more details
Next You have to get connection to some Odoo database. It is realy easy, just use connect method of session
>>> db = session.connect()
This will ask You for host, port, database, etc to connect to and return Client instance which represents database connection.
The one diference betwen using as lib and using as shell is the way connection to database is created. When using as shell the primary object is session, which provides some interactivity. But when using as library in most cases there are no need for that interactivity, so connection should be created manualy, providing connection data from some other sources like config file or something else.
So here is a way to create connection
from openerp_proxy.core import Client
db = Client(host='',
pwd='my_password here')
And next all there same, no more differences betwen shell and lib usage.
Jupyter integration is implemented as extension openerp_proxy.ext.repr, so to use it, first, this extension should be enabled (just by importing extension). As a shortcut, there is openerp_proxy.ext.all module, which imports default set of extensions, including openerp_proxy.ext.repr extension. To better suit for HTML capable notebook You would like to use IPython's version of session object and openerp_proxy.ext.repr extension. So in first cell of notebook import session and extensions/plugins You want:
# also You may import all standard extensions in one line:
from openerp_proxy.ext.all import *
# note that extensions were imported before session,
# because some of them modify Session class
from openerp_proxy.session import Session
from openerp_proxy.core import Client
session = Session()
Now most things same as for shell usage, but... In some old versions of IPython's notebook heve no patched version of getpass func/module, so if You not provide password when getting database (connect, get_db methods, You would be asked for it, but this prompt will be displayed in shell where notebook server is running, not on webpage. To solve this, it is recommended to uses store_passwords option
session.option('store_passwords', True)
Next use it like shell, but do not forget to save session, after new connection
db = session.connect()
or like lib
db = Client(host='',
pwd='my_password here')
Note: in old version of IPython getpass was not work correctly, so maybe You will need to pass password directly to session.connect method.
For example lets try to find how many sale orders in 'done' state we have in our database. (Look above sections to get help on how to connect to Odoo database)
>>> sale_order_obj = db['sale.order'] # or You may use 'db.get_obj('sale.order')' if You like
>>> # Now lets search for sale orders:
>>>[('state', '=', 'done')], count=True)
So we have 5 orders in done state. So let's read them.
Default way to read data from Odoo is to search for required records with search method which return's list of IDs of records, then read data using read method. Both methods mostly same as Odoo internal ones:
>>> sale_order_ids =[('state', '=', 'done')])
>>> sale_order_datas =, ['name']) # Last argument is optional.
# it describes list of fields to read
# if it is not provided then all fields
# will be read
>>> sale_order_datas[0]
{'id': 3,
'name': 'SO0004'
As we see reading data in such way allows us to get list of dictionaries where each contain fields have been read
Another way to read data is to use
method. Each of these methods receives same aguments as search
method respectively. But passing count
argument for
will cause error. Main difference betwen these methods
in using Record class
instead of dict for each record had been read. Record class provides some orm-like abilities for records,
allowing for example access fields as attributes and provide mechanisms
to lazily fetch related fields.
>>> sale_orders = sale_order_obj.search_records([('state', '=', 'done')])
>>> sale_orders[0]
R(sale.order, 9)[SO0011]
>>> # So we have list of Record objects. Let's check what they are
>>> so = sale_orders[0]
>>> so.partner_id
R(res.partner, 9)[Better Corp]
Better Corp
Session provides ability to add aliases to databases, which will simplify access to them. For this feature Session class provides method aliase and property aliases which allows to get all registered aliases in session. To add aliase to our db do the folowing:
>>> session.aliase('my_db', db)
And now to access this database in future (even after restart) You can use next code
>>> db = session.my_db
this allows to faster get connection to database Your with which You are working very often
This extension provides some syntax sugar to ease access to objects To enable it, just import openerp_proxy.ext.sugar module. By default this extension will also be enabled on import of openerp_proxy.ext.all
So to start use it just import this extension just after start
import openerp_proxy.ext.sugar
And after that You will have folowing features working
db['sale.order'][5] # fetches sale order with ID=5
db['sale_order']('0050') # result in name_search for '0050' on sale order
# result may be Record if one record found
# or RecordList if there some set of records found
db['sale.order']([('state','=','done')]) # Same as 'search_records' method
db['sale.order'](state='done') # simplified search
# Automatic object aliaces. Also supports autocompletition
# via implementation of __dir__ method
db._sale_order == db['sale.order'] == db['sale_order'] # => True
For other extensions look at openerp_proxy/ext code or documentation
If You want some modules (extensions/plugins) to be automatiacly loaded/imported at start-up, there are session.start_up_imports property, that points to list that holds names of modules to be imported at session creation time.
For example, if You want Sugar extension to be automaticaly imported, just
add it to session.start_up_imports
After this, when You will start new openerp_proxy shell, sugar extension will be automaticaly enable.
In version 0.4 plugin system was completly refactored. At this version we start using extend_me library to build extensions and plugins easily.
Plugins are usual classes that provides functionality that should be available
at db.plugins.*
point, implementing logic not related to core system.
To ilustrate what is plugins and what they can do we will create a simplest one. So let's start
create some directory to place plugins in:
mkdir ~/oerp_proxy_plugins/
cd ~/oerp_proxy_plugins/
next create simple file called
and edit itvim
write folowing code there (note that this example works and tested for Odoo version 6.0 only)
from openerp_proxy.plugin import Plugin class AttandanceUtils(Plugin): # This is required to register Your plugin # *name* - is for db.plugins.<name> class Meta: name = "attendance" def get_sign_state(self): # Note: folowing code works on version 6 of Openerp/Odoo emp_obj = self.client['hr.employee'] emp_id =[('user_id', '=', self.client.uid)]) emp =, ['state']) return emp[0]['state']
Now your plugin is completed, but it is not on python path. There is ability to add additional paths to session, so when session starts,
will be patched with that paths. To add your extra path to session You need do folowing:>>> session.add_path('~/oerp_proxy_plugins/') >>>
Now, each time session created, this path will be added to python path
Now we cat test our plugin. Run
and try to import it:>>> #import our plugin >>> import attendance >>> # and use it >>> db = session.connect() >>> db.plugin.attendance.get_sign_state() 'present' >>> # If You want some plugins or extensions or other >>> # modules imported at start-up of session, do this >>> session.start_up_imports.add('attendance')
As You see above, to use plugin (or extension), just import it's module (better at startu-up)
For more information see source code or documentation.