Releases: katmore/flat
curl wrapper improvements
Modified the curl wrapper so that xpath error handling is improved:
- display appropriate error message when error due to invalid xpath query
- provide LibXMLError object in exception for more context
composer fix
composer fix removing unused namespaces
fixed bad source file
fixed a class definition file to utf8 format, could cause some systems to not recognize line breaks properly and crash the script
api update
Keep track of requested media type; handling for value of ACCEPT header (or its equivalent within the applied interface)
cumulative fixes
Summary of updates in this release...
- fixed some wrongly formatted source code files (converted them to utf8)
- fix to api/response/not_found object to avoid losing the "message" value
- updated copyright messages on docblocks and elsewhere
allow reserved words in resources
There are now less limitations on flat 'resource' names.
This update allows php reserved words, keywords, etc. to be used as a resource node. The corresponding class definition is the reserved word prepended with an underscore.
For example, the route /my/route/list would be defined by the class /my/route/_list.
cli fixes
updates to authorize wrapper
updates to authorize wrapper
stability updates
includes stability updates for
- \flat\cloud\authorize ( API call handler)
- \flat\core\cli (command line convenience object)
- composer.json (added missing deps)
critical update
- critical fix to the \flat\exception class that was causing crashes
- updates to each source file's 'file element' DocBlock with new copyright message