QML is a declarative language that allows user interfaces to be described in terms of their visual components and how they interact and relate with one another.
The Qt QML module provides a framework for developing applications and libraries with the QML language. It defines and implements the language and engine infrastructure, and provides an API to enable application developers to extend the QML language with custom types and integrate QML code with JavaScript and C++. The Qt QML module provides both a QML API and a C++ API. Note that while the Qt QML module provides the language and infrastructure for QML applications, the Qt Quick module provides many visual components, model-view support, an animation framework, and much more for building user interfaces.
The Qt Quick module is the standard library for writing QML applications. Qt Quick is the standard library of types and functionality for QML.
For creating or customizing graphical user interfaces, Qt Quick adds visual types, animation types, and other QML types in addition to the standard QML types from Qt QML.
Qt Quick only provides basic visual types and much of Qt's functionality is exposed to QML through other modules. If you require the functionality of those modules, you should browse their QML documentation. The All QML APIs by Module contains a list of all QML modules in Qt 5.
The Qt Quick Controls provide a set of UI controls to create user interfaces in Qt Quick. For a set of basic UI controls, the Qt Quick Controls module implements several controls such as buttons, menus, and views. These controls mimic the native behavior found in different platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.
The differences between Qt Quick Controls and Qt Quick Controls 2 can be seen here
qml source file
Qt Quick UI forms
除了官方文档,还有一些StackOverflow上面的优秀解答同样具有参考价值:Working with .ui.qml files还有What is the use of the ui.qml files in Qt5 QML (QML)?
官网推荐在Qt Creator中通过Design模式来编辑该类文件,类似于在Qt Widget方式中通过Design模式来编辑.ui文件一样,同样是通过拖拽的方式来进行UI设计。通过尝试操作,认为可以把.ui.qml当做专门的用来描述GUI样式的文件。
经过调研后认为,与UI元素进行交互,应该使用property alias对.ui.qml里的Object进行export,让其可以在.qml文件中通过QML代码进行操作。然后.qml文件中的QML代码再与C++代码进行交互。详细内容会在QML调研文档中描写,这个文档只是用来对容易混淆的模块与概念进行对比
QtObject - a QML side name for the plain old QObject, not necessarily visual
Item - a QQuickItem on the C++ side, which is a QObject (and thus a QtObject), root of all visual items
component - a QQuickComponent on the C++ side, an inline Component item or an imported item in QML source
document - a string (most often coming from a .qml file) defining a component