The current report code in the web browser can take some time to run on big reports. This daemon pre-process specified reports at specified time to cut off the wait for a result, there's still the possibility to ask the report to be generated on the spot but you'll have to wait for it.
Installing node-js itself
apt-get install npm
Installing service manager
npm install -g pm2
Installing dependencies:
Inside the karuta-report folder
npm install
Dependencies for Chrome-headless
apt-get install libgbm-dev libatk1.0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libxkbcommon0 libxdamage1 libpango1.0
Create a service account in karuta, if possible with a randomly generated login and password and fill the 'access' file, ensure that reading the content is not permitted for everyone on the system
To run the daemon
pm2 start main.js
In the browser
- Backport the report code and ensure that it is compatible with a browser
- Configuration when the service is running on another computer different from the backend