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KT edited this page Dec 12, 2018 · 11 revisions



  1. Click Login tab on nav bar.
  2. Login if you are already registered.


  1. Click Register tab on nav bar.
  2. Register with role as Guest or Host


  1. Login into application as Guest or Host
  2. Click on Profile tab on nav bar.


  1. Login into application
  2. Click on Movies tab on nav bar.
  3. Enter movie to be searched in text box, for example avengers
  4. Click on Search button


  1. Login into application
  2. Click on Movies tab on nav bar.
  3. Enter movie to be searched in text box.
  4. Click on Search button
  5. Search results are displayed on the screen below.


Movie Details

  1. Login into application
  2. Click on Movies tab on nav bar.
  3. Enter movie to be searched in text box.
  4. Click on Search button
  5. Search results are displayed on the screen below.
  6. Click on any movie name.
  7. Movie details are displayed.

Event Details

  1. Login into application
  2. Click on Events tab on nav bar.
  3. Event list is displayed on the screen below.
  4. Click on any event name.
  5. Event details are displayed.


Movie list and movie details are fetched using the TMDB Api

Anonymous user views movie listing

  1. Click Movies tab on nav bar
  2. You are redirected to movies-list page which shows the all the movie listings.

Anonymous user searches movie by Keyword

  1. On Homepage, click Search Movies button or click Movies tab in nav bar.
  2. You are redirected to movie-list page.
  3. Type avengers in Search textbox and click search button.
  4. All movies related to avengers are listed now.

Anonymous user searches Now Playing movies

  1. Click Movies tab on nav bar
  2. You are redirected to movie-list page which shows the all the movie listings
  3. Click the Now Playing button to see the listing of now playing movies.

Anonymous user searches Top Rated movies

  1. Click Movies tab on nav bar
  2. You are redirected to movie-list page which shows the all the movie listings
  3. Click the Top Rated button to see the listing of top rated movies.

Anonymous user searches Popular movies

  1. Click Movies tab on nav bar
  2. You are redirected to movie-list page which shows the all the movie listings
  3. Click the Popular button to see the listing of popular movies.

Anonymous user searches Upcoming movies

  1. Click Movies tab on nav bar
  2. You are redirected to movie-list page which shows the all the movie listings
  3. Click the Upcoming button to see the listing of upcoming movies.

Anonymous user views movie details

  1. Click Movies tab on nav bar
  2. You are redirected to movie-list page which shows the all the movie listings
  3. Click a movie title from the list of movies to see its details.