Welcome to the Spotify Clone!
This project is a web application inspired by Spotify, aimed at providing a music streaming experience to users. It offers various functionalities such as user authentication, dynamic song search, user-created playlists, and a responsive user interface.
User Authentication: Users can create accounts and log in and out securely. Each user can access their personalized playlists and favorite songs.
Database: Every user has the capability to add new songs to their playlists. The database stores the user-generated content.
Music Player: Users can play and pause songs in their playlists. The music player also displays the song's progress and allows users to skip forward or backward.
Favorites: Users can mark songs as favorites, creating a collection of their preferred tracks. Dynamic Search: The application provides a dynamic search functionality, allowing users to search for specific songs or artists.
Fully Responsive: The app is designed to work seamlessly across different devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.