- Dependencies
- Howto - set up the system environment, build and run
- License
Ensure the following dependencies are installed on your system:
1) cython
now we can clone Ozone-Wayland build infrastructure and fetch all the dependencies of it, including Chromium build infrastructure:
gclient config ssh://git@github.com/kalyankondapally/BuildBot-fork.git --name=src/masters/master.chromium.ozonewayland --git-deps
cd src/
Create site_config/.bot_password text file with a password on one line for your slave to serve to be able to connect to the master.
echo Bleh > site_config/.bot_password
Now, we are ready to start the master.
cd src/masters/master.chromium.ozonewayland
master restart
Open another terminal and cd to src/slave
cd src/slave
One can start the desired slave (TESTING_SLAVENAME) defined in masters/master.chromium.ozonewayland/slave.cfg
Once you have started both the master and a slave, browse to the waterfall: http://localhost:8011/waterfall
Ozone-Wayland CI code uses the BSD license (check the LICENSE file in the project).