- SUP-20644 - No captions/transcript on iPhone when EmbedPlayer.WebKitPlaysInline = True
- SUP-20341 - Real time analytics showing incorrect entry in the list
- SUP-18260 - [IVQ] Change rotation text in player
- PLAT-9400 - KalturaAPIException spam in kaltura_api_v3.log
- FEV-473 - Support networkConnectionType in event 99
- FEV-466 - [Caliper] Player - send Quiz caliper events
- FEV-398 - [IVQ] add a spinning wheel after sending answer + error msg
- FEV-304 - Send UUID with analytics events
- FEC-9626 - Ad adCuePoints do not work with Cust_Parms
- FEC-9424 - The player does not load and for the load process not to be counted as buffering
- AN-747 - I as User want to view the time it took to download the video segments