This is replication code to support the paper "Let Me Just Interrupt You": Estimating Gender Effects in Supreme Court Oral Arguments which is forthcoming in the Journal of Law and Courts.
If you use this code or data, please cite our paper:
author = {Cai, Erica and Gupta, Ankita and Keith, Katherine A., and O'Connor, Brendan and Rice, Douglas},
title = {“Let Me Just Interrupt You”: Estimating Gender Effects in Supreme Court Oral Arguments},
journal = {Journal of Law and Courts},
year = {2024},
note = {Forthcoming}
Follow these instructions to set-up your repository. You will need to download Anaconda to run conda
and python
git clone
cd interruptions-supreme-court
conda create -y --name scourt python==3.9
conda activate scourt
pip install -r requirements.txt
The raw data in the raw_data
folder come from the following sources:
ConvoKit's Supreme Court Oral Arguments Corpus (which sources from Oyez).
To create
, we measure ideology using the average (arithmetic mean) of the justice’s time-varying Martin-Quinn score (Martin and Quinn 2002), and treat any values less than zero as a liberal justice, and values greater than zero as a conservative justice. -
The file
are phrasal backchannel cues that the authors curated.
Pipeline descisions are detailed in scripts/config.yaml
. To replicate our code pipeline and analysis, run the following scripts in order
For pre-processing and chunking,
cd scripts/ python python
This takes about 15-20 minutes to run on our machine.
For the main analysis and plots in our paper, run all cells in the following jupyter notebook
To make "Figure 5: Justice Interruption Rates (y-axis) by Martin & Quinn Ideology Scores (x-axis)", run
using R. -
For supplementary and corroborative analyses run
To obtain the results in the Appendix for the backchannel cue removal, use the configuration specified in
and re-run the pipeline (
In the ConvoKit/Ozez data there are still errors with John G. Roberts Jr.
when he was an advocate. This results in warnings after running
such as John G. Roberts Jr. not found in caseid2stuff dict, assigning unknown. case id: 1991_90-6531
. This warning should not substantively affect the results.