my internet speed was very fluctuating and unstable, I had to record them automatically and I had to examine them. When my research was unanswered, I decided to develop it myself and here is AutoSpeedTest.
a windows script to do automatic internet speed testing
- Download and unarchive files
- Run "speedtest.exe" and complete the first test. Close "speedtest.exe" (you only need to do this on the first installation.)
- Run the script and write down how many minutes it will take to perform the operation, translating into seconds
- Now you have a bot that records speed and ping values
15m = 900s | 30m = 1800 | 1h = 3600s | slow connections may prefer these minutes
We are pinging 3 known dns providers, if your modem allows dns change, enter the 2 dns with the lowest ms values into your modem
Data saved in "results.txt" will look like this