I-CUBE-CoreMark is a helper which generates CoreMark project over STM32 with only few clicks in STM32CubeMX.
CoreMark source code (v1.01) used by I-CUBE-CoreMark is originally from: https://github.com/eembc/coremark
I-CUBE-CubeMark pack is developed by STM32PackCreator 3.4.0 (compliant with CMSIS-Pack v1.6.3) w/ reference UM2739: How to create a software pack enhanced for STM32CubeMX using STM32 Pack Creator tool
The following tools and boards are used during test:
STM32CubeMX v6.5.0
STM32CubeIDE v1.9.0
IAR EWARM v9.10.2
Keil MDK v5.36
##Timer Settings for CoreMark The settings of timer used by CoreMark is mostly managed in core_portme.c. Here are the key adoptions done by the pack:
where SYSTICK_CLOCK = HCLK configured in Clock Configuration in CubeMX.#define TIMER_RES_DIVIDER (SYSTICK_CLOCK/1000)
based on the fact that the default HAL tick (or SysTick) is 1000 Hz.- Global uwTick managed by CubeHAL is used by start_timer() and stop_time() in core_portme.c
- In STM32CubeMX, click Help --> Manage embedded software packages:
- Click button "From Local" on the bottom right:
- Assign the path of downloaded 3rdParty.I-CUBE-CoreMark.x.x.x.pack:
- After installation, I-CUBE-CoreMark marked in green should be seen in "Embedded Software Packages Manager":
- Click Software Packs --> Select Components:
- Select and expand the latest version of "3rdParty.I-CUBE-CoreMark" and select "CoreMarkApp" in Application w/ Utility MISC checked:
- After expanding "Software Packs" to select 3rdParty.I-CUBE-CoreMark.x.x.x, checked "Utility MISC" and "Device Application" in Mode, and then assign "CoreMark Iteration" and "UART Port for printf" in Configuration::Parameter Settings:
NOTE: The assignmment in "UART Port for printf" needs to be matched with the UART port for report output assigned in Step 3.
- Assign proper project name along with project Location.
- Toolchain/IDE Choose preferred Toolchain/IDE from Project Manager. It is suggested to UNCHKECK "Generate Under Root" for STM32CubeIDE (as shown in the picture above) if multiple IDEs will be used.
- Stack Size Default 0x400 works fine for STM32CubeIDE.But for EWARM and MDK, it is suggested to set ==0x1000== to prevent possible HardFault.
- Press "GENERATE CODE" button
Open CoreMark project with preferred IDE to build/compile it.
- There should be no compiling error/warning for EWARM and MDK, but will be a minor compiling warning in STM32CubeIDE as shown below:
- If compiling error as shown below occurs (taking STM32CubeIDE for example, undefined reference to huart1 ):
it is duo to the mismatch of UART port setting between Connectivity and I-CUBE-CoreMark. For example, LPUART1 is enabled for report output:
But the default U(S)ART1 is used in I-CUBE-CoreMark:
- Program
- UART terminal settings
- Execution
The following is the test result of STM32F746 whose official CoreMark score is 1082:
- Compiling error, for example: missing symbol for huart1 Explained in 6.2 above
- No output at all
- Output with only one line
- Complete test report with ERROR (less than 10 secs)
Please increase "CoreMark Iteration" in I-CUBE-CoreMark to make CoreMark execute more than 10 secs:
- Complete test report w/o time value and score (only in STM32CubeIDE):
Please check if -u _printf_float is enabled as shown below:
- Score is too low Please check if HCLK is set to maximum in clock configuration. And if performance accelerators are enabled.