Cascading News is a website whose purpose is to provide the latest news and tutorials on frontend development.
This site is built using WordPress for the backend, Gatsby + React for the statically generated frontend, and Netlify for awesome hosting and CI.
Useful links
- Fork the repo on GitHub.
- Create a Feature branch from
) - Commit changes to this branch.
- Push your work back up to your fork.
- Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes and merge it.
Any Pull Request is automatically deployed on Netlify, see Deploy Previews.
Once merged, develop branch is deployed on Netlify. All develop builts are accessible here.
[For repository admins]
How to publish a new release:
- Create a new Release branch from
) - On this branch, update version number in
and proceed to last fixes. - Merge the release branch on master and develop.
Master branch in automatically built by Netlify and deployed on All master builts are accessible here
If you want to contribute to the frontend code, here's how to set up the project locally.
- Checkout this project
- Create
.env.development GATSBY_WP_PROTOCOL=https GATSBY_REPLACEMENT_URL=http://localhost:8000
- Install the Gatsby CLI
npm install -g gatsby-cli
- Start the site in
mode.$ yarn develop
- Site is now running on
, and GraphQL client onhttp://localhost:8000/__graphql
Unordered list of projects and libraries used for this:
- Wordpress REST API
- RSS Post Importer to automatically fetch * new articles from RSS given feeds.
- Auto Post SchedulerAuto Post Scheduler to publish posts regularly.
- Automatic Post Tagger to add tags to fetched articles based on their titles and contents
- Gatsby, React, TypeScript, GraphQL, Typography for the frontend code
- Gatsby Wordpress Source plugin to use Wordpress REST API as a source for Gatsby static data
- Netlify for continuous delivery and hosting