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Streaming merge (#369)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Remove ReLU in attention

* Adding diagnostics code...

* Refactor/simplify ConformerEncoder

* First version of rand-combine iterated-training-like idea.

* Improvements to diagnostics (RE those with 1 dim

* Add pelu to this good-performing setup..

* Small bug fixes/imports

* Add baseline for the PeLU expt, keeping only the small normalization-related changes.

* pelu_base->expscale, add 2xExpScale in subsampling, and in feedforward units.

* Double learning rate of exp-scale units

* Combine ExpScale and swish for memory reduction

* Add import

* Fix backprop bug

* Fix bug in diagnostics

* Increase scale on Scale from 4 to 20

* Increase scale from 20 to 50.

* Fix duplicate Swish; replace norm+swish with swish+exp-scale in convolution module

* Reduce scale from 50 to 20

* Add deriv-balancing code

* Double the threshold in brelu; slightly increase max_factor.

* Fix exp dir

* Convert swish nonlinearities to ReLU

* Replace relu with swish-squared.

* Restore ConvolutionModule to state before changes; change all Swish,Swish(Swish) to SwishOffset.

* Replace norm on input layer with scale of 0.1.

* Extensions to diagnostics code

* Update diagnostics

* Add BasicNorm module

* Replace most normalizations with scales (still have norm in conv)

* Change exp dir

* Replace norm in ConvolutionModule with a scaling factor.

* use nonzero threshold in DerivBalancer

* Add min-abs-value 0.2

* Fix dirname

* Change min-abs threshold from 0.2 to 0.5

* Scale up pos_bias_u and pos_bias_v before use.

* Reduce max_factor to 0.01

* Fix q*scaling logic

* Change max_factor in DerivBalancer from 0.025 to 0.01; fix scaling code.

* init 1st conv module to smaller variance

* Change how scales are applied; fix residual bug

* Reduce min_abs from 0.5 to 0.2

* Introduce in_scale=0.5 for SwishExpScale

* Fix scale from 0.5 to 2.0 as I really intended..

* Set scaling on SwishExpScale

* Add identity pre_norm_final for diagnostics.

* Add learnable post-scale for mha

* Fix

* Another rework, use scales on linear/conv

* Change dir name

* Reduce initial scaling of modules

* Bug-fix RE bias

* Cosmetic change

* Reduce initial_scale.

* Replace ExpScaleRelu with DoubleSwish()

* DoubleSwish fix

* Use learnable scales for joiner and decoder

* Add max-abs-value constraint in DerivBalancer

* Add max-abs-value

* Change dir name

* Remove ExpScale in feedforward layes.

* Reduce max-abs limit from 1000 to 100; introduce 2 DerivBalancer modules in conv layer.

* Make DoubleSwish more memory efficient

* Reduce constraints from deriv-balancer in ConvModule.

* Add warmup mode

* Remove max-positive constraint in deriv-balancing; add second DerivBalancer in conv module.

* Add some extra info to diagnostics

* Add deriv-balancer at output of embedding.

* Add more stats.

* Make epsilon in BasicNorm learnable, optionally.

* Draft of 0mean changes..

* Rework of initialization

* Fix typo

* Remove dead code

* Modifying initialization from normal->uniform; add initial_scale when initializing

* bug fix re sqrt

* Remove xscale from pos_embedding

* Remove some dead code.

* Cosmetic changes/renaming things

* Start adding some files..

* Add more files..

* update file type

* Add remaining files in pruned_transducer_stateless2

* Fix diagnostics-getting code

* Scale down pruned loss in warmup mode

* Reduce warmup scale on pruned loss form 0.1 to 0.01.

* Remove scale_speed, make swish deriv more efficient.

* Cosmetic changes to swish

* Double warm_step

* Fix bug with import

* Change initial std from 0.05 to 0.025.

* Set also scale for embedding to 0.025.

* Remove logging code that broke with newer Lhotse; fix bug with pruned_loss

* Add norm+balancer to VggSubsampling

* Incorporate changes from master into pruned_transducer_stateless2.

* Add max-abs=6, debugged version

* Change 0.025,0.05 to 0.01 in initializations

* Fix balancer code

* Whitespace fix

* Reduce initial pruned_loss scale from 0.01 to 0.0

* Increase warm_step (and valid_interval)

* Change max-abs from 6 to 10

* Change how warmup works.

* Add changes from master to,

* Simplify the warmup code; max_abs 10->6

* Make warmup work by scaling layer contributions; leave residual layer-drop

* Fix bug

* Fix test mode with random layer dropout

* Add random-number-setting function in dataloader

* Fix/patch how fix_random_seed() is imported.

* Reduce layer-drop prob

* Reduce layer-drop prob after warmup to 1 in 100

* Change power of lr-schedule from -0.5 to -0.333

* Increase model_warm_step to 4k

* Change max-keep-prob to 0.95

* Refactoring and simplifying conformer and frontend

* Rework conformer, remove some code.

* Reduce 1st conv channels from 64 to 32

* Add another convolutional layer

* Fix padding bug

* Remove dropout in output layer

* Reduce speed of some components

* Initial refactoring to remove unnecessary vocab_size

* Fix RE identity

* Bug-fix

* Add final dropout to conformer

* Remove some un-used code

* Replace nn.Linear with ScaledLinear in simple joiner

* Make 2 projections..

* Reduce initial_speed

* Use initial_speed=0.5

* Reduce initial_speed further from 0.5 to 0.25

* Reduce initial_speed from 0.5 to 0.25

* Change how warmup is applied.

* Bug fix to warmup_scale

* Fix test-mode

* Remove final dropout

* Make layer dropout rate 0.075, was 0.1.

* First draft of model rework

* Various bug fixes

* Change learning speed of simple_lm_proj

* Revert transducer_stateless/ to state in upstream/master

* Fix to joiner to allow different dims

* Some cleanups

* Make training more efficient, avoid redoing some projections.

* Change how warm-step is set

* First draft of new approach to learning rates + init

* Some fixes..

* Change initialization to 0.25

* Fix type of parameter

* Fix weight decay formula by adding 1/1-beta

* Fix weight decay formula by adding 1/1-beta

* Fix checkpoint-writing

* Fix to reading scheudler from optim

* Simplified optimizer, rework somet things..

* Reduce model_warm_step from 4k to 3k

* Fix bug in lambda

* Bug-fix RE sign of target_rms

* Changing initial_speed from 0.25 to 01

* Change some defaults in LR-setting rule.

* Remove initial_speed

* Set new scheduler

* Change exponential part of lrate to be epoch based

* Fix bug

* Set 2n rule..

* Implement 2o schedule

* Make lrate rule more symmetric

* Implement 2p version of learning rate schedule.

* Refactor how learning rate is set.

* Fix import

* Modify init (#301)

* update icefall/ to import more common functions.

* update icefall/

* make imports style consistent.

* exclude black check for icefall/ in pyproject.toml.

* Minor fixes for logging (#296)

* Minor fixes for logging

* Minor fix

* Fix dir names

* Modify beam search to be efficient with current joienr

* Fix adding learning rate to tensorboard

* Fix docs in

* Support mix precision training on the reworked model (#305)

* Add mix precision support

* Minor fixes

* Minor fixes

* Minor fixes

* Tedlium3 pruned transducer stateless (#261)

* update tedlium3-pruned-transducer-stateless-codes

* update

* update

* add fast beam search for decoding

* do a change for

* do a change for

* do a fix

* do some changes for pruned RNN-T

* Add mix precision support

* Minor fixes

* Minor fixes

* Updating; fix in

* Fix rebase

* Code style check for librispeech pruned transducer stateless2 (#308)

* Update results for tedlium3 pruned RNN-T (#307)

* Update

* Fix CI errors. (#310)

* Add more results

* Fix tensorboard log location

* Add one more epoch of full expt

* fix comments

* Add results for mixed precision with max-duration 300

* Changes for (tedlium3 pruned RNN-T) (#311)

* GigaSpeech recipe (#120)

* initial commit

* support download, data prep, and fbank

* on-the-fly feature extraction by default

* support BPE based lang

* support HLG for BPE

* small fix

* small fix

* chunked feature extraction by default

* Compute features for GigaSpeech by splitting the manifest.

* Fixes after review.

* Split manifests into 2000 pieces.

* set audio duration mismatch tolerance to 0.01

* small fix

* add conformer training recipe

* Add without pre-commit checking

* lazy loading and use SingleCutSampler

* DynamicBucketingSampler

* use KaldifeatFbank to compute fbank for musan

* use pretrained language model and lexicon

* use 3gram to decode, 4gram to rescore

* Add

* Update .flake8

* Delete

* Use BucketingSampler for valid and test dataloader

* Update params in

* Use bpe_500

* update params in

* Decrease num_paths while CUDA OOM

* Added README

* Update RESULTS

* black

* Decrease num_paths while CUDA OOM

* Decode with post-processing

* Update results

* Remove lazy_load option

* Use default `storage_type`

* Keep the original tolerance

* Use split-lazy

* black

* Update pretrained model

Co-authored-by: Fangjun Kuang <>

* Add LG decoding (#277)

* Add LG decoding

* Add log weight pushing

* Minor fixes

* Support computing RNN-T loss with torchaudio (#316)

* Update results for torchaudio RNN-T. (#322)

* Fix some typos. (#329)

* fix fp16 option in example usage (#332)

* Support averaging models with weight tying. (#333)

* Support specifying iteration number of checkpoints for decoding. (#336)

See also #289

* Modified conformer with multi datasets (#312)

* Copy files for editing.

* Use librispeech + gigaspeech with modified conformer.

* Support specifying number of workers for on-the-fly feature extraction.

* Feature extraction code for GigaSpeech.

* Combine XL splits lazily during training.

* Fix warnings in decoding.

* Add decoding code for GigaSpeech.

* Fix decoding the gigaspeech dataset.

We have to use the decoder/joiner networks for the GigaSpeech dataset.

* Disable speed perturbe for XL subset.

* Compute the Nbest oracle WER for RNN-T decoding.

* Minor fixes.

* Minor fixes.

* Add results.

* Update results.

* Update CI.

* Update results.

* Fix style issues.

* Update results.

* Fix style issues.

* Update results. (#340)

* Update results.

* Typo fixes.

* Validate generated manifest files. (#338)

* Validate generated manifest files. (#338)

* Save batch to disk on OOM. (#343)

* Save batch to disk on OOM.

* minor fixes

* Fixes after review.

* Fix style issues.

* Fix decoding for gigaspeech in the libri + giga setup. (#345)

* Model average (#344)

* First upload of model average codes.

* minor fix

* update decode file

* update .flake8

* rename pruned_transducer_stateless3 to pruned_transducer_stateless4

* change epoch number counter starting from 1 instead of 0

* minor fix of pruned_transducer_stateless4/

* refactor the

* minor fix, update docs, and modify the epoch number to count from 1 in the pruned_transducer_stateless4/

* update author info

* add docs of the scaling in function average_checkpoints_with_averaged_model

* Save batch to disk on exception. (#350)

* Bug fix (#352)

* Keep model_avg on cpu (#348)

* keep model_avg on cpu

* explicitly convert model_avg to cpu

* minor fix

* remove device convertion for model_avg

* modify usage of the model device in

* change model.device to next(model.parameters()).device for decoding

* assert params.start_epoch>0

* assert params.start_epoch>0, params.start_epoch

* Do some changes for aishell/ASR/transducer stateless/ (#347)

* do some changes for aishell/ASR/transducer_stateless/

* Support decoding with averaged model when using --iter (#353)

* support decoding with averaged model when using --iter

* minor fix

* monir fix of copyright date

* Stringify torch.__version__ before serializing it. (#354)

* Run in GitHub actions. (#356)

* Ignore padding frames during RNN-T decoding. (#358)

* Ignore padding frames during RNN-T decoding.

* Fix outdated decoding code.

* Minor fixes.

* Support --iter in (#360)

* GigaSpeech RNN-T experiments (#318)

* Copy RNN-T recipe from librispeech

* flake8

* flake8

* Update params

* gigaspeech decode

* black

* Update results

* syntax highlight

* Update

* typo

* Update decoding script for gigaspeech and remove duplicate files. (#361)

* Validate that there are no OOV tokens in BPE-based lexicons. (#359)

* Validate that there are no OOV tokens in BPE-based lexicons.

* Typo fixes.

* Decode gigaspeech in GitHub actions (#362)

* Add CI for gigaspeech.

* Update results for libri+giga multi dataset setup. (#363)

* Update results for libri+giga multi dataset setup.

* Update GigaSpeech reults (#364)

* Update

* Update

* Update results

* Update

* Fix GitHub CI for decoding GigaSpeech dev/test datasets (#366)

* modify .flake8

* minor fix

* minor fix

Co-authored-by: Daniel Povey <>
Co-authored-by: Wei Kang <>
Co-authored-by: Mingshuang Luo <>
Co-authored-by: Fangjun Kuang <>
Co-authored-by: Guo Liyong <>
Co-authored-by: Wang, Guanbo <>
Co-authored-by: whsqkaak <>
Co-authored-by: pehonnet <>
  • Loading branch information
9 people authored May 15, 2022
1 parent b3e6bf6 commit a9dccdc
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 117 changed files with 12,518 additions and 902 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions .flake8
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ per-file-ignores =
egs/tedlium3/ASR/*/ E501,
egs/gigaspeech/ASR/*/ E501,
egs/librispeech/ASR/pruned_transducer_stateless2/*.py: E501,
egs/gigaspeech/ASR/pruned_transducer_stateless2/*.py: E501,
egs/librispeech/ASR/pruned_transducer_stateless4/*.py: E501,
egs/librispeech/ASR/*/ E501,
egs/librispeech/ASR/*/ E501,
egs/tedlium3/ASR/*/ E226,
egs/tedlium3/ASR/*/ E226,
egs/tedlium3/ASR/*/ E226,

# invalid escape sequence (cause by tex formular), W605
icefall/ E501, W605
Expand All @@ -22,3 +29,5 @@ exclude =
ignore =
# E203 whitespace before ':'
# W503 line break before binary operator
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script computes fbank features for the test-clean and test-other datasets.
# The computed features are saved to ~/tmp/fbank-libri and are
# cached for later runs


mkdir ~/tmp/fbank-libri
cd egs/librispeech/ASR
mkdir -p data
cd data
[ ! -e fbank ] && ln -s ~/tmp/fbank-libri fbank
cd ..
ls -lh data/fbank/
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions .github/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script downloads the pre-computed fbank features for
# dev and test datasets of GigaSpeech.
# You will find directories `~/tmp/giga-dev-dataset-fbank` after running
# this script.

mkdir -p ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp

git lfs install
git clone

ls -lh giga-dev-dataset-fbank/data/fbank
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script downloads the test-clean and test-other datasets
# of LibriSpeech and unzip them to the folder ~/tmp/download,
# which is cached by GitHub actions for later runs.
# You will find directories ~/tmp/download/LibriSpeech after running
# this script.

mkdir ~/tmp/download
cd egs/librispeech/ASR
ln -s ~/tmp/download .
cd download
wget -q --no-check-certificate
tar xf test-clean.tar.gz
rm test-clean.tar.gz

wget -q --no-check-certificate
tar xf test-other.tar.gz
rm test-other.tar.gz
ls -lh
ls -lh LibriSpeech
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions .github/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script installs kaldifeat into the directory ~/tmp/kaldifeat
# which is cached by GitHub actions for later runs.

mkdir -p ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
git clone
cd kaldifeat
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j2 _kaldifeat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script assumes that test-clean and test-other are downloaded
# to egs/librispeech/ASR/download/LibriSpeech and generates manifest
# files in egs/librispeech/ASR/data/manifests

cd egs/librispeech/ASR
[ ! -e download ] && ln -s ~/tmp/download .
mkdir -p data/manifests
lhotse prepare librispeech -j 2 -p test-clean -p test-other ./download/LibriSpeech data/manifests
ls -lh data/manifests
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

log() {
# This function is from espnet
local fname=${BASH_SOURCE[1]##*/}
echo -e "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') (${fname}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}:${FUNCNAME[1]}) $*"

cd egs/gigaspeech/ASR


log "Downloading pre-trained model from $repo_url"
git lfs install
git clone $repo_url
repo=$(basename $repo_url)

if [[ x"${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}" == x"schedule" || x"${GITHUB_EVENT_LABEL_NAME}" == x"run-decode" ]]; then
mkdir -p pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp
ln -s $PWD/$repo/exp/ pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp/
ln -s $PWD/$repo/data/lang_bpe_500 data/

ls -lh data
ls -lh data/lang_bpe_500
ls -lh data/fbank
ls -lh pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp

log "Decoding dev and test"

# use a small value for decoding with CPU

# Test only greedy_search to reduce CI running time
# for method in greedy_search fast_beam_search modified_beam_search; do
for method in greedy_search; do
log "Decoding with $method"

./pruned_transducer_stateless2/ \
--decoding-method $method \
--epoch 999 \
--avg 1 \
--max-duration $max_duration \
--exp-dir pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp

rm pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp/*.pt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ for sym in 1 2 3; do

for method in modified_beam_search beam_search; do
for method in fast_beam_search modified_beam_search beam_search; do
log "$method"

./pruned_transducer_stateless/ \
Expand All @@ -45,3 +45,32 @@ for method in modified_beam_search beam_search; do
$repo/test_wavs/1221-135766-0001.wav \

if [[ x"${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}" == x"schedule" || x"${GITHUB_EVENT_LABEL_NAME}" == x"run-decode" ]]; then
mkdir -p pruned_transducer_stateless/exp
ln -s $PWD/$repo/exp/ pruned_transducer_stateless/exp/
ln -s $PWD/$repo/data/lang_bpe_500 data/

ls -lh data
ls -lh pruned_transducer_stateless/exp

log "Decoding test-clean and test-other"

# use a small value for decoding with CPU

for method in greedy_search fast_beam_search modified_beam_search; do
log "Decoding with $method"

./pruned_transducer_stateless/ \
--decoding-method $method \
--epoch 999 \
--avg 1 \
--max-duration $max_duration \
--exp-dir pruned_transducer_stateless/exp

rm pruned_transducer_stateless/exp/*.pt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

log() {
# This function is from espnet
local fname=${BASH_SOURCE[1]##*/}
echo -e "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') (${fname}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}:${FUNCNAME[1]}) $*"

cd egs/librispeech/ASR


log "Downloading pre-trained model from $repo_url"
git lfs install
git clone $repo_url
repo=$(basename $repo_url)

log "Display test files"
tree $repo/
soxi $repo/test_wavs/*.wav
ls -lh $repo/test_wavs/*.wav

pushd $repo/exp
ln -s

for sym in 1 2 3; do
log "Greedy search with --max-sym-per-frame $sym"

./pruned_transducer_stateless2/ \
--method greedy_search \
--max-sym-per-frame $sym \
--checkpoint $repo/exp/ \
--bpe-model $repo/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
$repo/test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav \
$repo/test_wavs/1221-135766-0001.wav \

for method in modified_beam_search beam_search fast_beam_search; do
log "$method"

./pruned_transducer_stateless2/ \
--method $method \
--beam-size 4 \
--checkpoint $repo/exp/ \
--bpe-model $repo/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
$repo/test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav \
$repo/test_wavs/1221-135766-0001.wav \

if [[ x"${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}" == x"schedule" || x"${GITHUB_EVENT_LABEL_NAME}" == x"run-decode" ]]; then
mkdir -p pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp
ln -s $PWD/$repo/exp/ pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp/
ln -s $PWD/$repo/data/lang_bpe_500 data/

ls -lh data
ls -lh pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp

log "Decoding test-clean and test-other"

# use a small value for decoding with CPU

for method in greedy_search fast_beam_search modified_beam_search; do
log "Decoding with $method"

./pruned_transducer_stateless2/ \
--decoding-method $method \
--epoch 999 \
--avg 1 \
--max-duration $max_duration \
--exp-dir pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp

rm pruned_transducer_stateless2/exp/*.pt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

log() {
# This function is from espnet
local fname=${BASH_SOURCE[1]##*/}
echo -e "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') (${fname}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}:${FUNCNAME[1]}) $*"

cd egs/librispeech/ASR


log "Downloading pre-trained model from $repo_url"
git lfs install
git clone $repo_url
repo=$(basename $repo_url)

log "Display test files"
tree $repo/
soxi $repo/test_wavs/*.wav
ls -lh $repo/test_wavs/*.wav

pushd $repo/exp
ln -s

for sym in 1 2 3; do
log "Greedy search with --max-sym-per-frame $sym"

./pruned_transducer_stateless3/ \
--method greedy_search \
--max-sym-per-frame $sym \
--checkpoint $repo/exp/ \
--bpe-model $repo/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
$repo/test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav \
$repo/test_wavs/1221-135766-0001.wav \

for method in modified_beam_search beam_search fast_beam_search; do
log "$method"

./pruned_transducer_stateless3/ \
--method $method \
--beam-size 4 \
--checkpoint $repo/exp/ \
--bpe-model $repo/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
$repo/test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav \
$repo/test_wavs/1221-135766-0001.wav \

if [[ x"${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}" == x"schedule" || x"${GITHUB_EVENT_LABEL_NAME}" == x"run-decode" ]]; then
mkdir -p pruned_transducer_stateless3/exp
ln -s $PWD/$repo/exp/ pruned_transducer_stateless3/exp/
ln -s $PWD/$repo/data/lang_bpe_500 data/

ls -lh data
ls -lh pruned_transducer_stateless3/exp

log "Decoding test-clean and test-other"

# use a small value for decoding with CPU

for method in greedy_search fast_beam_search modified_beam_search; do
log "Decoding with $method"

./pruned_transducer_stateless3/ \
--decoding-method $method \
--epoch 999 \
--avg 1 \
--max-duration $max_duration \
--exp-dir pruned_transducer_stateless3/exp

rm pruned_transducer_stateless3/exp/*.pt

0 comments on commit a9dccdc

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