A demo project showcasing Qt/QML application architecture with custom components, theme management, and proper project structure. This project serves as an example of creating reusable QML components and implementing a clean separation between UI and business logic.
- Custom QML components demonstration
- Theme management system (light/dark mode)
- Modern C++/QML application architecture
- Clean separation of UI and backend logic
- Dynamic color management
- Reusable components structure
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── main.cpp
├── app/
│ ├── Settings.cpp
│ ├── Settings.h
│ ├── ThemeManager.cpp
│ ├── ThemeManager.h
│ └── .... other infrastructure
└── ui/
├── components/
│ ├── ColorPicker.qml
│ ├── MyButton.qml
│ ├── MyInput.qml
│ └── .... other UI-components
└── view/
├── Main.qml
├── Settings.qml
└── ... pages, modals, windows, etc.
- Qt 6.5.0 or higher
- CMake 3.16 or higher
- C++17 compatible compiler
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
❗Don't forget to add CMake Options:
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={Your path to the qt sdk}
You should also add {version}\mingw_64\bin
to your PATH.
Or you can modify the PATH locally for the project. Example: PATH=%PATH%\;C:\Users\kitbyte\devtools\qt\6.8.1\mingw_64\bin
With CLion, you can set this for a specific startup configuration: Go to Edit Configurations... -> Select Configuration -> Environment variables -> PATH=%PATH%\;{path to \mingw_64\bin}
Backend C++ class that manages application theming:
class ThemeManager : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QColor accentColor READ accentColor WRITE setAccentColor NOTIFY accentColorChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool darkMode READ darkMode WRITE setDarkMode NOTIFY darkModeChanged)
// ...
- ColorPicker.qml: Color selection component
- MyButton.qml: Customized button component
- MyInput.qml: Enhanced input field component
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls.Basic
import "../components"
ApplicationWindow {
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
MyButton {
text: "Hello"
onClicked: console.log("Button clicked!")
MyInput {
placeholder: "Enter text..."
onTextChanged: console.log("Text:", text)
Theme configuration in main.cpp:
auto* themeManager = new ThemeManager(&app);
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("themeManager", themeManager);
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
This project serves as an example of modern Qt/QML application architecture and component design. Feel free to use it as a reference for your own projects.