Welcome to Ecomart, an e-commerce shopping app built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack and Material-UI for the user interface. This project provides both normal user and admin modes, offering a wide range of features to enhance the shopping experience.
- User Authentication: Users can sign up and log in securely using JWT authentication.
- Product Browsing: Browse through available products.
- Cart Management: Add products to the cart and manage cart items.
- Order Placement: Place orders with options for address filling, payment methods (including cash on delivery), and order confirmation.
- Order History: View past orders and order details.
- Logout: Securely log out of the application.
- Admin Dashboard: Provides an interface for administrators to manage the e-commerce platform.
- Product Management: Admins can update product details and delete products from the inventory.
- Data Visualization: Utilizes Chart.js to provide visual representations of key metrics such as orders, products, and user statistics.
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- Frontend: React.js, Material-UI, Tailwind CSS
- State Management: Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux-Persist
- Data Visualization: Chart.js, Highcharts.js
- Additional Libraries: Compromise (NLP), React-Toastify, React-Awesome-Slider, React-Confetti
Please navigate to the login section and use the following credentials to gain admin access. If you are already logged in, please log out first and then use these credentials.
- Email (Admin): jyotirmay2000gupta@gmail.com
- Password: 22812410
- ECOMMERCE_JWT_SECRET: "your_jwt_secret"
- CLOUD_NAME: "your_cloud_name"
- CLOUD_API_KEY: "your_cloud_api_key"
- CLOUD_API_SECRET: "your_cloud_api_secret"
- PASSWORD_STRING: "your_password_string"
- MYEMAIL: "your_email"
- MY_PASSWORD: "your_password"
- REACT_APP_MONGO_URL: "your_mongodb_url"
Here's an outline of the routes typically used in a MERN stack e-commerce application like Ecomart:
GET /api/auth/signin
- To register new user.POST /api/auth/login
- Login user and generate JWT token.POST /api/auth/user-data
- To fetch user details.
GET /api/retriveData/products-data
- Fetch all products.GET /api/retriveData/single-product/:id
- Fetch a specific product by ID.PUT /api/update/update-product/:id
- Update a product by ID (Admin only).DELETE /api/delete/delete-product/:id
- Delete a product by ID (Admin only).
GET /api/retriveData/cart-products
- Fetch current user's cart items.POST /api/cart/new-cart-product
- Add a product to the cart.DELETE /api/cart/remove-cart-product/:productId
- Remove a product from the cart.
GET /api/orders
- Fetch all orders (Admin only).GET /api/retriveData/productOrder
- Fetch a specific order by user.POST /api/order/productOrder
- Create a new order.
-- cloudinary api.
POST /api/shipping/save
- To save the address of the placed order.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/Ecomart.git cd Ecomart