Statistical analysis of an individual patient data meta-analysis for temporal changes in viral clearance kinetics and optimal design of the PLATCOV trial. The PLATCOV trial is registered at number NCT05041907.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This github repo provides the data and code for the statistical analysis of the article "Temporal changes in SARS-CoV-2 clearance kinetics and the optimal design of antiviral pharmacodynamic studies: an individual patient data meta-analysis of a randomised, controlled, adaptive platform study (PLATCOV)" published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
The analysis in this repo included:
The meta-analysis for individual patient data in unblinded patients of the PLATCOV trials between September, 2021 and October, 2023 to describe temporal changes in SARS-CoV-2 clearance kinetics. Temporal trends of baseline viral densities and viral clearance rates are described using a penalized B-spline fit.
- The analysis is described in 01_temporal_splines_analysis.qmd and 01_run_local_temporal_splines_analysis.R.
- Data used in this analysis is Unblinded_meta_analysis.csv.
The boostrapping analysis for the impacts follow-up duration on the z scores.
- The analysis is described in 02_bootstrapping_analysis.qmd and 02_run_local_bootstraps_analysis.R.
- Data used in this analysis are:
- Ineffective_analysis.csv
- Paxlovid_Molnupiravir_analysis.csv
- Paxlovid_recent_analysis.csv
- REGN_analysis.csv
- Remdesivir_analysis.csv
The boostrapping analysis for the impacts sampling frequencies on the z scores.
- The analysis is described in 03_bootstrapping_analysis_sampling_fq.qmd and 03_run_local_bootstraps_analysis_sampling_fq.R.
- Data used in this analysis are:
- Ineffective_analysis.csv
- Paxlovid_Molnupiravir_analysis.csv
- Paxlovid_recent_analysis.csv
- REGN_analysis.csv
- Remdesivir_analysis.csv
Stan models used in this analysis are in the Stan_models folder:
- Temporal_spline_additive.stan
- Temporal_spline_proportional.stan: This is the main model for this analysis.
Any questions or comments or if any bugs spotted drop me a message at or