All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
0.2.1 - 2023-05-25
- (web) Add project description - (8c7fbab) - @justinrubek
0.2.0 - 2023-05-25
- (cargo/metadata) provide proper links - (527dd85) - @justinrubek
- (github/actions) remove cachix - (1cac087) - @justinrubek
- fix name/description placeholder usage in config - (9ec9189) - @justinrubek
- fix html tags - (293df1a) - @justinrubek
- remove empty space from textareas - (e982ef7) - @justinrubek
- (nix) update crane input - (15e0f1c) - @justinrubek
- (nix) add wasm package - (5da5459) - @justinrubek
- (github) add github pages workflow - (f48f017) - @justinrubek
- (github/actions) add github release action - (c7ac17b) - @justinrubek
- (github/actions) specify nix install url - (72c6d91) - @justinrubek
- (nix) Separate devShell for ci - (33d3d4b) - @justinrubek
- (example) add basic example - (2692d3f) - @justinrubek
- (readme) add github pages url to readme - (59ea124) - @justinrubek
- added noscript information to web page - (5f1224b) - @justinrubek
- html page that can compile code - (970c456) - @justinrubek
- Introduce wasm-bindgen function to compile code - (8932b5a) - @justinrubek
- function calls with args - (b54b547) - @justinrubek
- initial implementation of functions and stack operations - (29818b2) - @justinrubek
- implement shell of codegen - (4ffc12a) - @justinrubek
- add bomper and cog configuration - (fca4ea2) - @justinrubek
- (nix) separate devshells from cargo packaging - (2ce4bab) - @justinrubek
Changelog generated by cocogitto.