Getting your computer set up for development in React-Native is no easy task. To avoid endless googling, here are some guides to send you on your way. I'm going to assume default paths for most things, and depending on the age of your machine, the operating system, etc some of these variables may change. I am assuming you are on a Mac, as it isn't really possible to do full stack dev and deploy on a PC. You can do react-native development for Android, but if you are going to run a cross platform app, you need a Mac.
There are many different ways to do this, and that is not what this page is about. Pick your poison.
npx react-native init MyTestApp
That is probably the easiest - full docs on React Native here.
Open your terminal and type in
xcode-select —install
This should install Xcode command line tools - follow the prompts and grant necessary permissions.
From the Apple App Store, make sure you have Xcode installed.
Once you have installed it, open it. On the first open, it may ask if you want to install other operating systems. Make sure you at least have a Mac and an IOS OS installed. The download on this can take a bit of time.
Then, open the .xcworkspace file that is in your app/ios folder.
If you are asked to agree to terms, Agree.
In the main menu, go to
Xcode > Preferences > Location and choose the command line tools installed.
Xcode > Preferences > Accounts and log in with your Apple ID Close Xcode.
Download and install Android Studio.
When you open it for the first time, agree to terms and install all the default settings.
Open the folder app/android
In the main menu, go to:
Tools > AVD Manager
Choose a device - I usually go with one with a Play Store logo so I have the possibility of using the play store - Pixel 4 is a good choice at the time of this writing. Install the device. If you don't have an Android OS installed, when you get to that step choose the most recent / default selection and install that.
Close Android Studio.
If you are on a M1 mac and it can't find node, you can open it from the command line with
open -a /Applications/Android\
and this also is supposed to be a permanent fix
chmod +x /Applications/Android\
Open Terminal.
I like a pretty terminal - most macs are defaulting to zsh, and I am assuming that is your terminal.
I use beeman's shell settings
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Restart your terminal or run source ~/.zshrc
If you are on a new machine and haven't installed Homebrew run
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Once this is done, it will give you some code to copy into your terminal. Execute it.
If you already have Homebrew, just run:
brew update
brew install cocoapods
You will want to be able to easily switch between versions of node for different projects.
brew install asdf
Once this is done, it will give you some code to copy into your ~/.zscrc file.
nano ~/.zshrc
Restart your terminal or run source ~/.zshrc
Python has a dependency it needs, you can run
brew install readline xz
Then, install a node version or two (change out for the latest version)
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin add pythong
asdf install nodejs latest
asdf install python latest
Check that it is installed by running
node -v
python -v
Then, take those versions and run
asdf global nodejs (version)
asdf global python (version)
That sets global versions - you can then overwrite per project by using
asdf local nodejs (version)
brew install pnpm
curl -s "" | bash
sdk install java 17.0.9-zulu
sdk use java 17.0.9-zulu
Restart your terminal or run source ~/.zshrc
Make sure it is loading:
java --version
brew install reactotron
brew install watchman
If you want to be able to do run-android and have it auto launch a device, you need to also add the android SDKs to your path.
nano ~/.zshrc
Scroll or down arrow all the way to the bottom of the file.
Paste in the following code given to you in the installation script
export ANDROID_HOME="$HOME/Library/Android/sdk"
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
Restart your terminal or run source ~/.zshrc