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Develop AI agents to control Mario in the classic game Super Mario Bros using the gym-super-mario-bros environment. Developed DQNN, PPO and OpenCV agents to compare their performance, strengths, and weaknesses in the context of playing the game for CITS3001

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CITS3001 - Algorithms, Agents and AI Project


  • Mitchell Otley (23475725)
  • Jack Blackwood (23326698)

Please refer to the project report for breakdown and analysis of the DQNN and OpenCV agents. This README purely describes how to run the agents.

Create the conda environment

  1. Navigate to root directory (where environment.yml file is located)
  2. In a conda shell, run conda env create -f env.yml
  3. Once environment is created, run conda activate mario
  4. Follow steps to run the agents from within the environment

If you plan to train/run any of the RL Agents (DDQN and SB3 PPO) it is reccomended to install PyTorch and it's requirements locally to take advantage of a CUDA GPU

OpenCV Agent

Running the Agent:

  1. Navigate to opencv-agent folder
  2. Edit values inside file to change how agent plays
  3. Execute the command:

Variables available to change are:

  • CVAgent(debug = [None, 'console', 'detect'], level = '1-1')
    • debug:
      None - No debugging (default)
      'console' - Show console messages
      'detect' - Show detection screen and console messages
    • level:
      The level the agent will play (default is 1-1)
Mario Gif
Mario Debugging Gif
    Number of steps taken before another action is chosen

  • agent.GOOMBA_RANGE
    Range (in pixels) between Mario and a Goomba before Mario will jump

  • agent.KOOPA_RANGE
    Range (in pixels) between Mario and a Koopa before Mario will jump

  •[False, True])

    • False - Return None when iteration is finished
    • True - Return a dictionary when iteration is finished:
      'run-score': total score of iteration,
      'run-time': time to complete iteration,
      'steps': steps taken in the iteration

Run Analysis

The experiments are ran by the programs and

  • tests 847 different simulations of the openCV agent, on level 1-1, with every combination of the following:
    • agent.STEPS_PER_ACTION in the range (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
    • agent.GOOMBA_RANGE in the range (30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80)
    • agent.KOOPA_RANGE in the range (30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80)
  • tests the successful combinations of parameters from the above test, on level 2-1.
  • tests the successful combinations of parameters from the above test, on level 1-4. Each combination need only be tested once, as the openCV agent will play the exact same way each time a certain combination is provided. Output data is saved to tab separated files (.tsv) in the experiment-data folder.

To generate an analysis of the experiment data for level 1-1, run python
To generate an analysis of the experiment data for level 2-1, run python

DDQN Agent

Mario Gif2

Train the Model:

  1. Navigate to the manual_ddqn_agent folder.
  2. Execute the command:
    python [--resume]
    • The --resume flag indicates that we are resuming training from an existing model.
    • Without this flag, a new model will be created and training will start from scratch.
    • The latest Checkpoint will be selected from the working directory.


To influence the training parameters, consider adjusting the following:

  • In

    • episodes: This defines the total number of episodes to train the model over.
  • In

    self.batch_size = 64  # Number of experiences to sample. Options: 32, 48, 64
    self.exploration_rate = 1  # Initial exploration rate for epsilon-greedy policy.
    self.exploration_rate_decay = 0.99999975  # Decay rate for exploration probability.
    self.exploration_rate_min = 0.1  # Minimum exploration rate.
    self.gamma = 0.9  # Discount factor for future rewards. Typically between 0.9 and 0.99.
    self.burnin = 10000  # Number of steps before training begins.
    self.learn_every = 3  # Frequency (in steps) for the agent to learn from experiences.
    self.tau = 0.005  # Rate of soft update for the target network.
    self.sync_every = 1.2e4  # Frequency (in steps) to update the target Q-network with the online Q-network's weights.
    self.save_every = 50000  # Frequency (in steps) to save the agent's model.

Run a Model:

  1. Navigate to manual_ddqn_agent folder
  2. Execute the command:
    python --checkpoint [CHECKPOINT_NAME] [--render]
    • The --checkpoint flag asks for an existing .chkpt that we are testing.
    • The --render flag will signify if we should display the agent while it runs.

This will create a Tester Environment and an additional logging directory. It will attempt to use the specified model with an Epsilon of 0.1 (Indicating defined action and little to no Exploration)

SB3 PPO Agent

Mario Gif

Train the Model:

  1. Navigate to the sb3-ppo-agent folder.
  2. Execute the command:
    python [--resume]
    • The --resume flag indicates that we are resuming training from an existing model.
    • Without this flag, a new model will be created and training will start from scratch.
    • A File Dialogue will open allowing us to specify a Model rather than the choose the latest.
  3. Execute the command:
    tensorboard --logdir=.
    • If Tensorboard is installed, this will allow insight into training metrics of current and historical training.


To influence the training parameters, consider adjusting the following:

  • In
    • total_timesteps: This defines the total number of time steps to train the model over.
            model = PPO("CnnPolicy", env, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, verbose=1, 
                  tensorboard_log=LOG_DIR, learning_rate=0.00001, 
                  n_steps=512, device="cuda")
    #n_steps - how many steps to sample an experience from
    #learning_rate - define the learning rate of the agent, a lower value may make less signficant changes but converge faster. 

Run a Model:

  1. Navigate to sb3-ppo-agent folder
  2. Execute the command:
    python [--render]
    • The script will open a File Dialogue to select a Model to evaluate.
    • Multiple Model may be selected to compare.
    • The --render flag will signify if we should display the agent while it runs.

This will create a Tester Environment and send metrics to the Console, and a logging file. If multiple Model have been selected, it will output the Model that had the highest average distance X.


Develop AI agents to control Mario in the classic game Super Mario Bros using the gym-super-mario-bros environment. Developed DQNN, PPO and OpenCV agents to compare their performance, strengths, and weaknesses in the context of playing the game for CITS3001




