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File metadata and controls

228 lines (162 loc) · 4.48 KB



The idea is to use the power of Typescript/Decorators to have an easy and practical entity library. Based on a transformer system, this library use Joi to transform the entities to Validation Schemas.

How to install

npm install --save @juneil/entityts


import { Entity, Type, Required } from '@juneil/entityts';

class User extends Entity {

    id: string;

    name: string;


const user1 = new User({ id: '1DB6A7FF08' });
user1.isValid() // true

const user2 = new User();
user2.isValid() // false

Static methods

  • schema(ModeEnum | EntityOptions): Joi.Schema
    • Build and return the schema for a mode

Instance methods

  • schema(ModeEnum | EntityOptions): Joi.Schema
    • Build and return the schema for a mode
  • isValid(ModeEnum): boolean
    • Based on the schema, valid the instance


strict?: boolean - Default: true - Used in the constructor of the entity to throw an error if validation failed mode?: ModeEnum - Default: ModeEnum.READ - Schema mode array?: boolean - Default: false - Build the schema as a list of the Entity unknown?: boolean - Default: true - Allow unknown keys in the payload



@Type(String | Number | Date | Object | Boolean | Buffer | TypeEnum | *Entity)

Specify the type of the property's value and will be the base of the Schema

*Entity: Allow you to have a property with the type of an Entity. Example:

class Entity2 extends Entity {
    id: string

class Entity1 extends Entity {
    id: string

    sub: Entity2
new Entity1().isValid()                         // true
new Entity1({ sub: {} }).isValid()              // false
new Entity1({ sub: { id: 'abc' } }).isValid()   // true


@Array(String | Number | Date | Object | Boolean | Buffer | TypeEnum | *Entity)

Same as @Type() but with array.


@ObjectPattern(RegExp, String | Number | Date | Object | Boolean | Buffer | TypeEnum | *Entity)

Allow to define the key's pattern and the value's type of an object


@Required(...ModeEnum) // By default: Entity.Mode.READ

Set the property as required, can be setted for several modes


@Strip(...ModeEnum) // By default: Entity.Mode.READ

The property will be removed depending of the modes provided



Set the valid values for the property



Set the invalid values for the property



Set the allowed values for the property



Add Min validation for the property's value. Works with types: String | Number | Array | Buffer | TypeEnum



Add Max validation for the property's value. Works with types: String | Number | Array | Buffer | TypeEnum



Add Length validation for the property's value. Works with types: String | Array | Buffer | TypeEnum





Add regex validation for a string Works with type: String


  • Entity.Type.Any: any
  • Entity.Type.ObjectId: String ObjectId from mongodb
  • Entity.Type.Hex: String in hexadecimal format
  • Entity.Type.Base64: String in base64 format
  • Entity.Type.IsoDate: String in iso date format
  • Entity.Type.URI: String URI format
  • Entity.Type.Email: String Email format
  • Entity.Type.Timestamp: Date timestamp format


  • Entity.Mode.READ: Default mode
  • Entity.Mode.CREATE: Mode to use while creating in a datasource
  • Entity.Mode.UPDATE: Mode to use while updating in a datasource


You can extend the schema with `more()' static methods

class Entity1 extends Entity {
    id: string

    // Make id required
    static more() {
        return Joi.object({
            id: Joi.any.required()

Extends an other entity

You can directly extend an entity

class Entity1 extends Entity {
    id: string

class Entity2 extends EntityExtends(Entity1) {
    id: number

    flag: boolean