This is a simple example of how to remap correctly. In this case, we are going to edit the fake_turtlebot.launch file to move the robot from RBX1 package with our keyboard.
First, go to a workspace folder.
cd ~/<yourWorkspace>/src
Now, copy the follow line in the terminal:
git clone
Install a needed repository:
sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall
Now we have a copy of the RBX1 repository in our workspace, it's time to compile it
cd <yourWorkspace>
In case of presenting any issue, try install the next ROS dependencies:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-arbotix-python
First, run ROS in the terminal
Then, run the launch file:
roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_turtlebot.launch
Now, in other terminal, we will observe the active topics with the command:
rostopic list
The answer must be something like this:
julianroa18@julianroa18-Aspire-E5-575G:~$ rostopic list
Note the topic "/cmd_vel", we will need it later. That is our first topic to remap. To know which is the second topic we need, run the turtle_teleop_key node in another terminal:
rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
Displays the list of active topics again:
rostopic list
Now the list is similar to:
julianroa18@julianroa18-Aspire-E5-575G:~$ rostopic list
The last one, "/turtle1/cmd_vel" is the second topic that we will remap. Save that topics for the next step
Remap is a way of "cheating" a ROS node, so when it thinks it is subscribing to or publishing to "/topic1" it really does it to "/topic2"
Remap works like this
<remap from="/different_topic" to="/needed_topic"/>
For our example, the correct way is:
<remap from="/cmd_vel" to="/turtle1/cmd_vel"/>
Now add this line in the fake_turtlebot.launch file and the new file should look like this:
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="false" />
<!-- Load the URDF/Xacro model of our robot -->
<arg name="urdf_file" default="$(find xacro)/ '$(find rbx1_description)/urdf/turtlebot.urdf.xacro'" />
<param name="robot_description" command="$(arg urdf_file)" />
<node name="arbotix" pkg="arbotix_python" type="arbotix_driver" output="screen" clear_params="true">
<rosparam file="$(find rbx1_bringup)/config/fake_turtlebot_arbotix.yaml" command="load" />
<param name="sim" value="true"/>
<remap from="/cmd_vel" to="/turtle1/cmd_vel"/>
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher">
<param name="publish_frequency" type="double" value="20.0" />
Save the changes in the .launch file and kill all the procces in the terminal, except roscore. Run the .launch and the turtle_teleop_key node again, and then copy the next command in another terminal
Finally, execute the next line to do the control
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/sim.rviz
Move the robot with you keyboard, if you want to change the velocity of the robot, execute the next line in the terminal:
rosparam set teleop_turtle/scale_linear 0.5
Where 0.5 is the new velocity. Execute again and enjoy :)
- Kevin Parra
- Julián Roa
- Hernán Hernandez