A very simple function builder that lets you build arrays with conditional content. In the closure, you can incorporate single elements, arrays of elements, or even optionals.
var selectedAssets: [AssetProperties] {
if includeMac {
stylizeMac ? .macMasked : .mac
if includeiPhone { .iPhone }
if includeiPad { .iPad }
if includeiOSMarketing { .iOSMarketing }
Without function builders, this would get noisy, repetitive, and hard-to-read (albeit shorter with this formatting):
var selectedAssets: [AssetProperties] {
(includeMac ? (stylizeMac ? .macMasked : .mac) : [])
+ (includeiPhone ? .iPhone : [])
+ (includeiPad ? .iPad : [])
+ (includeiOSMarketing ? .iOSMarketing : [])
The package also includes an initializer for Array
taking a function builder closure:
let text = Array {
if let amount = amount {
Self.formatter.string(from: amount as NSNumber)!
// unlike SwiftUI, this works with optionals too, no need to unwrap or nil-coalesce with []
}.joined(separator: " ") // e.g. "250 mL", "3", "some"