Official Jule extension for Neovim.
Add the following line to your Vim configuration file:
Plug 'julelang/jule.nvim'
Then run the following command:
require('jule').setup {
format_on_save = true,
format_command = "julefmt -w %" -- default, optional
Note that nvim-cmp has to be installed.
require('jule').setup {
enable_cmp = true
require('cmp').setup {
sources = {
{ name = 'jule' }
- Make sure all the requirements are installed and are available in your
variable - Clone the repository and navigate to its directory:
$ git clone
$ cd jule.nvim
- Create a test Jule module:
$ julec mod init
$ printf "fn main() {\n println(\"Hello world\")\n}" > main.jule
- Get the path to the plugin:
$ pwd
- Open Neovim:
$ nvim main.jule
- Set the runtime path and filetype:
:set runtimepath+=/path/to/jule.nvim
:set filetype=jule
- Source the plugin:
:source /path/to/jule.nvim/lua/jule/init.lua
- Configure the plugin:
:lua require('jule').setup { format_on_save = true }
- Done! (you might need to re-open the buffer for the completion source to initialize properly)
See the Julenour Code of Conduct
The extension is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.
See License Details