Ping Pong Counter is a straightforward application designed to help you keep track of scores during a ping pong game. It seamlessly integrates with Hama BRS3 Bluetooth for a convenient experience.
- Easily increment the score for either player by clicking on their respective buttons.
- When one of the players reaches 11 points, the game ends, and you can reset the score to 0-0.
- The app conveniently keeps track of who's serving.
- Logs the history of the game, so you can see how the score changed over time.
- single click – increment the score for the respective player
- double click – decrement the score for the respective player
In case score is 0 - 0:
- double click - change who's serving
- triple click - change sides
To develop this app, you must have Node.js installed on your system. For streamlined development, you can emulate controllers mapped to the "s" and "a" keys. Simply follow these steps:
npm install
npm run dev
If you prefer to use real controllers, follow these instructions:
npm install
npm run start
Feel free to contribute to the project and improve the ping pong experience!