This is forkable set of teaching materials for teaching biologists how to work with data through programming, database management and computing more generally.
This repository contains the complete teaching materials (excluding exams and answers to assignments) and website for a university style course teaching computational data skills to biologists.
The course is designed to work primarily as a flipped classroom, with students reading and viewing videos before coming to class and then spending the bulk of class time working on exercises with the teacher answering questions and demoing the concepts.
Under active development: This repository is currently (Fall 2015) being used by @ethanwhite to teach a version of this course at the University of Florida. At the conclusion of that course some materials that are specific to a given course (e.g., the syllabus) will be generalized to templates instead of being specific to the current course. Contributions to all other aspects of the course/site are possible and encouraged.
Core teaching materials are stored in the relevant folders including
, lectures
, and ipynbs
(a series of Project Jupyter notebooks).
Class specific materials are stored in syllabus
and assignments
Most of the other folders and files support creating the course website using Jekyll.
We use standard GitHub flow, so fork the repository, add or change material, and submit a pull request.
The goal of making this course forkable is to facilitate collaboration on developing this kind of material for university courses. The central component of a flipped computing course is the exercises, so one of the primary forms of contribution will be adding exercises to the pool of exercises. Individual instructors can then select from a rich pool of exercises the ones that fit the topics, languages, and scientific domains that best fit the material they want to cover in the course.
There are lots of great resources for being introduced to the individual concepts being taught in courses like this. Our philosophy is to use and improve these external resources when available instead of creating new versions of the same content. In particularly we actively use Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshop materials. However, in cases where the necessary material doesn't exist elsewhere it can certainly be added here.
The website is setup to be easy to run automatically through GitHub:
- Fork
or import the repository
- In a few minutes you should be able to see the site at:
- In a few minutes you should be able to see the site at:
- Edit any of the markdown (.md) files
- Commit and push the changes
- The changes should now be reflected on the website
- If you want to use a custom domain name instead of
, follow GitHub's instructions for setting up a custom domain.
If you have any problems please let us know and we'll be happy to help.
If you want to view your changes locally, before pushing them to the live website, you'll need to setup Jekyll locally. GitHub provides a good introduction on how to do this.
If you have Jekyll properly installed, you can then run
jekyll serve --baseurl ''
from the command line and navigate to http://localhost:4000/ in your browser to preview the current state of the website.
If you want to add new exercises, lecture notes, etc. you do this by creating a markdown file in the appropriate directory. Each markdown file needs to start with some information that tells Jekyll what the page is. This is done using something called YAML, and the standard YAML for a new exercise would look like this:
layout: exercise
title: Name of exercise
subtitle: Short description of the exercise
language: R
This is placed at the very beginning of the markdown file and provides information on what kind of content it is (e.g., exercise, lecture, etc.), the title of the page, and what language it applies to.
The page should then be available at a url based on where the file is located
and what the file name is. So if you created a new exercise in the exercises
folder called
it would be located at:
Locally: http://localhost:4000/exercises/my_awesome_exercise
After pushing to GitHub:
Development of this material is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Data-Driven Discovery Initiative through Grant GBMF4563 to Ethan White and the National Science Foundation as part of a CAREER award to Ethan White.