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python# (python sharp) is a module created to add EOP (event oriented programing) into python in the most native feeling, easy sintax way possible. Based on C# event implementation structure


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    def project_finished(sender:object,e:EventArgs)->None:
      print("Development is fun!!!")

    project = Project() 
    project.finished += project_finished
"Development is fun!!!"

Python# (Python sharp)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Tools and support
  4. Important disclaimer
  5. Use cases and examples
    1. Delegates
      1. How to add callables into a Delegate
      2. How to get returned values of callables out of a Delegate
      3. Delegates Summary
    2. Events
      1. EventArgs, CustomEventArgs and CancellableEventArgs class
      2. Implementation
        1. Simple events
        2. Events with arguments
        3. Events with modifiable arguments
        4. Implementation summary
    3. Static events


Python# (Python sharp) module was created with the intention of adding EOP (event oriented programming) into Python in the most native feeling, easy syntax way possible.

EOP is a programming paradigm that allows execute actions (code) based on "occurrences" or events, this is really useful when you have to execute specific actions when something happens but you do not have the certainty when or how many times is going to occur.

This module was designed to accomplish EOP with 2 objectives in mind:

  1. Features should look and feel like native Python features.
  2. Implementation should be based in another famous EOP language to reduce the learning curve and improve user experience.

Events are just another possible way to declare a class member like: fields/attributes, properties and methods, Python already have a way to define a property with @property, this helps to define objective number 1, for this reason events are implemented with @event syntax to be consistent with Python:

class Person:
  def __init__(self,name:str)->None:
    self._name = name

  def name(self)->str: 
        return self._name

  def name(self,value:str)->None:
        self._name = value

  def name_changed(self,value)->None:
    #some implementation

For objective 2, the module was architected thinking in how another EOP language (in this case C#) implements its events. This implementation will be explained below, keep in mind this is a really simplified explanation of how C# events actually work, if you are interested in learn how they work exactly please go to C# documentation. With this clarified, let's move on to the explanation:

  1. C# implements events as a collection of callbacks that will be executed in some point of time, this collection of functions are called Delegates, invoking(executing) the delegate will cause the execution of all functions(callables) in its collection.

  2. delegates are not commonly exposed publicly, for security reasons. Just as fields/attributes in a class have to be encapsulated, so do delegates. The way to encapsulate them is with events. Fields/attributes are to properties as delegates are to events.

  3. Properties encapsulate fields/attributes using two methods: "getter" and "setter", which define the logic of how data should be GET and SET out of the object, in C# events encapsulate delegates with 2 methods as well called "adder" and "remover", which define the logic of how functions/subscribers should be added or removed out of the delegate.



  • Python: Version 3.6 or higher
  • pip: Python package manager

To install python_sharp you can follow either of the options listed:


version 1.0.0 is only available through GitHub PyPI does not contain that version.

1. Clone the Repository

If you want to explore the source code, you can clone the repository:

git clone
cd python_sharp

2. Install the package directly from GitHub using pip:

pip install git+

from a specific branch/commit/version:

pip install git+<branch_or_commit_or_version>


pip install git+

3. Install from PyPI

pip install python_sharp

or select your version

pip install python_sharp==<version>


pip install python_sharp==1.0.1

Upgrade it:

pip install python_sharp --upgrade


from python_sharp import *

#your code

Tools and support

Currently there is an upcoming effort to create a VS code extension to deliver a better experience while using Python sharp, an example of this is a custom OUTLINE to visualize @property and @event with its corresponding icons as the next image shows:

outline support

and so much more!, if you want to see it come true you can show interest using and spreading the use of Python sharp, this will help to add more support to the project.

To create an enhancement request, report a bug, raise a question etc. you can use the issues section of this repository with the corresponding labels enhancement, bug, question etc. in this way collaborators can check for the request and attend it.

Important disclaimer

In some parts of this documentation you will find the words "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED", these words are used to highlight some important use aspects of Python sharp.

The omission of "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" conventions (like naming conventions, or implementation conventions) might not break your code and it might work without them, even you might found a way to create your own way to implement them, HOWEVER, this could lead to readability, clarity, maintenance and scalability issues of the code.

For this reason, always FOLLOW THE CONVENTIONS since this is necessary to keep the readability, clarity, maintenance and scalability of your code, in this way other collaborators can go over your code easily and improve the work flow.

Use cases and examples:

In this repository there are 2 main files "" (which is the module file) and "". This last file contains all the features applied into one single script, this can be really useful if you want to do a quick check about how something is implemented, however, since it is a "testing" script and not a "walk through" it could be confusing if you do not know what is going on, so it is Highly recommended read the documentation below which explains step by step how to implement every single feature in the module.


Python sharp Delegates are a list of callables with the same signature, when a delegate is being executed (delegates are callable objects), it executes every single callable in its list.

How to add callables into a Delegate

It is really important to keep the callables added into the delegate with consistent signatures because parameters passed to the delegate when is being executed are the same ones passed to every single callable in the collection, so if one callable signature is expecting only 2 parameters and the next callable 3 parameters this is going to cause a TypeError that might look like this:

from python_sharp import *

def function_1(parameter_1:int): # defining a function with 1 parameter (int type)
  print("function 1")

def function_2(parameter_1:int,parameter_2:str): # defining a function with 2 parameters (int,str types)
  print("function 2")

delegate = Delegate() #creating a Delegate
delegate += function_1 #adding function_1
delegate += function_2 #adding function_2

delegate(5) # executing the delegate with only 1 parameter


function 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\PATH\", line 341, in <module>
    delegate(5) # executing the delegate with only 1 parameter
  File "c:\PATH\", line 72, in __call__
    results.append(callable( *args, **kwds))
TypeError: function_2() missing 1 required positional argument: 'parameter_2'

Here function_1 was executed correctly due the signature of the function match with how the delegate was executed (passing only one integer "5"), and function_2 was expecting a second string parameter resulting in a TypeError. So, it is really important keep signatures in a homogeneous manner.

How to get returned values of callables out of a Delegate

Once the delegate is executed you can get the returned values (if Any) as a tuple returned by the delegate, this tuple represents the values returned by every callable in the delegate's callable collection:

from python_sharp import *

def function(text:str):
  print("%s, Function is being executed!" % text)
  return "function result"

class Test:
  def method(self,text:str):
    print("%s, Method is being executed!" % text)
    return "method result"

test_instance = Test()

first_delegate = Delegate(function) #adding a function. You can pass the first callble optionally through the constructor

delegate = Delegate() # creates an empty delegate
delegate += first_delegate #adding a delegate. You can add a delegate to another delegate due a Delegate is callable
delegate += test_instance.method #adding a method

results = delegate("Hello!")

print(f"returned values: {results}")


Hello!, Function is being executed!
Hello!, Method is being executed!
returned values: (('function result'), 'method result')

In this example we can see that delegate executes its first item added which is first_delegate, as result 'function' is executed and first_delegate return a tuple with the return value of 'function', this tuple is added into delegate results, then delegate executes its next item test_instance.method as result it returns a string that is going to be added into the delegate results.

At the end we finish with all callables executed and the results:

  • ('function result'): result of first_delegate execution
  • 'method result': result of test_instance.method execution.

Delegates Summary

As summary, Delegates are really useful to execute a bulk of callables, and its return values (if any) are returned by the delegate in a tuple.


In programming, an event refers to an action or occurrence that a program can detect and respond to. Events can be triggered by user interactions (like clicking a button, typing text, or moving a mouse), system-generated activities (like a file being updated or a timer expiring), or even messages from other parts of the program. Typically, an event is associated with subscribers (event listeners) which are functions or blocks of code designed to execute when the specific event occurs.

Events are commonly part of an event-driven programming paradigm, where the flow of the program is determined by these events.

Events can be implemented as members of an instance or a class (static events) on different ways, in this module we can group this "ways" into 3 main implementations:

  1. Simple events (Normally implemented as property changed events): These events only "notify" that something relevant happens, they do not provide extra information about the event like: How, When, Why etc.

Name convention for this events is: [optional subject or adjective] + VERB + 'ed' (past simple).


  • name_changed (this is an example of property change implementation in this case for name property)
  • location_changed (this is an example of property change implementation in this case for location property)
  • moved
  • executed
  1. Events with arguments: This events are like simple events but they are capable of provide extra information about the event like: How, When, Why etc, to the subscribers through a parameter. They follow the same name convention as simple events.

  2. Events with modifiable arguments (Normally implemented as pre-events)

Events with modifiable arguments are most likely implemented as pre-events this means the event advertise something that is about to happen, and it will let the subscribers provide information to determine the future, like cancelling what was about to happen or modify how it was going to be done.

Name convention for this events is: [optional subject or adjective] + VERB + 'ing' (present continuous).


  • name_changing

  • house_changing

  • moving

  • executing

  • Another example to clarify this could be an event called "window_closing", this event will notify that a window is about to close, the subscribers will have the power to pass information through the event arguments to cancel or modify the incoming action (in this case the window closing), this is really useful if the changes in the app are not saved.

In some rare occasions these name conventions will not satisfy your necessities to name your events due they don't describe properly what your events are going to do, and it is fine to name them as you want, however, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED use these name conventions as much as possible, since this would lead to better readability, clarity, maintenance and scalability of the code, so, if you can name your events under the suggested name conventions DO IT, only use your own naming conventions if the naming conventions described in this document do not fit with what your event is going to do.

EventArgs, CustomEventArgs and CancellableEventArgs class

EventArgs class is an empty class designed to be a base class to pass the event arguments, these arguments are going to be passed from the publisher to the subscriber in order to provide more information about what happens.

  • Simple events use EventArgs objects to pass the event arguments to the subscriber, due EventArgs is an empty class, no arguments are passed to the subscriber, this is the reason why these events are the simplest to implement and the ones used for property changed events, they only notify something happens and that's it, no more information. Worth mentioning property changed events are not the only use for these event types, it is just a use case example

  • Events with arguments use a custom class that inherit from EventArgs class to describe what arguments are going to be passed to the subscriber. The arguments passed to the subscriber are passed as read_only properties (properties with only getter). If a simple event is not enough, you might need an Event with arguments, in this case, you can use a custom EventArgs that contains your arguments.

    As a use case example imagine an event called moved, this event notifies when the object moves, but maybe only notify the movement is not enough and we want to inform how much the object moves, this is a perfect use for our custom EventArgs class:

    class MovedEventArgs(EventArgs): # example of Custom EventArgs to pass event information (distance moved in this case)
        def __init__(self,delta:int)->None: # Request the distance of the movement
            self._delta = delta # Save the distance
        def delta(self)->int: #encapsulate the value and placing its getter
            return self._delta
  • Events with modifiable arguments use a custom class that inherit from EventArgs class to describe what arguments are going to be passed from the subscriber to the publisher, this module already include one example of this approach CancellableEventargs:

    class CancellableEventArgs(EventArgs):
        def __init__(self)->None:
            self._cancel = False 
        def cancel(self)->bool: #to show the value of _cancel attribute
            return self._cancel
        def cancel(self,value:bool)->None: #to let the subscriber set a value into _cancel
            self._cancel = value

    as you can see, this implementation is really similar to Events with arguments, the only difference is we are placing a setter method to let modify the cancel value, this value can be used for the publisher at the end of the execution of all the callbacks stored.

    It is REALLY IMPORTANT to remark, CancellableEventArgs is only an example of an EventArgs used for Events with modifiable arguments and is not the only way to implement it, you don't even need to inherit necessarily from it. In order to consider an EventArgs used for Events with modifiable arguments it has to implement a setter on it, in this way this new EventArgs can provide and store information about the event, and this information can be used by the publisher and subscribers. Another way to see it is as a bidirectional channel to communicate the publisher and subscribers, publisher can provide information with the getters and subscribers can store information in it with the setters.


Below this text, the use cases and explanation about the events are shown, please read the examples and after READ THE EXPLANATION OF THE EXAMPLE CODE, this is really important because it specifies step by step the "WHY"s of the implementation.

Simple events
from python_sharp import *

class Person: 
  def __init__(self, name:str)->None: 
    self._name = name 
    self._name_changed = Delegate() #collection of future callbacks

  def name(self)->str:
    return self._name

  def name(self,value:str)->None:
    self._name = value

  def _on_name_changed(self,e:EventArgs)->None:

  def name_changed(self,value)->None: # This example doesn't contain the parameter annotations for simplicity because it is the first example, however (as the document will explain in the summary of simple events), it is really important to place the event annotations. (There is a link at the end of this code block to go to the explanation)
    self._name_changed += value

  def name_changed(self,value)->None: # Annotations are not included for simplicity because it is the first example
    self._name_changed -= value 

def person_name_changed(sender:object,e:EventArgs)->None:
  print("person change its name to %s" %

person = Person("Juan")
person.name_changed += person_name_changed = "Carlos" 
person.name_changed -= person_name_changed = "Something" 


person change its name to Carlos

Link to event annotation convention explanation

"simple events" "notify" that something relevant happens, they do not provide extra information about the event like why, when, where, etc.

On this example an event name_changed is implemented to notify when the person's name change.

To implement a simple event the first thing you have to do is create a variable to store the subscribers, look at this variable as a "To do list" because it contains the callables that are going to be executed at some specific time.

self._name_changed = Delegate() # it can be viewed as a "To do list"

As you might notice the variable that is going to store the subscribers is a Delegate and the name starts with '_' to "protect" the attribute. Expose the attribute "publicly" is not a good practice, because other parts of the code can manipulate the attribute wrongly or get/set information in a way that was not mean to. To fix this, we can define 2 methods to encapsulate the delegate (adder/remover methods), Through these 2 methods the other objects in the code can subscribe/unsubscribe (add/remove) callables to our delegate.

  def name_changed(self,value)->None:
    self._name_changed += value # add the new callable to the attribute with a delegate

  def name_changed(self,value)->None:
    self._name_changed -= value # remove the callable to the attribute with a delegate

Code above implements add/remove logic to the delegate. Function below @event decorator defines the logic for the add or how a callable should be added to our "To do list". Function below @name_changed.remover defines the logic for the remover or how a callable should be removed from the delegate

Notice the functions HAVE to be named exactly with the same name, and if an @event is defined you must implement @IDENTIFIER.remover or the code will throw a traceback, this is to protect the integrity of the code and provide instructions about how to add AND remove a callable.

The callable to be added/removed will be passed through the "value" parameter. Notice in this example "value" parameter doesn't have any type annotation, this is only to keep this first example "simple/readable" at first sight, however it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED annotate the type as the following examples on this document (Events with arguments or Events with modifiable arguments examples contain these annnotations), due this is the way to indicate clearly what is the signature expected from the event to their subscribers (callables). Link to event annotation convention explanation

Once this is in place, we have:

  • A place to store the callables
  • Logic to let to other parts of the code add/remove callables

Now we need to execute the callables in the right momment, in this case the event is called "name_changed" so the callables should be executed when the name changes, this means our extra logic needs to be added in the name setter due that is the part of the code that has this responsability (change the person's name).

  def name(self,value:str)->None:
    self._name = value
    # execute our "To do list" or delegate

In the snippet code above the comment defines where the "To do list" needs to be executed, however, sometimes the own object needs to implement its own logic when (in this case) the property name change, for this purpose it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as a good practice define another function/method called "_on_[EVENT NAME]"

  def name(self,value:str)->None:
    self._name = value

  def _on_name_changed(self)->None:
    #logic when the name change (if any)
    self._name_changed() #external logic

Inside of this method the own internal and external logic when the name change must be implemented, in other words, What as a Person I need to do when my name changes? (own/internal logic), and after, attend external logic (To do list) in other words instructionss provided by other objects or parts of the code. What others needs to do when my name changes?

In this case the class Person doesn't need to do "something" when the name changes (internal logic), so we only need to execute the external logic (execute the delegate)

Now we have a way to add/remove subscribers and trigger the event, however, you might notice the code above is not exactly the same as the example code, this is because despite the event is now implemented and working is not following a good practice CONVENTION. So even with a working code, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED follow next convention:

  def name(self,value:str)->None:
    self._name = value

  def _on_name_changed(self,e:EventArgs)->None:
    #internal logic if any

You can notice 2 things

  1. _on_name_changed now requires a parameter called 'e' which is an EventArgs, this is a safety implementation, every "_on_[EVENT NAME]" must require an EventArgs (or any other class that inherits from it), this is a way to say "Are you sure the event happens? show me the evidence!", in this case there is no arguments so the evidence is an empty EventArgs object. EventArgs object is used first for the internal logic and then passed to the external logic as a parameter.

  2. 'self' is passed to the external logic as first parameter, this is to allow the subscribers know 'Who is executing my piece of code"

As summary:

  • There are 2 main sections to implement when you want to define an event:

    1. Part that store and define how to add/remove callables
    2. Part that executes/trigger those callables stored

  • There are conventions about how the logic must be implemented to facilitate readability and maintenance of the code.

  • Callables to be subscribed to a simple event should follow the next signature:

    Callable[[object, EventArgs], None] (a callable with 2 parameters, first one contains the publisher and second the event arguments, the function must return None)

The next snipped code shows and example of how the simple events should be implemented with the HIGHLY RECOMMENDED event annotation convention:

  def name_changed(self,value:Callable[[object, EventArgs], None])->None:
    self._name_changed += value

  def name_changed(self,value:Callable[[object, EventArgs], None])->None:
    self._name_changed -= value 

This is done with the intention of clarifying what is the event expecting from its subscribers signature.

The omission of this event annotation convention do not affect how the code works, however, it could lead to problems of readability, clarity, maintenance and scalability. For these reasons ALWAYS place the event annotations, this is the only way for the event to communicate what is he expecting from its subscribers.

To use the event:

def person_name_changed(sender:object,e:EventArgs)->None: #function to be executed when the name changes (subscriber)
  print("person change its name to %s" %

person = Person("Juan")  #creates a person
person.name_changed += person_name_changed # we add 'person_name_changed' (subscriber) to event name_changed of 'person', this line will execute function under @event decorator (adder function) = "Carlos" # change the name to trigger the event (this will execute 'person_name_changed') 
person.name_changed -= person_name_changed #unsubcribe the function, this line will execute function under @name_changed.remover decorator (remover function) = "Something" # change the name again to prove 'person_name_changed' is not executed anymore
Events with arguments
from python_sharp import *
from typing import Callable

class MovedEventArgs(EventArgs):


  def __init__(self,delta:int)->None:
    self._delta = delta

  def delta(self)->int:
    return self._delta

class Person:
  def __init__(self)->None:
    self._location = 0
    self._moved = Delegate()

  def location(self)->int:
    return self._location

  def location(self,value:int)->None:      
    previous = self.location 
    self._location = value
    self._on_moved(MovedEventArgs(self.location - previous))

  def move(self,distance:int)->None:
    self.location += distance

  def _on_moved(self,e:MovedEventArgs)->None:

  def moved(self,value:Callable[[object, MovedEventArgs], None])->None:
    self._moved += value

  def moved(self,value:Callable[[object, MovedEventArgs], None])->None:
    self._moved -= value  

def person_moved(sender:object,e:MovedEventArgs)->None:
  print("Person moves %d units" %

person = Person()
person.moved += person_moved
person.location = 25
person.moved -= person_moved
person.location = 0


Person moves 10 units

Events with arguments are almost the same as simple events so, the next explanation will only address the differences between the 2 cases.

On this example an event named "moved" is implemented to notify when a person moves and provide how much does the person move.

class MovedEventArgs(EventArgs):


  def __init__(self,delta:int)->None:
    self._delta = delta

  def delta(self)->int:
    return self._delta

In this case a custom EventArgs is created in order to be capable of store the event arguments, on this example the event is named "moved", and is going to be triggered when the person changes its location, in addition, it will provide HOW MUCH the person moves, this is the job of the MovedEventArgs and the main difference with a simple event.

In the next code block we can see how the event is being defined:

  def moved(self,value:Callable[[object, MovedEventArgs], None])->None:
    self._moved += value

  def moved(self,value:Callable[[object, MovedEventArgs], None])->None:
    self._moved -= value  

in this case the only difference is the 'value' parameter annotation, this indicates that the event requires a Callable[[object, MovedEventArgs], None] subscriber signature, in other words a MovedEventArgs will be provided to the subscriber.

It is HIGHLY IMPORTANT to realize moved event signature is Callable[[object, MovedEventArgs], None] therefore it can accept subscribers with the next signatures:

  • Callable[[object, MovedEventArgs], None]
  • Callable[[object, EventArgs], None]

These 2 signatures are ok because of polymorphism, it can be confusing due at first sight seems like we are assigning an EventArgs objeect to a MovedEventArgs variable (MovedEventArgs <- EventArgs), this case in OOP (Object Oriented programming) is not valid, because it might throw a Traceback if a MovedEventArgs member is trying to be accessed in a EventArgs object.

However in this example is not the case, the subscriber with Callable[[object, EventArgs], None] signature defines how the parameter object is going to be treated by the callable, in this case, the parameter will be used/treated as an EventArgs, and the event will provide a MovedEventArgs object to the callable so in reallity we are assigning a MovedEventArgs object to an EventArgs variable (EventArgs <- MovedEventArgs) which by polymorphism will not cause any issue trying to access any of the EventArgs members in a MovedEventArgs object.

Next code block explains a general case for what was explained above (subscriber signatures accepted by an event).

"..." indicates that there is code is being omitted due it is not relevant to show the desire concept:

class EventArgs:...
class FirstCustomEventArgs(EventArgs):...
class SecondCustomEventArgs(FirstCustomEventArgs):...
class ThirdCustomEventArgs(SecondCustomEventArgs):...
class FourthCustomEventArgs(ThirdCustomEventArgs):...
class FifthCustomEventArgs(FourthCustomEventArgs):...

class MyClassPublisher:

  def event_name(self,value:Callable[[object,ThirdCustomEventArgs],None])->None:... #Example event that will provide a ThirdCustomEventArgs object to its subscribers.

def subscriber(sender:object,e:EventArgs)->None: ...                # Assignable
def subscriber_1(sender:object,e:FirstCustomEventArgs)->None: ...   # Assignable
def subscriber_2(sender:object,e:SecondCustomEventArgs)->None: ...  # Assignable
def subscriber_3(sender:object,e:ThirdCustomEventArgs)->None: ...   # Assignable
def subscriber_4(sender:object,e:FourthCustomEventArgs)->None: ...  # NO assignable
def subscriber_5(sender:object,e:FifthCustomEventArgs)->None: ...   # NO assignable

publisher = new MyClassPublisher()

publisher.event_name += subscriber    # Correct
publisher.event_name += subscriber_1  # Correct
publisher.event_name += subscriber_2  # Correct
publisher.event_name += subscriber_3  # Correct
publisher.event_name += subscriber_4  # Wrong
publisher.event_name += subscriber_5  # Wrong

This feature allow you to have a subscriber being able to subscribe to a huge variety of event signatures, for example, if you have a piece of logic that needs to be executed by 2 events with different signatures is totally possible.

In order to get advantage of this, you need to keep in mind what is going to be the subscriber signature, if your subscriber signature is closer to EventArgs it is going to be more probable to be compatible with more event signatures. So as a good practice try to keep your EventArgs parameter as close as EventArgs possible.


If you create a subscriber for an event with a signature Callable[[object, ThirdCustomEventArgs],None] and you do not need any specific information of a ThirdCustomEventArgs in your subsciber logic, you can consider lower your EventArgs to SecondCustomEventArgs (get closer to EcentArgs) or even lower, depending on what information you require in your subscriber logic, in this way your subscriber will be compatible with more event signatures in case you want to assign it to another events with different signature.

Subscribers naming convention is not rigid, however it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that the name expresses in some way what is going to trigger its execution, most of the cases can be accomplish with:

"[your identifier]_[event name(s)]"

  • persons_name_changed
  • elements_moved
  • compenents_rendering

In that way is easy to understand/know what is going to cause the subscriber execution since its name contains the name of its triggers (event names).

And the last difference but not less important is how the event is going to be triggered:

  def location(self,value:int)->None:      
    previous = self.location 
    self._location = value
    self._on_moved(MovedEventArgs(self.location - previous))

  def _on_moved(self,e:MovedEventArgs)->None:

We can see in the code block above now _on_moved method now requires a MovedEventArgs, as simple events did, this is for security reasons, if we are going to execute _on_moved method because the event happens, that is a way to say "prove it or show the evidence!".

Second difference is when location settter is calling _on_moved method, now it needs to create an instance of MovedEventArgs and to do so, it requires a quantity to be passed to the constructor, this quantity of "how much the person moves" can be calculated with a subtraction of previous and current location.

As summary:

Events with arguments and simple arguments are really similar and there are only some differences:

  • Needs a custom EventArgs class defined.
  • Events with custom EventArgs can accept different subscriber signatures
  • _on_[Event name] method uses the custom EventArgs class and this causes an extra security layer
  • Trigger code now needs to create an instance of the new custom EventArgs and to do so, it needs to provide/calculate the arguments needed by the custom EventArgs constructor
Events with modifiable arguments
from python_sharp import *
from typing import Callable

class LocationChangingEventArgs(CancellableEventArgs):


  def __init__(self,value:int)->None:
    self._value = value

  def value(self)->int:
    return self._value

class Person:
  def __init__(self)->None:
    self._location = 0
    self._location_changing = Delegate()

  def location(self)->int:
    return self._location

  def location(self,value:int)->None:
    locationEventArgs = LocationChangingEventArgs(value)

    if(not locationEventArgs.cancel):
      self._location = value

  def _on_location_changing(self,e:LocationChangingEventArgs)->None:

  def location_changing(self,value:Callable[[object, LocationChangingEventArgs], None])->None:
    self._location_changing += value

  def location_changing(self,value:Callable[[object, LocationChangingEventArgs], None])->None:
    self._location_changing -= value

def person_location_changing(sender:object,e:LocationChangingEventArgs):
  if e.value > 100:
    e.cancel = True

person = Person()
person.location = 50
person.location_changing += person_location_changing
person.location = 150



Events with modifiable arguments are really similar to Events with arguments this explanation will address only the differences, so if you have doubts about the implementation go back to that section.

Events with modifiable arguments are most likely implemented as pre-events this means the event advertise something that is about to happen, and it will let the subscribers provide information (Thorugh a custom EventArgs) to determine the future, like cancelling what was about to happen or modify how it was going to be done.

On this example an event named "location_changing" is implemented to notify when the person's location is about to be changed, this will let the subscribers cancel or modify the future behavior of that action.

Key difference is the way the custom EventArgs is defined:

class CancellableEventArgs(EventArgs): #Defined already on python_sharp module

  def __init__(self)->None:
    self._cancel = False 

  def cancel(self)->bool:
    return self._cancel
  def cancel(self,value:bool)->None:
    self._cancel = value

class LocationChangingEventArgs(CancellableEventArgs):


  def __init__(self,value:int)->None:
    self._value = value

  def value(self)->int:
    return self._value

As you can see our custom EventArgs is LocationChangingEventArgs this class inherits from CancellableEventArgs, an IMPORTANT remark is Inherit from CancellableEventArgs is not necessary to create an Event with modifiable argument. CancellableEventArgs is just a built in custom EventArgs used for Event with modifiable argument, the fact LocationChangingEventArgs inherits from it is just to show case a use of it.

Key factor to know when an event is an Event with modifiable argument is if the EventArgs class class contains a property with a setter.

LocationChangingEventArgs does not contain a property with a setter by itself, but because it inherits from an EventArgs which contains it (CancellableEventArgs), we can consider that LocationChangingEventArgs actually contains a property with a setter.

For this particular example cancel property is set to False by default, when the EventArgs object is passed to the subscribers now they have the ability to change cancel value property:

def person_location_changing(sender:object,e:LocationChangingEventArgs):
  if e.value > 100:
    e.cancel = True

In the code block above is shown how the subscriber uses e.value to determine if e.cancel is going to be set to True, subsequently the publisher can use this value to modify some behavior:

  def location(self,value:int)->None:
    locationEventArgs = LocationChangingEventArgs(value)

    if(not locationEventArgs.cancel):
      self._location = value

Code above shows how the LocationChangingEventArgs is created and stored in locationEventArgs variable in order to keep a reference to the object, once that is done, the LocationChangingEventArgs object is send to _on_location_changing method to execute internal and external logic (external logic will execute all subscribers that might change cancel property value), and at the end of the _on_location_changing execution we can check the locationEventArgs variable to evaluate if the LocationChangingEventArgs object cancel property is True or False, with this value we can alter the code behavior. For this particular example cancel property is being use to determine if the person should change its location or not

Implementation summary

In the Implementation section there were examples about how to implement every single "flavor"/type of event, however the subscribers shown in those examples where a simple function that matches the event signature to keep the examples as understanding as possible.

It is important to remember that:

  • A subscriber can be subscribed to different event signatures
  • you can subscribe any callable to an event: function, method, class with __call__ implemented or even another delegate.
  • When a class contains a callable that is going to be subscribed to an event, and the subscription (+= operator over the event) is going to happen inside of the same class, is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to keep the subscriber protected with "_" at the beginning of the subscriber identifier if the logic contained there is only of the class interest (only the class makes use of that logic).

Static events

Static events are almost the same as the events described previoulsy, they can be implemented as well as "simple events", "with arguments" or "with modifiable arguments", key difference is the event is applied as a class event, no an instance event.

For this section the example provided is a simple static event since it is the simplest way to show the differences, in case you want implement a static event with arguments go back to Events with arguments section and apply it to the class instead of the instance as the example of simple static event shows.

Imagine a class that provides the number of instances that it creates, this variable should be defined as an static variable, due there is no necessity for every single class instance to contain the same exactly number, and even worse, if the number changes it needs to be updated on every single instance created , that is the reason why this variable should be implemented as static variable.

Now imagine we want to notify when an instance is created, in other words when the static variable changes its value, as this event is going to notify something is going on with a static variable, we need a static event:

from python_sharp import *

class Person:
  _instance_created:int = 0
  _person_created:Delegate = Delegate()

  def __init__(self)->None:

  def get_instance_created()->int:
    return Person._instance_created
  def _set_instance_created(value:int)->None:
    Person._instance_created = value

  def _on_person_created(e:EventArgs)->None:
    Person._set_instance_created(Person.get_instance_created() + 1)
  def person_created(value:Callable[[object, EventArgs], None])->None:
    Person._person_created += value

  def person_created(value:Callable[[object, EventArgs], None])->None:
    Person._person_created -= value

def person_created(sender:object,e:EventArgs)->None:
  print("There are %d persons created" % Person.get_instance_created())

person_1 = Person()
person_2 = Person()

Person.person_created += person_created

person_3 = Person()


There are 3 persons created

As you can see a simple event implementation is almost identical to simple static event

Key differences:

  • All members used (variable, methods and event) are static (use of @staticevent instead of @event)
  • Get/Set methods to encapsulate the static variable are implemented as static methods due to the lack of static properties implementation in Python

And that is it, those are all differences, so if you have questions about how this code works, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED go back to Events section or raise a question on the issues section of this repository.


python# (python sharp) is a module created to add EOP (event oriented programing) into python in the most native feeling, easy sintax way possible. Based on C# event implementation structure








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