This project reached to a point when I cannot maintain it alone. I'm happy to see that some people already submitted some pull requests (PR) so everyone can benefit their changes. In general, I'm happy to merge PRs, but I recommend filling a ticket and ask first if it is OK.
- Download the source files
- install dependencies
npm install
- Build client
npm run run-dev
- This will build the client with english localization and will keep building if you change the source files.
- Note: This process does not exit, so you need another terminal to run the next step.
- Build the backend
npm run build-backend
- This runs
that transpiles.ts
files to.js
so node can run them.- To rebuild on change run
tsc -w
- To rebuild on change run
- Note: you can skip this test if you use and IDE that supports typescript (e.g.: webstorm, vscode)
- This runs
- Run the server
npm start
|-- benchmark --A benchmark tool to test the speed of the app (not needed for development)
|-- demo -- contains some sample photo for (not needed for development)
|-- docker -- contains all docker and docker realted configurations (this is the recommended way for app deplyoment)
|-- docs -- webpage for
|-- src -- contains the rource files <-------- This is what you need
|-- test -- contains the unit and integration tets <----- be nice and write tests to your feature
Source structure:
|-- src -- contains the rource files <-------- This is what you need
|-- backend -- nodejs backend code
|-- common -- shared files (mostly DTOs) between the frontend and the backend
|-- frontend -- angular based frontend
Backend structure:
|-- src -- contains the rource files <-------- This is what you need
|-- backend -- nodejs backend code
|-- middlewares -- contains the middlewares. These make minimal input validation and transforamtion
|-- model -- contains the business logic
|-- database -- these return with the gallery related data
|-- interfaces -- common, database independent inerfaces
|-- memory -- business logic for memory "database"
|-- sql -- business logic for sql database
|-- diagnostics -- contains the checks for the startup diagnostics (checks if all the settings are valid, all packeges are avaiale, image folder exists, etc.)
|-- fileprocessing -- photo and video converting code
|-- jobs -- code about job scheduling (crontab like feature)
|-- threading -- code that runs on a separate threading
|-- DiskManagerWorker.ts -- scans a direcory
|-- Metadataloader.ts -- parses a photo / video for metadata
|-- *Worker.ts -- queues and helper classes to convert video / photo, parse a directory
|-- routers -- contains the declarations of the HTTP Api endpoints
|-- index.ts -- here starts the Server up (callst server.ts)
|-- server.ts -- this is HTTP server startup code
|-- ProjectPath.ts -- singleton, contains the project related paths
Scenario: Web UI wants to show the /demoDir
directory, usind SQL database with low reindexing severity.
Client side:
- Navigating to
- URL changed: [gallery.component.ts]:
triggered - Calling: [gallery.component.ts]:
- Loding data from local_storage: [gallery.service.ts]:
- Make a call to backend if the content changed [gallery.service.ts]:
networkService.getJson<ContentWrapperWithError>('/gallery/content/' + '/testDir', params)
- params contains last modification and last scanned date that is know from the local_storage cache
Server side:
Requests hits the server in [GalleryRouter.ts]:
protected static addDirectoryList(app: Express)
: -
Authenticating user: [AuthenticationMWs.ts]:
- On fail return with error
path parameter (in this case/testDir
): [AuthenticationMWs.ts]:AuthenticationMWs.normalizePathParam('directory')
- Makes sure that path does not go out of the allowed paths (gallery itself)
Cheking if the path exists and the User has rights to access it: [AuthenticationMWs.ts]:
AuthenticationMWs.authorisePath('directory', true)
- returns 403 if not accessable
Injecting gallery version to the HTTP header: [VersionMWs.ts]:
- gallery version is a hash that represents the current gallery status (latest modified date, number of photos/videos, etc)
Getting the content of
[GalleryMWs]: GalleryMWs.listDirectory- If the last modificatoin and scan date of
equals with what the client have sent, returning empty result to the client (skipping the rest) - If last modification date is different from what the client knew, reindexing
- Scans a directory, asyncronously saves it to DB, while directly retourns with raw results from
- Scans a directory, asyncronously saves it to DB, while directly retourns with raw results from
- If Last scan heppened a while ago, reindex it asyncronously and return data from DB
- If the last modificatoin and scan date of
Attaching Thumbnails data to the photos/videos: [ThumbnailGeneratorMWs]:
- Checks if a photo already has a generated thumbnail image
Removes empty properties and circular dependencies: [GalleryMWs.ts]:
Rending http body and ending HTTP call: [RenderingMWs.ts]:
Client side:
- Setting
BehaviorSubject (rxjs) with theContentWrapperWithError
from the server. - Rendering gallery: UI is data binded to the
You can run tests in various ways. If you use VS Code, the built-in test explorer is a good way to visualize and run the tests. You can also run tests from the command line.
Run all tests:
npx mocha
Run all tests in parallel and report with very verbose output (to debug tests that don't run):
npx mocha --reporter spec --parallel
Run a specific test (here the SettingsRouter in the backend):
npx mocha ./test/backend/integration/routers/admin/SettingsRouter.js
The MySQL / MariaDB tests needs a separate database to be running during the test. If you have docker, you can start one with the required test-settings, using the command below:
docker run --name pigallery_test -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_DATABASE=pigallery_test -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password -p3306:3306 -d mariadb:10.3 --log-bin --binlog-format=MIXED
Start this betfore running the tests in text explorer or the command line, if you want to include the MySQL tests.
Once you're finished with the testing, you can shut down the container again:
docker stop pigallery_test
or you can shut it down AND remove it:
docker stop pigallery_test && docker rm pigallery_test