All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Process more than 500 SonarQube projects by marceloavilaoliveira. Pull Request: PR1
- Upgrade Github Actions configuration.
- The metrics are obtained from the list of metrics that the SonarQube has internally.
- Deprecated metrics are removed.
- Metrics without description are removed, since when the output is generated for Prometheus the process fails as it does not take into account that the description can be empty
- Metrics of numeric type return their value directly.
- Metrics of type LEVEL return 0 as a result and with a label called level, the value of the level of the metric.
- The STRING type metrics return a 0 as a result and with a label called value, the value of the metric.
- Added docker composition file to be able to test plugin.
- Added configuration files for the correct operation of Prometheus and Grafana.
- Moved the example dashboard within the Grafana folders, to be able to see how it works.
- Added a test.
- Added Jacoco for code coverage.
- Moved to the images folder, to be better organized files.
- Updated Grafana images.
- Changed TravisCI for Github Workflows