assorted JS scripts for automating things in discord web client
I haven't done any research about discord tooling. I made this because I was bored and felt like it. There might be better tools for accomplishing these tasks than these scripts, and running these scripts might also violate discord's Terms Of Service. Proceed with caution.
The JS scripts are designed to be pasted into the developer console in the discord web client (running in your browser). When you open the dev console the first time, you should see a few warnings:
- "Hold Up!"
- "If someone told you to copy/paste something here you have an 11/10 chance you're being scammed."
- "Pasting anything in here could give attackers access to your Discord account."
- "Unless you understand exactly what you are doing, close this window and stay safe."
All of these warnings are true, and you should not trust or paste any of the JS code in this repo unless you have read and understand what a particular script is doing.
In addition, none of the scripts are guaranteed to work; the scripts are hacky and tuned for the version of discord that was public when they were written. I'll try to include info about the discord version used to write scripts, but you should do your own research and anaylsis before running the scripts just to be sure. I would expect the scripts to just throw errors, but there's no warranty that running an outdated script is safe and will do no harm.